8 research outputs found

    Changes in activity in brain regions one week and one year after surgery.

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    <p>The table shows the mean amplitudes (and their variances) and source powers in different range of frequencies in DBS ON and OFF conditions (A) one week after surgery and (B) one year after surgery.</p

    Application of the null-beamformer.

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    <p>The figure shows the estimated power of the sources in the mid-sagittal (top) and mid-coronal (bottom) view following the use of A) conventional beamformer and B) null-beamformer. The threshold value is 70% of the peak of the power spectrum. As can be seen, the null-beamformer has successfully removed the interference outside of the brain. Please note that in order to best depict the sources of brain activity, the null location is approximate and its actual location is in other anatomical planes (not shown).</p

    Comparison of the accuracy of using null and conventional beamformers for the localization of known locations of DBS electrodes.

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    <p>A) We used the null beamformer to localize the DBS electrodes when the stimulator was ON at 130 Hz. The coronal view of the lowest electrodes as localised on the patient’s MRI (red markers) compared with the overlay of contours of the estimated power using the null-beamformer. Two sagittal slices through lower left electrode and sagittal view of the lower right electrode. The fit is especially good on the left side. B) Similar localization using the conventional beamformer method shows a less good fit. In particular the method is unable to localize both electrodes.</p

    Happy compared to neutral and negative faces enhance conscious reportability measures (confidence and accuracy).

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    <p>When faces are presented for 32 ms, participants are more confident of seeing happy versus sad faces, and more accurate in identifying happy versus sad faces. Similarly, when faces are presented for 80 ms, participants are more confident of seeing happy versus neutral faces, and more accurate in identifying happy versus neutral faces and also happy versus sad faces. In this young cohort the 32 ms and the 80 ms conditions were both consciously perceived (i.e. participants are above chance when identifying the faces). N = 30. Error bars indicate standard error of the mean.</p

    No effect of different emotional stimuli on confidence or accuracy when stimuli are presented subliminally.

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    <p>When faces are presented for 16 ms, which is subliminal in this cohort (i.e. participants are at chance when identifying the faces), we do not see an effect of emotion in terms of confidence and accuracy. N = 15. Error bars indicate standard error of the mean.</p

    Matching of Positive, Neutral and Negative Words.

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    <p>Mean values. IMG, Imagineability; KFREQ, Frequency; NLET, number of letters; NPHN, number of phonemes; NSYL, number of syllables; VAL, rating of valence from 1 (very negative) through 5 (neutral) to very positive (8); ARSL, rating of arousal from very low (1) through medium (5) to very high (9).</p

    A region of the ACC shows significant differences mirroring behavioural effects with regards to conscious reportability.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Magnetic resonance imaging showing the location of the bilateral electrodes in the patient's brain normalised to MNI space with four electrode points (in black) in the ACC and nearby white matter. (<b>B, C</b>) The behavioural results in the patient showed that he was more confident of seeing faces in conscious (83 ms) versus subliminal (33 ms) trials, and more accurate in identifying faces in conscious versus subliminal trials. In the conscious trials, the patient was more confident of seeing happy versus sad faces, and also more accurate in identifying happy versus sad faces. In the subliminal trials we found no effect of emotion on conscious reportability. (<b>D</b>) Mirroring the behavioural findings, we found significant differences in the local field potentials between the two deepest electrodes in the ACC after 400 ms (lasting around 70 ms) when comparing conscious (83 ms) and subliminal (33 ms) trials. (<b>E</b>) Similarly, in the conscious trials, we found significant differences slightly later after 496 ms (lasting 30 ms) between happy and sad faces. (<b>F</b>) Importantly, this significant effect of emotion was not found in the subliminal trials. (<b>G–I</b>) When we applied a lowpass-filter with a 100 Hz cut of frequency the comparisons yielded the same results as in <b>D–F</b> where a 30 Hz cut of frequency was used (see Methods). (<b>J</b>) To rule out potential effects on LFP activity by the difference in stimulus presentation time in subliminal and conscious trials, we reanalysed this comparison linked to end of postmask, rather than start of the stimuli, and found the same significant difference in LFP activity between conscious and subliminal trials.</p