11 research outputs found

    Awareness, Knowledge and Perceptions of Biosimilars among Specialty Physicians

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    <p><b>Article full text</b></p> <p><br></p> <p>The full text of this article can be found <a href="https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12325-016-0431-5"><b>here</b>.</a> </p> <p><br></p> <p><b>Provide enhanced content for this article</b></p> <p><br></p> <p>If you are an author of this publication and would like to provide additional enhanced content for your article then please contact <a href="http://www.medengine.com/Redeem/”mailto:[email protected]”"><b>[email protected]</b></a>.</p> <p> </p> <p>The journal offers a range of additional features designed to increase visibility and readership. All features will be thoroughly peer reviewed to ensure the content is of the highest scientific standard and all features are marked as ‘peer reviewed’ to ensure readers are aware that the content has been reviewed to the same level as the articles they are being presented alongside. Moreover, all sponsorship and disclosure information is included to provide complete transparency and adherence to good publication practices. This ensures that however the content is reached the reader has a full understanding of its origin. No fees are charged for hosting additional open access content.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Other enhanced features include, but are not limited to:</p> <p><br></p> <p>• Slide decks</p> <p>• Videos and animations</p> <p>• Audio abstracts</p> <p>• Audio slides</p

    Description and UDS results for virologic failure samples.

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    <p><b>a:</b> Virologic failure samples for UDS. UDS: Ultra Deep Sequencing; VF: Virologic Failure. 78 subjects had virologic failure at week 48 and/or 96. *21 samples were either exhausted or could not be located. 57 patients with virologic failure without PI resistance had samples for UDS. 21 patients failed with HIV RNA<1,000 copies and UDS could not be performed. 36 unique patients had UDS data. <b>b:</b> UDS results for 36 Virologic Failures. VF: Virologic Failure; PR: Protease; RT: Reverse Transcriptase. UDS: Ultra Deep Sequencing; DRMs: Drug Resistance Mutations. 36 patients without PI resistance mutations at VF by standard genotype were evaluated by UDS. 36 patients with VF had PR evaluated by UDS. 24/36 samples had HIV VL>10,000 c/ml. 9/24 had PI DRMs at low levels. 12/36 samples had HIV VL<10,000 c/ml. 4/12 had PI DRMs at low levels. Only 3/36 patients with VF had PI mutations with HIVdb weight >12 for ATV or LPV. 24/36 patients with HIV VL>10,000 c/ml had RT evaluated by UDS. 18/24 samples had NRTI DRMs.</p

    Virologic outcome at Week 48 and specific TDR at Baseline known to affect NRTI Backbone.

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    <p>Thymidine Analog Mutations (TAMs); Virologic Success at week 48 (VS), Virologic Failure at week 48 (VF). Transmitted Drug Resistance Mutations (TDRs); 9 subjects with M184V/I +/− TAMs and/or +/− K65R at baseline. 16 subjects with >1 TAMs at baseline. 2 subjects with K65R at baseline.</p

    Prevalence of transmitted drug resistance (TDR) mutations by Ultra-deep Sequencing (UDS) and by standard genotyping (SG).

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    <p>N(<b>t</b>)RTI – nucleoside(tide) reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NNRTI – non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, PI – protease inhibitor. 141 subjects with UDS data; 147 subjects with standard genotypic data.</p

    Specific TDR patterns and levels for subjects with a M184V/I and/or K65R +/− TAMs.

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    <p>VF: Virologic Failure VS: Virologic Success NRTI: Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor NNRTI: Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor PI: Protease Inhibitor. TAMs: Thymidine Analogue Mutations. HIV VL: HIV Viral Load. TDRs: Transmitted Drug Resistance Mutations. 6-LPV<sup>#</sup> has both a M184V and a K65R TDR. <b>Bold: M184V, TAMs, Major PI mutations according to HIV Stanford Database.</b></p

    Prevalence of low and high abundance Transmitted Drug Resistance Mutations (TDRs) by antiretroviral drug class.

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    <p>N(<b>t</b>)RTI(s)- nucleoside(tide) reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NNRTI – non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, PI – protease inhibitor. Samples with multiple TDRs present with at least one TDR representing ≥20% of the viral populations were scored as having ≥20% of the viral population (e.g. M184V at 5% and a T215Y at >20% are in the ≥20% column). Only samples where all TDRs were at <20% levels are represented in the <20% column; 21 subjects had at least 1 TDR at high level ≥20%: 6 VFs and 15 VSs. There was no difference between VFs (6/51) and VSs (15/90) regarding the rate of high level (≥20%) TDRs. P-value = 0.47 Fisher's exact test.</p>1<p>Only TDRs occurring at <20% of the viral population.</p>2<p>At least 1 TDR occurring at ≥20% of the viral population.</p

    Transmitted Drug Resistance by ARV Class and Virologic Outcome.

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    <p>Transmitted Drug Resistance by ARV Class and Virologic Outcome: Note: TDRs are not mutually exclusive (i.e. a subject could have a TDR from more than one ARV class). VS: Virologic Success, VF: Virologic Failure N(t)RTI(s)- nucleoside(tide) reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NNRTI – non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, PI – protease inhibitor. Any: Any transmitted drug resistance mutations. Any TDR: p-value = 0.35, NRTI: p-value = 1, NNRTI: p-value = 1, PI: p-value = 0.02.</p

    Primary and secondary time-to-event outcomes for the comparison of atazanavir plus didanosine-EC and emtricitabine to efavirenz plus lamivudine-zidovudine using data collected through 22 May 2008.

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    a<p>Also known as relative risk. Estimated from Cox regression model stratified by both country and RNA stratum and including randomized treatment group as sole covariate.</p>b<p><i>p</i>-Value calculated from stratified log-rank test between arms.</p>c<p>The five most common causes of death were infection (six deaths), liver disease (three deaths), malignancy (two deaths), suicide (two deaths), and unknown cause (two deaths).</p>d<p>Disease progression diagnoses are in <a href="http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.1001290#pmed.1001290.s007" target="_blank">Table S2</a>; grade 3 and 4 laboratory events in <a href="http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.1001290#pmed.1001290.s008" target="_blank">Table S3</a>; and signs and symptoms in <a href="http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.1001290#pmed.1001290.s009" target="_blank">Table S4</a>.</p>e<p>All events meeting these criteria are reported; some participants met criteria for multiple endpoints.</p>f<p>Confirmed plasma HIV RNA≥1,000 copies/ml at study week 16 or later.</p>g<p>Elevated bilirubin concentration not included.</p>h<p>Change in any component of initial randomized antiretroviral regimen.</p>i<p>The following antiretroviral substitutions were prespecified and were not included in this endpoint: TDF for DDI, stavudine or TDF for ZDV, or nevirapine for EFV.</p>j<p>CD4+ lymphocytes <100/µl at week 48 or later.</p

    Primary and secondary time-to-event outcomes for comparison of efavirenz plus emtricitabine-tenofovir-DF to efavirenz plus lamivudine-zidovudine using data collected through 31-May-2010.

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    a<p>Also known as relative risk. Estimated from Cox regression model stratified by both country and RNA stratum and including randomized treatment group as sole covariate.</p>b<p><i>p</i>-Value calculated from stratified log-rank test between arms. Not applicable (NA) because no formal hypothesis testing was performed based on DSMB recommendations.</p>c<p>The five most common causes of death were infection (17 deaths) and unknown cause (five deaths) followed by suicide, trauma, and stroke (three deaths each).</p>d<p>Disease progression diagnoses are in <a href="http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.1001290#pmed.1001290.s012" target="_blank">Table S7</a>; grade 3 and 4 laboratory adverse events in <a href="http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.1001290#pmed.1001290.s013" target="_blank">Table S8</a>; and signs and symptoms in <a href="http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.1001290#pmed.1001290.s014" target="_blank">Table S9</a>.</p>e<p>All events meeting these criteria are reported; some participants met criteria for multiple endpoints.</p>f<p>Confirmed plasma HIV RNA≥1,000 copies/ml at study week 16 or later.</p>g<p>Change in any component of initial randomized antiretroviral regimen.</p>h<p>The following antiretroviral substitutions were prespecified and were not included in this endpoint: stavudine or TDF for ZDV, nevirapine for EFV, or didansoine for TDF.</p>i<p>CD4+ lymphocytes <100/µl at week 48 or later.</p

    Subgroup analysis for primary efficacy and safety endpoints by randomly assigned antiretroviral treatment.

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    <p>Subgroup analyses were conducted for the baseline covariates self-reported sex and race/ethnicity and the countries in which the participating research sites were located. The relative risk and 95% CIs are provided for all participants (overall) and for each subgroup. <i>p</i>-Value represents interaction test between baseline covariate and randomized treatment group. Comparisons between ATV plus DDI and FTC and EFV plus 3TC-ZDV are in red. Comparisons between EFV plus FTC-TDF and EFV plus 3TC-ZDV are in green. (A) Treatment failure (efficacy) composite endpoint. (B) Safety events composite endpoint.</p