18 research outputs found

    Critical Behavior of the Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model on a Stacked Triangular Lattice

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    We estimate, using a large-scale Monte Carlo simulation, the critical exponents of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on a stacked triangular lattice. We obtain the following estimates: γ/ν=2.011±.014\gamma/\nu= 2.011 \pm .014 , ν=.585±.009\nu= .585 \pm .009 . These results contradict a perturbative 2+ϵ2+\epsilon Renormalization Group calculation that points to Wilson-Fisher O(4) behaviour. While these results may be coherent with 4ϵ4-\epsilon results from Landau-Ginzburg analysis, they show the existence of an unexpectedly rich structure of the Renormalization Group flow as a function of the dimensionality and the number of components of the order parameter.Comment: Latex file, 10 pages, 1 PostScript figure. Was posted with a wrong Title !

    Fermions out of Dipolar Bosons in the lowest Landau level

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    In the limit of very fast rotation atomic Bose-Einstein condensates may reside entirely in the lowest two-dimensional Landau level (LLL). For small enough filling factor of the LLL, one may have formation of fractional quantum Hall states. We investigate the case of bosons with dipolar interactions as may be realized with Chromium-52 atoms. We show that at filling factor equal to unity the ground state is a Moore-Read (a.k.a Pfaffian) paired state as is the case of bosons with purely s-wave scattering interactions. This Pfaffian state is destabilized when the interaction in the s-wave channel is small enough and the ground state is a stripe phase with unidimensional density modulation. For filling factor 1/3, we show that there is formation of a Fermi sea of ``composite fermions''. These composites are made of one boson bound with three vortices. This phase has a wide range of stability and the effective mass of the fermions depends essentially only of the scattering amplitude in momentum channels larger or equal to 2. The formation of such a Fermi sea opens up a new possible route to detection of the quantum Hall correlations.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, published versio

    Exchange couplings in the magnetic molecular cluster Mn12Ac

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    The magnetic properties of the molecular cluster Mn12Ac are due to the four Mn3+ ions which have spins S=3/2 and the eight Mn4+ ions with spins S=2. These spins are coupled by superexchange mechanism. We determine the four exchange couplings assuming a Heisenberg-type interaction between the ions. We use exact diagonalization of the spin Hamiltonian by a Lanczos algorithm and we adjust the couplings to reproduce the magnetization curve of Mn12Ac. We also impose the constraint of reproducing a gap of 35K between a S=10 ground state and a first excited state with S=9. We predict that there is an excited level with S=8 at 37K above the ground state, only slightly above the S=9 excited state which lies at 35K and the next excited state is a S=9 multiplet at 67K above the S=10 ground state.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys Rev B, corrected a misTeX: values of J1, J2 have changed, refs update

    Percolation Transition in the random antiferromagnetic spin-1 chain

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    We give a physical description in terms of percolation theory of the phase transition that occurs when the disorder increases in the random antiferromagnetic spin-1 chain between a gapless phase with topological order and a random singlet phase. We study the statistical properties of the percolation clusters by numerical simulations, and we compute exact exponents characterizing the transition by a real-space renormalization group calculation.Comment: 9 pages, 4 encapsulated Postscript figures, REVTeX 3.

    Edge Logarithmic Corrections probed by Impurity NMR

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    Semi-infinite quantum spin chains display spin autocorrelations near the boundary with power-law exponents that are given by boundary conformal field theories. We show that NMR measurements on spinless impurities that break a quantum spin chain lead to a spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T_1^edge that has a temperature dependence which is a direct probe of the anomalous boundary exponents. For the antiferromagnetic S=1/2 spin chain, we show that 1/T_1^edge behaves as T (log T)^2 instead of (log T)^1/2 for a bulk measurement. We show that, in the case of a one-dimensional conductor described by a Luttinger liquid, a similar measurement leads to a relaxation rate 1/T_1^{edge} behaving as T, independent of the anomalous exponent K_rho.Comment: 4 pages, 1 encapsulated figure, corrected typo

    Nuclear Spin Relaxation in Hole Doped Two-Leg Ladders

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    The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate (1/T11/T_{1}) has been measured in the single crystals of hole doped two-leg ladder compounds Sr14x_{14-x}Cax_{x}Cu24_{24}O41_{41} and in the undoped parent material La6_6Ca8_8Cu24_{24}O41_{41}. Comparison of 1/T11/T_{1} at the Cu and the two distinct oxygen sites revealed that the major spectral weight of low frequency spin fluctuations is located near q(π,π)q \sim (\pi, \pi) for most of the temperature and doping ranges investigated. Remarkable difference in the temperature dependence of 1/T11/T_1 for the two oxygen sites in the heavily doped xx=12 sample revealed reduction of singlet correlations between two legs in place of growing antiferromagnetic correlations along the leg direction with increasing temperature. Such behavior is most likely caused by the dissociation of bound hole pairs.Comment: 4 pages. to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 6

    Experimental Evidence of a Haldane Gap in an S = 2 Quasi-linear Chain Antiferromagnet

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    The magnetic susceptibility of the S=2S = 2 quasi-linear chain Heisenberg antiferromagnet (2,22'-bipyridine)trichloromanganese(III), MnCl_{3}(bipy), has been measured from 1.8 to 300 K with the magnetic field, H, parallel and perpendicular to the chains. The analyzed data yield g2g\approx 2 and J35J\approx 35 K. The magnetization, M, has been studied at 30 mK and 1.4 K in H up to 16 T. No evidence of long-range order is observed. Depending on crystal orientation, M0M\approx 0 at 30 mK until a critical field is achieved (Hc=1.2±0.2TH_{c\|} = 1.2\pm 0.2 T and $H_{c\bot} = 1.8\pm 0.2 T), where M increases continuously as H is increased. These results are interpreted as evidence of a Haldane gap.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Spin and Charge Structure Factor of the 2-d Hubbard Model

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    The spin and charge structure factors are calculated for the Hubbard model on the square lattice near half-filling using a spin-rotation invariant six-slave boson representation. The charge structure factor shows a broad maximum at the zone corner and is found to decrease monotonically with increasing interaction strength and electron density and increasing temperature. The spin structure factor develops with increasing interaction two incommensurate peaks at the zone boundary and along the zone diagonal. Comparison with results of Quantum Monte Carlo and variational calculations is carried out and the agreement is found to be good. The limitations of an RPA-type approach are pointed out.Comment: 18 pages, revtex, 13 postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Spin-Wave Description of Haldane-gap antiferromagnets

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    Modifying the conventional antiferromagnetic spin-wave theory which is plagued by the difficulty of the zero-field sublattice magnetizations diverging in one dimension, we describe magnetic properties of Haldane-gap antiferromagnets. The modified spin waves, constituting a grand canonical bosonic ensemble so as to recover the sublattice symmetry, not only depict well the ground-state correlations but also give useful information on the finite-temperature properties.Comment: to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 72, No. 4 (2003

    Self-consistent interaction of magnons in a frustrated quantum antiferromagnet

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    We study the magnon interactions by means of a self-consistent calculation in a frustrated quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet with first and second neighbor exchange couplings. We have used the Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov scheme at zero temperature. The effect of frustration on the shape of the spin-wave spectrum is investigated: we find a strong decrease of the spin-wave velocity. A clear deviation from spin wave theory is found when comparing with finite lattice results