9,005 research outputs found

    The design and development of a constant-speed solar array drive

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    The design and development of a constant-speed solar array drive system for use in high power communications satellites is described. The relationship between continuity of motion in the solar array drive and spacecraft attitude disturbance is investigated. The selection of the system design based on the design requirements including spacecraft disturbance is discussed. The system comprises two main parts: the drive mechanism including small angle stepper motor and reduction gearing and the control electronics including ministepping drive circuits, such that a very small output step size is achieved. Factors contributing to discontinuities in motion are identified and discussed. Test methods for measurement of very small amplitudes of discontinuity at low rotational rates are described to assist in the testing of similar mechanisms

    Feeding selectivity of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Loch Ness, Scotland

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    The aim of this study was to compare statistically the zooplankton assemblage ingested by brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Loch Ness with that of the zooplankton in the water column. This would allow the examination of the apparent paradox that very few copepods appear to be consumed by trout at a time of year when they are numerous and readily available as food. The investigation was limited to the crustacean zooplankters, since the Rotifera are generally so small that they are only of interest to fish in the first few days of life. 25 trout were obtained from anglers, and the stomach contents of non-"ferox" animals analysed. Samples of pelagic zooplankton were obtained approximately monthly from 30-m vertical net-hauls (mesh size 100 km). It is concluded that the variation in dietary composition with trout wet weight indicates an ontogenetic habitat shift producing spatial separation of young and older individuals

    Dispersal and establishment both limit colonization during primary succession on a glacier foreland

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    Plant colonization can be limited by lack of seeds or by factors that reduce establishment. The role of seed limitation in community assembly is being increasingly recognized, but in early primary succession, establishment failure is still considered more important. We studied the factors limiting colonization on the foreland of Coleman Glacier, Washington, USA to determine the importance of seed and establishment limitation during primary succession. We also evaluated the effects of seed predation, drought and existing vegetation on establishment. We planted seeds of seven species into plots of four different ages and found evidence that both seed and establishment limitation are strong in early succession. We also found that seed and establishment limitation both remained high in later stages of succession. Seed predation reduced establishment for most species and some evidence suggested that drought and existing vegetation also limit establishment. Because both dispersal and establishment failure restrict colonization in recently exposed habitat, late-seral forest species may have a difficult time migrating upward in response to global climate change

    Quantitative Depth Profiling of Layered Samples Using Phase-Modulation FT-IR Photoacoustic Spectroscopy

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    In phase-modulation FT-IR spectroscopy, all wavelengths in a spectrum are modulated at the same frequency and in phase. This factor makes the use of photoacoustic phase data for depth profiling samples much easier in phase modulation than in rapid scan. A method to quantitatively measure layer thickness by using the phase of a substrate spectrum peak is demonstrated with a series of samples consisting of thin polymer films on substrates. Additions to the basic method are demonstrated that extend its application to cases where the substrate peak is overlapped by a spectrum peak of the surface film. A linear relationship between phase angle and layer thickness extending to thicknesses greater than twice the thermal diffusion length is demonstrated. Representations of phase modulation data as a family of angle-specific spectra, as magnitude vs. phase curves, and as a power spectrum and phase spectrum pair, each of which is useful for different aspects of depth profiling, are discussed. Calculating these representations from a single pair of orthogonal interferograms is described

    Analysis of Writing Inks on Paper Using Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry

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    Ink analysis is central to questioned document examination. We applied direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry (DART MS) to ballpoint, gel, and fluid writing ink analysis. DART MS acquires the mass spectrum of an ink while it is still on a document without altering the appearance of the document. Spectra were acquired from ink on a variety of papers, and the spectrum of the blank paper could be subtracted out to produce a cleanly isolated ink spectrum in most cases. Only certain heavy or heavily processed papers interfered. The time since an ink is written on paper has a large effect on its spectrum. DART spectra change radically during the first few months after an ink is written as the more volatile components evaporate, but the spectra stabilize after that. A library-search study involving 166 well-aged inks assessed the ability to identify inks from their DART spectra. The aggregate success rate was 92%

    Quantitative Depth Profiling Using Saturation-Equalized Photoacoustic Spectra

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    Depth profiling using photoacoustic spectra taken at multiple scanning speeds or modulation frequencies is normally impaired by the increase in spectral saturation that occurs with decreasing speed or frequency. Photothermal depth profiling in general is also impeded by the ill conditioned nature of the mathematical problem of determining a depth profile from photothermal data. This paper describes a method for reducing the saturation level in low-speed or low-frequency spectra to the level at high speed or frequency so that all spectra have the same saturation. The conversion method requires only magnitude spectra, so it is applicable to both conventional and phase-modulation photoacoustic spectra. This paper also demonstrates a method for quantitative depth profiling with these converted spectra that makes use of prior knowledge about the type of profile existing in a sample to reduce the instabilities associated with the mathematically ill conditioned task

    Apparatus and method for transient thermal infrared spectrometry

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    A method and apparatus for enabling analysis of a material (16, 42) by applying a cooling medium (20, 54) to cool a thin surface layer portion of the material and to transiently generate a temperature differential between the thin surface layer portion and the lower portion of the material sufficient to alter the thermal infrared emission spectrum of the material from the black-body thermal infrared emission spectrum of the material. The altered thermal infrared emission spectrum of the material is detected by a spectrometer/detector (28, 50) while the altered thermal infrared emission spectrum is sufficiently free of self-absorption by the material of the emitted infrared radiation. The detection is effected prior to the temperature differential propagating into the lower portion of the material to an extent such that the altered thermal infrared emission spectrum is no longer sufficiently free of self-absorption by the material of emitted infrared radiation, so that the detected altered thermal infrared emission spectrum is indicative of the characteristics relating to the molecular composition of the material

    Apparatus and method for transient thermal infrared spectrometry of flowable enclosed materials

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    A method and apparatus for enabling analysis of a flowable material enclosed in a transport system having an infrared transparent wall portion. A temperature differential is transiently generated between a thin surface layer portion of the material and a lower or deeper portion of the material sufficient to alter the thermal infrared emission spectrum of the material from the black-body thermal infrared emission spectrum of the material, and the altered thermal infrared emission spectrum is detected through the infrared transparent portion of the transport system while the altered thermal infrared emission spectrum is sufficiently free of self-absorption by the material of emitted infrared radiation. The detection is effected prior to the temperature differential propagating into the lower or deeper portion of the material to an extent such that the altered thermal infrared emission spectrum is no longer sufficiently free of self-absorption by the material of emitted infrared radiation. By such detection, the detected altered thermal infrared emission spectrum is indicative of characteristics relating to molecular composition of the material