10 research outputs found

    A Place to Call Home: What Immigrants Say Now About Life in America

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    Examines immigrants' views on opportunities in the United States, discrimination against immigrants, ties to their countries of origin, U.S. citizenship, and immigration policy. Analyzes variations from 2002 and by country of origin, religion, and age

    With Their Whole Lives Ahead of Them: Myths and Realities About Why So Many Students Fail to Finish College

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    Based on a survey, explores the barriers to graduation college students face, examines common assumptions about college dropouts and realities, and compares the views of those who graduate and those who do not on solutions to help raise graduation rates

    Don't Count Us Out: How An Overreliance On Accountability Could Undermine The Public's Confidence In Schools, Business, Government, and More

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    This report from Public Agenda and the Kettering Foundation presents startling evidence that the public and leaders hold vastly different ideas about what it even means to be accountable. While many leaders believe that transparency and data help build public trust, this small-scale pilot study suggests that many typical Americans are deeply skeptical about the accuracy and importance of quantitative measures. Moreover, most believe that ethics and responsiveness matter as much as or more than rules and benchmarks. Many also argue that accountability is not the job of leaders alone; it is the public's responsibility as well, and that our institutions will not work well until leaders, individual employees, consumers, and voters all behave more responsibly and with more concern about what their actions and decisions mean for others.As the report points out, while accountability strategies may be effective management tools, "they fall short in addressing the public's most potent concerns. At best, they strike much of the public as complicated and perhaps marginally informative. At worst, they risk pushing the public and leaders even further apart." What can leaders do to address this possibly corrosive accountability gap and avoid harmful crosstalk? These findings have a real and pressing significance to both the public and leaders, including philanthropists, educators, government officials, and health professionals

    Collected Data for Article Search Evaluation

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    Complete data collected using a survey tool for our study of user preferences between article search tools, as reported in an article in pre-print, likely to be published in the Code4Lib Journal in Jan 2013, tenatively titled "A Comparison of Article Search API's via blinded experiment

    Confidence in U.S. Foreign Policy Index: Anxious Public Pulling Back from Use of Force

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    Suggests that Americans' anguish over Iraq is spilling over into other areas of foreign policy, and that public disenchantment is leading to increased skepticism about the use of military force and a stronger inclination to diplomatic options

    Compassion, Concern and Conflicted Feelings: New Yorkers on Homelessness and Housing

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    Examines New York City residents' perceptions of homelessness and housing issues. Includes detailed survey results and a breakdown of interview responses according to borough of residence

    Squeeze Play: How Parents and the Public Look at Higher Education Today.

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    Presents findings from surveys, focus groups, and interviews with more than two dozen corporate, media, philanthropic, and legislative leaders to examine how the American public thinks about higher education today

    Walking a Mile: A First Step Toward Mutual Understanding - A Qualitative Study Exploring How Indians and Non-Indians Think About Each Other

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    This study explores the attitudes of American Indians and non-Indians about Indians' heritage, historical roles, relationships and contributions to society, as well as their views about each other.