43 research outputs found

    Convergence of nodal sets in the adiabatic limit

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    We study the nodal sets of non-degenerate eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on fibre bundles π: M→B\pi{:}\, M\to B in the adiabatic limit. This limit consists in considering a family GεG_\varepsilon of Riemannian metrics, that are close to Riemannian submersions, for which the ratio of the diameter of the fibres to that of the base is given by ε≪1\varepsilon \ll 1. We assume MM to be compact and allow for fibres FF with boundary, under the condition that the ground state eigenvalue of the Dirichlet-Laplacian on FxF_x is independent of the base point. We prove for dimB≤3\mathrm{dim} B \leq 3 that the nodal set of the Dirichlet-eigenfunction φ\varphi converges to the pre-image under π\pi of the nodal set of a function ψ\psi on BB that is determined as the solution to an effective equation. In particular this implies that the nodal set meets the boundary for ε\varepsilon small enough and shows that many known results on this question, obtained for some types of domains, also hold on a large class of manifolds with boundary. For the special case of a closed manifold MM fibred over the circle B=S1B=S^1 we obtain finer estimates and prove that every connected component of the nodal set of φ\varphi is smoothly isotopic to the typical fibre of π: M→S1\pi{:}\, M\to S^1.Comment: revised version, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 201

    A many-body RAGE theorem

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    We prove a generalized version of the RAGE theorem for N-body quantum systems. The result states that only bound states of systems with 0≤n≤N0\leq n\leq N particles persist in the long time average. The limit is formulated by means of an appropriate weak topology for many-body systems, which was introduced by the second author in a previous work, and is based on reduced density matrices. This topology is connected to the weak-* topology of states on the algebras of canonical commutation or anti-commutation relations, and we give a formulation of our main result in this setting.Comment: Final version to appear in Comm. Math. Phys.; specifically: Communications in Mathematical Physics, Springer Verlag (Germany), 2015, in pres

    The adiabatic limit of the connection Laplacian

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    We study the behaviour of Laplace-type operators H on a complex vector bundle E →\rightarrow M in the adiabatic limit of the base space. This space is a fibre bundle M →\rightarrow B with compact fibres and the limit corresponds to blowing up directions perpendicular to the fibres by a factor 1/ϵ\epsilon. Under a gap condition on the fibre-wise eigenvalues we prove existence of effective operators that provide asymptotics to any order in ϵ\epsilon for H (with Dirichlet boundary conditions), on an appropriate almost-invariant subspace of L2{}^2(E).Comment: To appear in the Journal of Geometric Analysi

    Effective Hamiltonians for Thin Dirichlet Tubes with Varying Cross-Section

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    We show how to translate recent results on effective Hamiltonians for quantum systems constrained to a submanifold by a sharply peaked potential to quantum systems on thin Dirichlet tubes. While the structure of the problem and the form of the effective Hamiltonian stays the same, the difficulties in the proofs are different.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Generalised Quantum Waveguides

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    We study general quantum waveguides and establish explicit effective Hamiltonians for the Laplacian on these spaces. A conventional quantum waveguide is an ε\varepsilon-tubular neighbourhood of a curve in R3\mathbb{R}^3 and the object of interest is the Dirichlet Laplacian on this tube in the asymptotic limit ε→0\varepsilon\to0. We generalise this by considering fibre bundles MM over a dd-dimensional submanifold B⊂Rd+kB\subset\mathbb{R}^{d+k} with fibres diffeomorphic to F⊂RkF\subset\mathbb{R}^k, whose total space is embedded into an ε\varepsilon-neighbourhood of BB. From this point of view BB takes the role of the curve and FF that of the disc-shaped cross-section of a conventional quantum waveguide. Our approach allows, among other things, for waveguides whose cross-sections FF are deformed along BB and also the study of the Laplacian on the boundaries of such waveguides. By applying recent results on the adiabatic limit of Schr\"odinger operators on fibre bundles we show, in particular, that for small energies the dynamics and the spectrum of the Laplacian on MM are reflected by the adiabatic approximation associated to the ground state band of the normal Laplacian. We give explicit formulas for the according effective operator on L2(B)L^2(B) in various scenarios, thereby improving and extending many of the known results on quantum waveguides and quantum layers in R3\mathbb{R}^3

    Particle Creation at a Point Source by Means of Interior-Boundary Conditions

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    We consider a way of defining quantum Hamiltonians involving particle creation and annihilation based on an interior-boundary condition (IBC) on the wave function, where the wave function is the particle-position representation of a vector in Fock space, and the IBC relates (essentially) the values of the wave function at any two configurations that differ only by the creation of a particle. Here we prove, for a model of particle creation at one or more point sources using the Laplace operator as the free Hamiltonian, that a Hamiltonian can indeed be rigorously defined in this way without the need for any ultraviolet regularization, and that it is self-adjoint. We prove further that introducing an ultraviolet cut-off (thus smearing out particles over a positive radius) and applying a certain known renormalization procedure (taking the limit of removing the cut-off while subtracting a constant that tends to infinity) yields, up to addition of a finite constant, the Hamiltonian defined by the IBC.Comment: 41 page