462 research outputs found

    Moments of zeta and correlations of divisor-sums: III

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    In this series we examine the calculation of the 2k2kth moment and shifted moments of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line using long Dirichlet polynomials and divisor correlations. The present paper is concerned with the precise input of the conjectural formula for the classical shifted convolution problem for divisor sums so as to obtain all of the lower order terms in the asymptotic formula for the mean square along [T,2T][T,2T] of a Dirichlet polynomial of length up to T2T^2 with divisor functions as coefficients

    Resummation and the semiclassical theory of spectral statistics

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    We address the question as to why, in the semiclassical limit, classically chaotic systems generically exhibit universal quantum spectral statistics coincident with those of Random Matrix Theory. To do so, we use a semiclassical resummation formalism that explicitly preserves the unitarity of the quantum time evolution by incorporating duality relations between short and long classical orbits. This allows us to obtain both the non-oscillatory and the oscillatory contributions to spectral correlation functions within a unified framework, thus overcoming a significant problem in previous approaches. In addition, our results extend beyond the universal regime to describe the system-specific approach to the semiclassical limit.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Precision Tests of Parity Violation Over Cosmological Distances

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    Recent measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background BB-mode polarization power spectrum by the BICEP2 and POLARBEAR experiments have demonstrated new precision tools for probing fundamental physics. Regardless of origin, the fact that we can detect sub-μ\muK CMB polarization represents a tremendous technological breakthrough. Yet more information may be latent in the CMB's polarization pattern. Because of its tensorial nature, CMB polarization may also reveal parity-violating physics via a detection of cosmic polarization rotation. Although current CMB polarimeters are sensitive enough to measure one degree-level polarization rotation with >5σ>5\sigma statistical significance, they lack the ability to differentiate this effect from a systematic instrumental polarization rotation. Here, we motivate the search for cosmic polarization rotation from current CMB data as well as independent radio galaxy and quasar polarization measurements. We argue that an improvement in calibration accuracy would allow the precise measurement of parity- and Lorentz-violating effects. We describe the CalSat space-based polarization calibrator that will provide stringent control of systematic polarization angle calibration uncertainties to 0.05∘0.05^\circ -- an order of magnitude improvement over current CMB polarization calibrators. CalSat-based calibration could be used with current CMB polarimeters searching for BB-mode polarization, effectively turning them into probes of cosmic parity violation, i.e. without the need to build dedicated instruments.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Mean Value Theorems for L-functions over Prime Polynomials for the Rational Function Field

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    The first and second moments are established for the family of quadratic Dirichlet LL--functions over the rational function field at the central point s=12s=\tfrac{1}{2} where the character χ\chi is defined by the Legendre symbol for polynomials over finite fields and runs over all monic irreducible polynomials PP of a given odd degree. Asymptotic formulae are derived for fixed finite fields when the degree of PP is large. The first moment obtained here is the function field analogue of a result due to Jutila in the number--field setting. The approach is based on classical analytical methods and relies on the use of the analogue of the approximate functional equation for these LL--functions.Comment: 17 page

    Moments of moments of characteristic polynomials of random unitary matrices and lattice point counts

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    In this note we give a combinatorial and non-computational proof of the asymptotics of the integer moments of the moments of the characteristic polynomials of Haar distributed unitary matrices as the size of the matrix goes to infinity. This is achieved by relating these quantities to a lattice point count problem. Our main result is a new explicit expression for the leading order coefficient in the asymptotic as a volume of a certain region involving continuous Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns with constraints.Comment: Minor improvements throughout. To appear RMT

    The Classical Compact Groups and Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos

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    We consider powers of the absolute value of the characteristic polynomial of Haar distributed random orthogonal or symplectic matrices, as well as powers of the exponential of its argument, as a random measure on the unit circle minus small neighborhoods around ±1\pm 1. We show that for small enough powers and under suitable normalization, as the matrix size goes to infinity, these random measures converge in distribution to a Gaussian multiplicative chaos measure. Our result is analogous to one on unitary matrices previously established by Christian Webb in [31]. We thus complete the connection between the classical compact groups and Gaussian multiplicative chaos. To prove this we establish appropriate asymptotic formulae for Toeplitz and Toeplitz+Hankel determinants with merging singularities. Using a recent formula communicated to us by Claeys et al., we are able to extend our result to the whole of the unit circle.Comment: 63 pages, 7 figue

    Joint moments of higher order derivatives of CUE characteristic polynomials II: Structures, recursive relations, and applications

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    In a companion paper \cite{jon-fei}, we established asymptotic formulae for the joint moments of derivatives of the characteristic polynomials of CUE random matrices. The leading order coefficients of these asymptotic formulae are expressed as partition sums of derivatives of determinants of Hankel matrices involving I-Bessel functions, with column indices shifted by Young diagrams. In this paper, we continue the study of these joint moments and establish more properties for their leading order coefficients, including structure theorems and recursive relations. We also build a connection to a solution of the σ\sigma-Painlev\'{e} III′' equation. In the process, we give recursive formulae for the Taylor coefficients of the Hankel determinants formed from I-Bessel functions that appear and find differential equations that these determinants satisfy. The approach we establish is applicable to determinants of general Hankel matrices whose columns are shifted by Young diagrams.Comment: 49 page

    Joint moments of higher order derivatives of CUE characteristic polynomials I: asymptotic formulae

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    We derive explicit asymptotic formulae for the joint moments of the n1n_1-th and n2n_2-th derivatives of the characteristic polynomials of CUE random matrices for any non-negative integers n1,n2n_1, n_2. These formulae are expressed in terms of determinants whose entries involve modified Bessel functions of the first kind. We also express them in terms of two types of combinatorial sums. Similar results are obtained for the analogue of Hardy's ZZ-function. We use these formulae to formulate general conjectures for the joint moments of the n1n_1-th and n2n_2-th derivatives of the Riemann zeta-function and of Hardy's ZZ-function. Our conjectures are supported by comparison with results obtained previously in the number theory literature.Comment: 29 page
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