368 research outputs found

    Proper cocycles and weak forms of amenability

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    Let GG and HH be locally compact, second countable groups. Assume that GG acts in a measure class preserving way on a standard probability space (X,μ)(X,\mu) such that L∞(X,μ)L^\infty(X,\mu) has an invariant mean and that there is a Borel cocycle α:G×X→H\alpha:G\times X\rightarrow H which is proper in a suitable, natural sense. We show that if HH has one of the three properties: Haagerup property (a-T-menability), weak amenability or weak Haagerup property, then so does GG. We observe that it is the case for a weak form of measure equivalence for pairs of discrete groups.Comment: Presentation improved, 14 page

    Simple purely infinite C*-algebras and n-filling actions

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    Let nn be a positive integer. We introduce a concept, which we call the nn-filling property, for an action of a group on a separable unital C∗C^*-algebra AA. If A=C(Ω)A=C(\Omega) is a commutative unital C∗C^*-algebra and the action is induced by a group of homeomorphisms of Ω\Omega then the nn-filling property reduces to a weak version of hyperbolicity. The nn-filling property is used to prove that certain crossed product C∗C^*-algebras are purely infinite and simple. A variety of group actions on boundaries of symmetric spaces and buildings have the nn-filling property. An explicit example is the action of Γ=SLn(Z)\Gamma=SL_n({\bf Z}) on the projective nn-space.Comment: 16 page

    Strongly singular MASA's and mixing actions in finite von Neumann algebras

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    Let Γ\Gamma be a countable group and let Γ0\Gamma_0 be an infinite abelian subgroup of Γ\Gamma. We prove that if the pair (Γ,Γ0)(\Gamma,\Gamma_0) satisfies some combinatorial condition called (SS), then the abelian subalgebra A=L(Γ0)A=L(\Gamma_0) is a singular MASA in M=L(Γ)M=L(\Gamma) which satisfies a weakly mixing condition. If moreover it satisfies a stronger condition called (ST), then it provides a singular MASA with a strictly stronger mixing property. We describe families of examples of both types coming from free products, HNN extentions and semidirect products, and in particular we exhibit examples of singular MASA's that satisfy the weak mixing condition but not the strong mixing one.Comment: Title updated, examples and references added. To appear in Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys

    LpL^p compression of some HNN extensions

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    Using recent developments on locally compact groups, we are able to obtain quantitative results on embeddings into Lebesgue spaces for a large class of HNN extensions
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