1,985 research outputs found

    Global prevalence of age-related macular degeneration

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    Postoperative Bleb Management with Topical Mitomycin-C

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    Entwicklung progressiver Eingabekonzepte zur Datenerfassung auf mobilen Endgeräten

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    TrackYourTinnitus ist ein universitäres Forschungsprojekt. Es hat zum Ziel, die Symptome eines Tinnitus mittels statistischer Erhebung besser zu verstehen. Die betroffenen Personen geben ihre Daten über die TrackYourTinnitus App ein. Die Dateneingabe stellt aus diesem Grund einen bedeutsamen Teil der Anwendung dar. Eine Neukonzipierung der Dateneingabe des Programms wurde seit der Erstversion nicht veröffentlicht und allgemeine Änderungen an der App wurden zuletzt vor zwei Jahren vorgenommen. 1 Mit einem neuen Konzept könnte die Dateneingabe wesentlich schneller stattfinden. Die Usability und das Eingabekonzept der App sind daher nicht optimal. In dieser Arbeit wird für die TrackYourTinnitus App ein neues Eingabekonzept entworfen. Der Entwurf wird iterativ implementiert. Er umfasst eine nutzerorientierte Gestaltung, eine neue Gestensteuerung, und eine moderne Navigation. Die Implementierung des Entwurfs wird mit Flutter realisiert. Die neue Herangehensweise im Programmierstil des Frameworks und die Plattformunabhängigkeit überzeugten bei der Auswahl des Tools. Das Ergebnis ist eine progressive TrackYourTinnitus App mit einem neuen Eingabekonzept bei dem die Datenerfassung zu einem Benutzererlebnis wird

    Neuroretinal Rim Area and Body Mass Index

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    Purpose: To examine associations between neuroretinal rim area, pressure related factors and anthropometric parameters in a population-based setting. Methods: The population-based cross-sectional Beijing Eye Study 2006 included 3251 subjects with an age of 45+ years. The participants underwent a detailed ophthalmic examination. Exclusion criteria for our study were high myopia of more than-8 diopters and angle-closure glaucoma. Results: The study included 2917 subjects with a mean age of 59.869.8 years (range: 45–89 years). Mean neuroretinal rim area was 1.9760.38 mm 2, mean intraocular pressure 15.663.0 mmHg, mean diastolic blood pressure 79.065.9 mm Hg, mean systolic blood pressure 133.5611.1 mmHg, and mean body mass index was 25.563.7. In univariate analysis, neuroretinal rim area was significantly associated with optic disc size, open-angle glaucoma, refractive error, age and gender. After adjustment for these parameters in a multivariate analysis, a larger neuroretinal rim area was significantly correlated with a higher body mass index (P,0.001), in addition to be associated with a lower intraocular pressure (P = 0.004), lower mean blood pressure (P = 0.02), and higher ocular perfusion pressure. Conclusions: In a general population, neuroretinal rim as equivalent of the optic nerve fibers is related to a higher body mass index, after adjustment for disc area, refractive error, age, gender, open-angle glaucoma, intraocular pressure, blood pressure and ocular perfusion pressure. Since body mass index is associated with cerebrospinal fluid pressure, the latter ma

    Cognitive impairment in the population-based ural very old study

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    BackgroundDespite its marked importance in public health, the prevalence of cognitive impairment (CI) and its associated factors have only rarely been examined in old populations in general or in Russia at all.ObjectiveTo assess CI prevalence and its determinants in a very elderly population in Russia.Materials and methodsThe population-based Ural Very Old Study, conducted in rural and urban region in Bashkortostan/Russia, included 1,526 (81.1%) out of 1,882 eligible individuals aged 85+ years. A series of medical examinations including the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) for the assessment of CI was performed.ResultsMini-Mental State Examination data were available for 1,442 (94.5%) individuals (mean age: 88.3 ± 2.9 years; range: 85–103 years). The median MMSE score was 24 (interquartile range: 19, 27). Prevalence of any CI (MMSE score < 24 points) was 701/1,442 [48.6%; 95% confidence interval (CI): 46.0, 51.2]. Prevalence of mild, moderate and severe CI (MMSE score 19–23 points, 10–18 points, and ≤9 points, respectively) was 357/1,442 (24.8%; 95% CI: 22.5, 27.0), 246/1,442 (17.1%; 95% CI: 15.1, 19.0), and 98/1,442 (6.8%; 95% CI: 5.5, 8.1), resp. A lower MMSE score correlated (regression coefficient r2: 0.31) with older age (beta: −0.13; P < 0.001), rural region of habitation (beta: 0.15; P < 0.001), lower level of education (beta: 0.19; P < 0.001), higher depression score (beta: −0.33; P < 0.001) (or alternatively, higher prevalence of hearing loss (beta: −0.10; P = 0.001), worse visual acuity (beta: −0.10; P = 0.001), and lower physical activity (beta: 0.06; P = 0.04).ConclusionIn this elderly study population from rural and urban Russia, prevalence of any, mild, moderate and severe CI was 48.6, 24.8, 17.1, and 6.8%, resp. Besides medical and lifestyle factors, vision and hearing impairment were major factors associated with CI

    Circadian Intraocular Pressure Profiles in Chronic Open Angle Glaucomas

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    Purpose: To evaluate circadian intraocular pressure (IOP) profiles in eyes with different types of chronic open-angle glaucoma (COAG) and normal eyes. Methods: This study included 3,561 circadian IOP profiles obtained from 1,408 eyes of 720 Caucasian individuals including glaucoma patients under topical treatment (1,072 eyes) and normal subjects (336 eyes). IOP profiles were obtained by Goldmann applanation tonometry and included measurements at 7 am, noon, 5 pm, 9 pm, and midnight. Results: Fluctuations of circadian IOP in the secondary open-angle glaucoma (SOAG) group (6.96±3.69 mmHg) was significantly (P<0.001) higher than that of the normal pressure glaucoma group (4.89±1.99 mmHg) and normal eyes (4.69±1.95 mmHg); but the difference between the two latter groups was not significant (P=0.47). Expressed as percentages, IOP fluctuations did not vary significantly among any of the study groups. Inter-ocular IOP difference for any measurement was significantly (P<0.001) smaller than the profile fluctuations. In all study groups except the SOAG group, IOP was highest at 7 am, followed by noon, 5 pm, and finally 9 pm or midnight. In the SOAG group, mean IOP measurements did not vary significantly during day and night. Conclusions: In contrast to normal eyes and eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma under topical antiglaucoma treatment, eyes with SOAG under topical treatment do not show the usual circadian IOP profile in which the highest IOP values occur in the morning, and the lowest in the evening or at midnight. These findings may have implications for timing of tonometry. Fluctuation of circadian IOP was highest in SOAG compared to other types of open angle glaucomas
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