8 research outputs found

    Partial dependency plots for variables in BRT model for RichTOL for Ridge and Valley Region.

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    <p>Boosted regression tree partial dependency plots show the response form of average taxa tolerance (y-axis  =  fitted function of RichTOL) based on the effect of individual explanatory variables with the response of all other variables removed (development data set). Shown in order of model importance: (A) percent manmade channels, (B) percent riparian forests, (C) maximum November runoff (mm) and (D) population density (#/km<sup>2</sup>), model R<sup>2</sup> = 0.81. The relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0090944#pone-0090944-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a> for variable definitions. Three of the four variables measure the effects of disturbance, two measure the response to urban land use and the other disturbance in the riparian zone due to either agriculture or urbanization. The fourth variable shows the response due to maximum November runoff.</p

    Interaction of riparian wetlands and average March runoff (mm) on RichTOL for N.E Highlands BRT model.

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    <p>Boosted regression tree partial dependency plot shows the response form of average taxa tolerance (y-axis  =  fitted function of RichTOL) based on the effect of the interaction of two individual explanatory variables along the response variable (all other variable responses removed). There is a relatively large interaction at high values of average March runoff when there are also high values of percent riparian wetland thus resulting in higher values of tolerant taxa (RichTOL) than would be expected. We believe that high values of riparian wetland are acting as a surrogate for high values of percent urban land use.</p

    Partial dependency plots for variables in BRT model for RichTOL for North Central Appalachian Region.

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    <p>Boosted regression tree partial dependency plots show the response form of average taxa tolerance (y-axis  =  fitted function of RichTOL) based on the effect of individual explanatory variables with the response of all other variables removed (development data set). Shown in order of model importance: (A) percent riparian forest, (B) riparian population density (#/km<sup>2</sup>), (C) percent riparian agriculture and (D) population density (#/km<sup>2</sup>). The relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0090944#pone-0090944-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a> for variable definitions. Three of the four variables can be interpreted as disturbance variables, two directly assessing urban land use (population density) and the third, riparian forest, which measures the amount of disturbance in the riparian zone was the top variable modeled. However, this region had the shortest disturbance gradient and the lowest modeled R<sup>2</sup> (0.67), though still relatively strong.</p

    Interaction of manmade streams and mean elevation on RichTOL for Northern Piedmont BRT model.

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    <p>Boosted regression tree partial dependency plot shows the response form of average taxa tolerance (y-axis  =  fitted function of RichTOL) based on the effect of the interaction of two individual explanatory variables along the response variable (all other variable responses removed). There is a relatively strong interaction acting on RichTOL at low values of mean elevation and high values of percent manmade streams that cause high values of tolerant taxa to occur. This is a common pattern, higher urbanization occurring in the lower elevation valleys.</p

    Description, variable code and definition of explanatory environmental (landscape, riparian and habitat) and response (invertebrate metrics) variables used for model development.

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    <p>All variables listed were initially considered for inclusion in boosted regression tree (BRT) models. NLCD–National Land Cover Dataset, NRCS–National Resource Conservation Service, STATSGO–State Soil Geographic data base.</p

    Observed versus predicted plots for BRT models for development (left) and validation (right) data sets.

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    <p>The observed versus predicted plots are based on the boosted regression models developed for average taxa tolerance (RichTOL) for five models: Full Region and four individual ecoregions (NC Appalachian, Ridge and Valley, NE Highlands, and N. Piedmont). The Full Region and N. Piedmont region plot relatively tight to the 1∶1 line for both the development and validation models indicating a good predictive fit with only slight bias at high and low values of RichTOL. The other regions in general showed more scatter and the N.C. Appalachian region which had the lowest modeled R<sup>2</sup>, had had the shortest disturbance gradient (narrow range of RichTOL values) compared to the other regions.</p

    Comparison of model evaluation statistics for boosted regression tree models (BRT) for four macroinvertebrate metrics for development (develop) and validation (valid) data sets at two spatial scales (full region and four ecoregions), number of variables in final model in parentheses.

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    <p>Validation models run with the same variables as the final development model.*</p><p>*R<sup>2</sup>–adjusted R-squared, CV R<sup>2</sup>-Cross validation R<sup>2</sup>; EPTR–Total taxa richness of Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Plecoptera (stoneflies) and Trichoptera (caddisflies); RichTOL-Average tolerance of all taxa; INTOL_RICH-Richness of intolerant taxa; NonInsectR-Noninsect taxa richness.</p