177 research outputs found

    How do you say watermelon?

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    This paper discusses the relationships between contemporary indigenous games and those played historically on Turtle Island. With Sla’hal as an example, we look for ancestral philosophies informing old games that might be used today in development of new indigenous games of survivance and survivance games. Using indigenous pedagogies of Anishinaabe, Choctaw and Lushootseed speaking peoples, in addition to some of Vizenor’s theories, we modeled the content of this paper with playful formats to encourage readers to think about their own gaming practices. Beginning with story, we offer a bit of history, philosophy, visuals, a podcast transcript, and our system of Indigenous Game Tags to assist your creative understandings

    A Synaptic Basis for Auditory-Vocal Integration in the Songbird

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    Songbirds learn to sing by memorizing a tutor song that they then vocally mimic using auditory feedback. This developmental sequence suggests that brain areas that encode auditory memories communicate with brain areas for learned vocal control. In the songbird, the secondary auditory telencephalic region caudal mesopallium (CM) contains neurons that encode aspects of auditory experience. We investigated whether CM is an important source of auditory input to two sensorimotor structures implicated in singing, the telencephalic song nucleus interface (NIf) and HVC. We used reversible inactivation methods to show that activity in CM is necessary for much of the auditory-evoked activity that can be detected in NIf and HVC of anesthetized adult male zebra finches. Furthermore, extracellular and intracellular recordings along with spike-triggered averaging methods indicate that auditory selectivity for the bird’s own song is enhanced between CM and NIf. We used lentiviral-mediated tracing methods to confirm that CM neurons directly innervate NIf. To our surprise, these tracing studies also revealed a direct projection from CM to HVC. We combined irreversible lesions of NIf with reversible inactivation of CM to establish that CM supplies a direct source of auditory drive to HVC. Finally, using chronic recording methods, we found that CM neurons are active in response to song playback and during singing, indicating their potential importance to song perception and processing of auditory feedback. These results establish the functional synaptic linkage between sites of auditory and vocal learning and may identify an important substrate for learned vocal communication

    Potential neural substrates underlying circadian and olfactory disruptions in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia, with over 45 million patients worldwide, and poses significant economic and emotional burdens to both patients and caregivers, significantly raising the number of those affected. Unfortunately, much of the existing research on the disease only addresses a small subset of associated symptomologies and pathologies. In this review, we propose to target the earliest stages of the disease, when symptomology first arises. In these stages, before the onset of hallmark symptoms of AD such as cognitive impairments and memory loss, circadian and olfactory disruptions arise and are detectable. Functional similarities between circadian and olfactory systems provide a basis upon which to seek out common mechanisms in AD which may target them early on in the disease. Existing studies of interactions between these systems, while intriguing, leave open the question of the neural substrates underlying them. Potential substrates for such interactions are proposed in this review, such as indirect projections that may functionally connect the two systems and dopaminergic signaling. These substrates may have significant implications for mechanisms underlying disruptions to circadian and olfactory function in early stages of AD. In this review, we propose early detection of AD using a combination of circadian and olfactory deficits and subsequent early treatment of these deficits may provide profound benefits to both patients and caregivers. Additionally, we suggest that targeting research toward the intersection of these two systems in AD could uncover mechanisms underlying the broader set of symptoms and pathologies that currently elude researchers

    A Field-Based Approach for Determining ATOFMS Instrument Sensitivities to Ammonium and Nitrate

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    Aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ATOFMS) instruments measure the size and chemical composition of individual particles in real-time. ATOFMS chemical composition measurements are difficult to quantify, largely because the instrument sensitivities to different chemical species in mixed ambient aerosols are unknown. In this paper, we develop a field-based approach for determining ATOFMS instrument sensitivities to ammonium and nitrate in size-segregated atmospheric aerosols, using tandem ATOFMS-impactor sampling. ATOFMS measurements are compared with collocated impactor measurements taken at Riverside, CA, in September 1996, August 1997, and October 1997. This is the first comparison of ion signal intensities from a single-particle instrument with quantitative measurements of atmospheric aerosol chemical composition. The comparison reveals that ATOFMS instrument sensitivities to both NH_4^+ and NO_3^- decline with increasing particle aerodynamic diameter over a 0.32−1.8 μm calibration range. The stability of this particle size dependence is tested over the broad range of fine particle concentrations (PM_(1.8) = 17.6 ± 2.0−127.8 ± 1.8 μg m^(-3)), ambient temperatures (23−35 °C), and relative humidity conditions (21−69%), encountered during the field experiments. This paper describes a potentially generalizable methodology for increasing the temporal and size resolution of atmospheric aerosol chemical composition measurements, using tandem ATOFMS-impactor sampling

    A Field-Based Approach for Determining ATOFMS Instrument Sensitivities to Ammonium and Nitrate

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    Aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ATOFMS) instruments measure the size and chemical composition of individual particles in real-time. ATOFMS chemical composition measurements are difficult to quantify, largely because the instrument sensitivities to different chemical species in mixed ambient aerosols are unknown. In this paper, we develop a field-based approach for determining ATOFMS instrument sensitivities to ammonium and nitrate in size-segregated atmospheric aerosols, using tandem ATOFMS-impactor sampling. ATOFMS measurements are compared with collocated impactor measurements taken at Riverside, CA, in September 1996, August 1997, and October 1997. This is the first comparison of ion signal intensities from a single-particle instrument with quantitative measurements of atmospheric aerosol chemical composition. The comparison reveals that ATOFMS instrument sensitivities to both NH_4^+ and NO_3^- decline with increasing particle aerodynamic diameter over a 0.32−1.8 μm calibration range. The stability of this particle size dependence is tested over the broad range of fine particle concentrations (PM_(1.8) = 17.6 ± 2.0−127.8 ± 1.8 μg m^(-3)), ambient temperatures (23−35 °C), and relative humidity conditions (21−69%), encountered during the field experiments. This paper describes a potentially generalizable methodology for increasing the temporal and size resolution of atmospheric aerosol chemical composition measurements, using tandem ATOFMS-impactor sampling

    Evaluation of an Air Quality Model for the Size and Composition of Source-Oriented Particle Classes

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    Air quality model predictions of the size and composition of atmospheric particle classes are evaluated by comparison with aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ATOFMS) measurements of single-particle size and composition at Long Beach and Riverside, CA, during September 1996. The air quality model tracks the physical diameter, chemical composition, and atmospheric concentration of thousands of representative particles from different emissions classes as they are transported from sources to receptors while undergoing atmospheric chemical reactions. In the model, each representative particle interacts with a common gas phase but otherwise evolves separately from all other particles. The model calculations yield an aerosol population, in which particles of a given size may exhibit different chemical compositions. ATOFMS data are adjusted according to the known particle detection efficiencies of the ATOFMS instruments, and model predictions are modified to simulate the chemical sensitivities and compositional detection limits of the ATOFMS instruments. This permits a direct, semiquantitative comparison between the air quality model predictions and the single-particle ATOFMS measurements to be made. The air quality model accurately predicts the fraction of atmospheric particles containing sodium, ammonium, nitrate, carbon, and mineral dust, across all particle sizes measured by ATOFMS at the Long Beach site, and in the coarse particle size range (D_a ≥ 1.8 μm) at the Riverside site. Given that this model evaluation is very likely the most stringent test of any aerosol air quality model to date, the model predictions show impressive agreement with the single-particle ATOFMS measurements

    Unraveling Twisty Linear Polarization Morphologies in Black Hole Images

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    We investigate general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations (GRMHD) to determine the physical origin of the twisty patterns of linear polarization seen in spatially resolved black hole images and explain their morphological dependence on black hole spin. By characterising the observed emission with a simple analytic ring model, we find that the twisty morphology is determined by the magnetic field structure in the emitting region. Moreover, the dependence of this twisty pattern on spin can be attributed to changes in the magnetic field geometry that occur due to the frame dragging. By studying an analytic ring model, we find that the roles of Doppler boosting and lensing are subdominant. Faraday rotation may cause a systematic shift in the linear polarization pattern, but we find that its impact is subdominant for models with strong magnetic fields and modest ion-to-electron temperature ratios. Models with weaker magnetic fields are much more strongly affected by Faraday rotation and have more complicated emission geometries than can be captured by a ring model. However, these models are currently disfavoured by the recent EHT observations of M87*. Our results suggest that linear polarization maps can provide a probe of the underlying magnetic field structure around a black hole, which may then be usable to indirectly infer black hole spins. The generality of these results should be tested with alternative codes, initial conditions, and plasma physics prescriptions.Comment: 25 pages, 19 figure
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