94 research outputs found

    Polynomial Cunningham Chains

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    Let ϡ∈{βˆ’1,1}\epsilon\in \{-1,1\}. A sequence of prime numbers p1,p2,p3,...p_1, p_2, p_3, ..., such that pi=2piβˆ’1+Ο΅p_i=2p_{i-1}+\epsilon for all ii, is called a {\it Cunningham chain} of the first or second kind, depending on whether Ο΅=1\epsilon =1 or -1 respectively. If kk is the smallest positive integer such that 2pk+Ο΅2p_k+\epsilon is composite, then we say the chain has length kk. Although such chains are necessarily finite, it is conjectured that for every positive integer kk, there are infinitely many Cunningham chains of length kk. A sequence of polynomials f1(x),f2(x),...f_1(x), f_2(x), ..., such that fi(x)∈Z[x]f_i(x)\in \Z[x], f1(x)f_1(x) has positive leading coefficient, fi(x)f_i(x) is irreducible in \Q[x], and fi(x)=xfiβˆ’1(x)+Ο΅f_i(x)=xf_{i-1}(x)+\epsilon for all ii, is defined to be a {\it polynomial Cunningham chain} of the first or second kind, depending on whether Ο΅=1\epsilon =1 or -1 respectively. If kk is the least positive integer such that fk+1(x)f_{k+1}(x) is reducible over \Q, then we say the chain has length kk. In this article, for chains of each kind, we explicitly give infinitely many polynomials f1(x)f_1(x), such that fk+1(x)f_{k+1}(x) is the only term in the sequence {fi(x)}i=1∞\{f_i(x)\}_{i=1}^{\infty} that is reducible. As a first corollary, we deduce that there exist infinitely many polynomial Cunningham chains of length kk of both kinds, and as a second corollary, we have that, unlike the situation in the integers, there exist infinitely many polynomial Cunningham chains of infinite length of both kinds

    Multiplicative Bases for the Centres of the Group Algebra and Iwahori-Hecke Algebra of the Symmetric Group

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    Let \H_n be the Iwahori-Hecke algebra of the symmetric group SnS_n, and let Z(\H_n) denote its centre. Let B=b1,b2,...,btB={b_1,b_2,...,b_t} be a basis for Z(\H_n) over R=Z[q,qβˆ’1]R=\Z[q,q^{-1}]. Then BB is called \emph{multiplicative} if, for every ii and jj, there exists kk such that bibj=bkb_ib_j= b_k. In this article we prove that there are no multiplicative bases for Z(ZSn)Z(\Z S_n) and Z(\H_n) when nβ‰₯3n\ge 3. In addition, we prove that there exist exactly two multiplicative bases for Z(ZS2)Z(\Z S_2) and none for Z(\H_2).Comment: 6 pages. To appear in Proceedings of the Southeastern Lie Theory Workshop Series, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematic

    On bases of centres of Iwahori-Hecke algebras of the symmetric group

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    Using norms, the second author constructed a basis for the centre of the Hecke algebra of the symmetric group over \Q[\xi] in 1990. An integral "minimal" basis was later given by the first author in 1999, following work of Geck and Rouquier. In principle one can then write elements of the norm basis as integral linear combinations of minimal basis elements. In this paper we find an explicit non-recursive expression for the coefficients appearing in these linear combinations. These coefficients are expressed in terms of readily computable numbers involving orders of symmetric groups and conjugacy classes. In the process of establishing this main theorem, we prove the following items of independent interest: a result on the projection of the norms onto parabolic subalgebras, the existence of an inner product on the Hecke algebra with some interesting properties, and the existence of a partial ordering on the norms.Comment: 29 pages. To appear J. Algebra. Original version January 200

    Maximal Denumerant of a Numerical Semigroup With Embedding Dimension Less Than Four

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    Given a numerical semigroup S=S = and s∈Ss\in S, we consider the factorization s=c1a1+c2a2+...+ctats = c_1 a_1 + c_2 a_2 +... + c_t a_t where ciβ‰₯0c_i\ge0. Such a factorization is {\em maximal} if c1+c2+...+ctc_1+c_2+...+c_t is a maximum over all such factorizations of ss. We show that the number of maximal factorizations, varying over the elements in SS, is always bounded. Thus, we define \dx(S) to be the maximum number of maximal factorizations of elements in SS. We study maximal factorizations in depth when SS has embedding dimension less than four, and establish formulas for \dx(S) in this case.Comment: Main results are unchanged, but proofs and exposition have been improved. Some details have been changed considerably including the titl

    A Connection Between the Monogenicity of Certain Power-Compositional Trinomials and kk-Wall-Sun-Sun Primes

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    We say that a monic polynomial f(x)∈Z[x]f(x)\in {\mathbb Z}[x] of degree NN is monogenic if f(x)f(x) is irreducible over Q{\mathbb Q} and {1,ΞΈ,ΞΈ2,…,ΞΈNβˆ’1}\{1,\theta,\theta^2,\ldots, \theta^{N-1}\} is a basis for the ring of integers of Q(ΞΈ){\mathbb Q}(\theta), where f(ΞΈ)=0f(\theta)=0. Let kk be a positive integer, and let Un:=Un(k,βˆ’1)U_n:=U_n(k,-1) be the Lucas sequence {Un}nβ‰₯0\{U_n\}_{n\ge 0} of the first kind defined by U_0=0,\quad U_1=1\quad \mbox{and} \quad U_n=kU_{n-1}+U_{n-2} \quad \mbox{ for $n\ge 2$}. A kk-Wall-Sun-Sun prime is a prime pp such that UΟ€k(p)≑0(modp2),U_{\pi_k(p)}\equiv 0 \pmod{p^2}, where Ο€k(p)\pi_k(p) is the length of the period of {Un}nβ‰₯0\{U_n\}_{n\ge 0} modulo pp. Let D=k2+4{\mathcal D}=k^2+4 if k≑1(mod2)k\equiv 1 \pmod{2}, and D=(k/2)2+1{\mathcal D}=(k/2)^2+1 if k≑0(mod2)k\equiv 0 \pmod{2}. Suppose that k≑̸0(mod4)k\not \equiv 0 \pmod{4} and D{\mathcal D} is squarefree, and let hh denote the class number of Q(D){\mathbb Q}(\sqrt{{\mathcal D}}). Let sβ‰₯1s\ge 1 be an integer such that, for every odd prime divisor pp of ss, D{\mathcal D} is not a square modulo pp and gcd⁑(p,hD)=1\gcd(p,h{\mathcal D})=1. In this article, we prove that x2snβˆ’kxsnβˆ’1x^{2s^n}-kx^{s^n}-1 is monogenic for all integers nβ‰₯1n\ge 1 if and only if no prime divisor of ss is a kk-Wall-Sun-Sun prime

    Characteristic Polynomials of Simple Ordinary Abelian Varieties over Finite Fields

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    We provide an easy method for the construction of characteristic polynomials of simple ordinary abelian varieties A{\mathcal A} of dimension gg over a finite field Fq{\mathbb F}_q, when qβ‰₯4q\ge 4 and 2g=ρbβˆ’1(Οβˆ’1)2g=\rho^{b-1}(\rho-1) for some prime ρβ‰₯5\rho\ge 5, with bβ‰₯1b\ge 1. Moreover, we show that A{\mathcal A} is absolutely simple if b=1b=1 and ρ=5\rho=5, but A{\mathcal A} is not absolutely simple for arbitrary ρ\rho with b>1b>1
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