1,782 research outputs found

    Religion and trust: an experimental study

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    We investigate the relationship between religion and trust. Using a questionnaire, we measure: i) general religiosity, and; ii) the extent of religious beliefs, experience, and ritual. These are then analyzed with behaviour in a trust game (Berg et al., Games and Economic Behaviour, 1995), which we also extend by proving information of a potential trustee's religiosity in certain tasks. We find that trusting increases with the potential trustee's religiosity. The extent to which trusting increases with a trustee's religiosity, in turn, increases with a truster's religiosity. Trustworthiness also increases with religiosity, and at an increasing rate. --Religiosity,Trust,Stereotype,Questionnaire,Experiment

    Generating single-mode behavior in fiber-coupled optical cavities

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    We propose to turn two resonant distant cavities effectively into one by coupling them via an optical fiber which is coated with two-level atoms [Franson et al., Phys. Rev. A 70, 062302 (2004)]. The purpose of the atoms is to destructively measure the evanescent electric field of the fiber on a time scale which is long compared to the time it takes a photon to travel from one cavity to the other. Moreover, the boundary conditions imposed by the setup should support a small range of standing waves inside the fiber, including one at the frequency of the cavities. In this way, the fiber provides an additional decay channel for one common cavity field mode but not for the other. If the corresponding decay rate is sufficiently large, this mode decouples effectively from the system dynamics. A single non-local resonator mode is created.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, final version, accepted for publicatio

    Spatial Price Discrimination with Heterogeneous Firms

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    In this paper we present and solve a three-stage game of entry, location, and pricing in a spatial price discrimination framework with arbitrarily many heterogeneous firms. We provide a unique characterization of all equilibria without imposing restrictions on the distribution of marginal costs.

    The Hunt for No Neutrinos

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    Four experiments have demonstrated new levels of sensitivity to neutrinoless double-beta decay, a process whose existence would prove that neutrinos are their own antiparticles

    Anatomy of nuclear matrix elements for neutrinoless double-beta decay

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    We show that, within the Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation (QRPA) and the renormalized QRPA (RQRPA) based on the Bonn CD nucleon-nucleon interaction, the competition between the pairing and the neutron-proton particle-particle and particle-hole interactions causes contributions to the neutrinoless double-beta decay matrix element to nearly vanish at internucleon distances of more than 2 or 3 fermis. As a result, the matrix element is more sensitive to short-range/high-momentum physics than one naively expects. We analyze various ways of treating that physics and quantify the uncertainty it produces in the matrix elements, with three different treatments of short-range correlations.Comment: Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Matching and Inequality in the World Economy

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    This paper develops tools and techniques to study the impact of exogenous changes in factor supply and factor demand on factor allocation and factor prices in economies with a large number of goods and factors. The main results of our paper characterize sufficient conditions for robust monotone comparative statics predictions in a Roy-like assignment model. These general results are then used to generate new insights about the consequences of globalization.

    Globalization, Technology, and the Skill Premium: A Quantitative Analysis

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    We construct a model of international trade and multinational production (MP) to examine the impact of globalization on the skill premium in skill-abundant and skill-scarce countries. The key mechanisms in our framework arise from the interaction between three elements: cross-country differences in factor endowments and sectoral productivities, technological heterogeneity across producers within sectors, and skill-biased technology. Reductions in trade and/or MP costs induce a reallocation of resources towards a country's comparative advantage sector (increasing the skill premium in skill-abundant countries and reducing it in skill-scarce countries) and within sectors towards more productive and skill-intensive producers (increasing the skill premium in all countries). We parameterize the model to match salient features of the extent and composition of trade and MP between the U.S. and skill-abundant and skill-scarce countries in 2006. We show that a reduction in trade and MP costs, moving from autarky to 2006 levels of trade and MP, increases the skill premium by roughly 5% in skill-abundant and skill-scarce countries. We also show that the growth in US trade and MP between 1966 and 2006 accounts for 1/9th of the 24% rise in the US skill premium over this period. MP is at least as important as international trade in generating this rise in the skill premium.

    Factor Prices and International Trade: A Unifying Perspective

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    How do trade liberalizations affect relative factor prices and to what extent do they cause factors to reallocate across sectors? We first present a general framework that nests a wide range of models that have been used to study the link between globalization and factor prices. Under some restrictions, changes in the "factor content of trade" are sufficient statistics for the impact of trade on relative factor prices. We then study the determination of the factor content of trade in a specific version of our general framework featuring imperfect competition, increasing returns to scale, and heterogeneous producers. We show how heterogeneous firms' decisions shape the factor content of trade, and, therefore, the impact of trade liberalization on relative factor prices and between-sector factor allocation.
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