257 research outputs found


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    Effecten herverdeling soms fors

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    De vleeskalversector en zetmeelaardappelboeren zijn het meest gevoelig voor de voorgestelde veranderingen in het systeem van toeslagen van het GLB. Ze lopen het risico tienduizenden euro’s per bedrijf per jaar minder te ontvangen, een ongekende achteruitgang

    Binnen EU blijft herverdeling beperkt

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    Als de laatste voorstellen van de Europese Commissie voor het Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid (GLB) worden uitgevoerd, gaan de oude lidstaten, waaronder Nederland, minder landbouwsubsidie ontvangen en de nieuwe lidstaten iets meer. Maar de herverdeling blijft beperkt

    Fair trade in tropical crops is possible; international commodity agreements revisited

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    In spite of the growing rhetoric on international trade liberalisation that we hear today, developed countries continue to support their agriculture using methods that are harmful to farmers in developing countries. In WTO discussions, `non-trade distortionary` payments are used as a pretext for continuing to displace imports and for exporting products below their own cost of production. Meanwhile, world markets for tropical crops that were actually liberalised have seen a deeper and more protracted price fall than in the 1930s. This has led to poverty and land degradation, and is the major cause of the debt crisis that has many developing countries in a stranglehold. Voices are now being raised calling for new arrangements aimed at improving the prices of tropical export crops. Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda have placed the issue on the WTO agenda (WTO/CTD 2003). However, many western economists and policy-makers resist such new interventions, claiming that it will reduce welfare and encourage rent seeking. Moreover, in their view, the collapse of international commodity agreements in the 1980s proved that price-raising controls are doomed to failure. In this paper, we address three questions: - Are supportive arrangements for tropical export crops desirable? - Why did international commodity agreements collapse? - Are sustainable arrangements possible? We find that some system of managed trade is needed. We argue that the failure of past agreements were the result of political rather than economic causes. Moreover, we believe that regulations can be made self-financing and resistant to free rider problems, and we put forward a proposal to this effect. Finally, we also discuss how developing countries may overcome the resistance that is met from governments of developed countries

    CROSS-COMPLIANCE Facilitating the CAP reform: Compliance and competitiveness of European agriculture Specific Targeted Research or Innovation Project (STREP) Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area : Deliverable reference number and title of deliverable: D6 Overview of certification schemes in 7 EU countries and 3 non-EU countries: Netherlands

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    This report discusses the role of a selected number (17) of the most important voluntary standards used in Dutch agriculture. Firstly, a description of the main institutional characteristics and peculiarities of standards is given. Issues dealt with are the certificate holder, the system of accreditation, the role of certification and inspection bodies, etc. Separate attention is given to the (potential) interaction of standards with respect to the requirements (SMRs and GAECs) as included in the cross-compliance package. Secondly, a more detailed description of the standards is provided. Particular attention is paid to the issues which are also relevant from the viewpoint of the SMRs and GAECs. Besides requirements also some indicative statements are made about the degree of farmer participation. Thirdly, the distinguished voluntary certification schemes are explicitly compared with the SMRs and the GAECs included in cross-compliance. This is done and discussed in a theme-wise wa

    Natuur en landschap van rijk naar provincies: verkenning van het Investeringsbudget Landelijk Gebied

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    Met dit onderzoek wil het LEI meer inzicht krijgen in het functioneren van het ILG. Daartoe zijn in totaal 33 respondenten binnen de provincie bereid gevonden tot het invullen van een enquête. Natuur is volgens de respondenten het belangrijkste onderdeel van ILG, gevolgd door landbouw, landschap en water. Nemen we de budgetten als maat, dan is de volgorde: natuur, recreatie, landbouw, landschap, bodem en tot slot wate

    CROSS-COMPLIANCE Facilitating the CAP reform: Compliance and competitiveness of European agriculture Specific Targeted Research or Innovation Project (STREP) Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area : Deliverable 13 : Product-based assessments to link compliance to standards at farm level to competitiveness

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    This report summarizes the main results from the Cross-Compliance project The core aim of this EU funded research project is to analyse the external competitiveness impact arising from an improvement in the level of compliance with mandatory standard

    CROSS-COMPLIANCE Facilitating the CAP reform: Compliance and competitiveness of European agriculture Specific Targeted Research or Innovation Project (STREP) Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area Deliverable 5: Mandatory standards in 7 EU countries and 3 non-EU countries Country Report Netherlands

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    This report provides an overview of the implementation of all the SMRs and GAECs included in the cross-compliance package into national Dutch law. It also tries to give a brief background about national agricultural and policy context, which contributes to understand the peculiarities of the Dutch situation. Two important other issues discussed. First the degree of compliance and the costs of compliance. The second SMR which farmers ranked to be most difficult to satisfy was the identification and registration requiremen

    Verkenning beleidsopties met betrekking tot het subsidiabel maken van grond in het kader van het GLB: hectarebetalingen en dierpremies op landbouw- en natuurgronden

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    voorgestelde omslag van betalingen per bedrijf (bedrijfstoeslag) naar De voorgestelde EU beleid - omslag van betalingen per bedrijf (bedrijfstoeslag) naar betalingen per hectare (flat rate) betekent een ingrijpende verandering voor de Nederlandse landbouw. Eén aspect daarvan is helder te krijgen welke gronden straks nog wel of juist niet in aanmerking moeten komen voor het ontvangen van ondersteuning vanuit de Eerste Pijler. Dit betreft met name de schapen- en zoogkoeienhouderij op gronden met een natuurfunctie. In de studie zijn twee opties voor ondersteuning van deze sectoren in kwetsbare gebieden onderzocht: een regionaal systeem met aangepaste betalingen per ha grond met natuurfunctie en een systeem met gekoppelde dierpremies

    Farmer groups as a device to ensure the provision of agri-environmental services in the Netherlands: a procurement perspective

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    In 2016 the Dutch government decided to fully switch to a farmer collectives agri-environmental service provision system. The focus is therewith on creating good habitat conditions for rare species (territorial based) instead of commitments on farm level. The paper describes and analyses the organisational framework and links it to the Dutch tradition of environmental cooperatives. Issues of collective action, transaction costs, information problems, effectiveness, accountability, and procurement efficiency are analysed in a qualitative way. It is concluded that the Dutch model is promising, although not without risks