4 research outputs found
Gugusan Karang Di Pantai Kecamatan Panjang Sebagai Breakwater Alami
Kecamatan Panjang merupakan salah satu wilayah pesisir dengan berbagai aktivitas sepertipelabuhan, permukiman, industri, perdagangan, serta aktivitas nelayan. Dengan beragamnyakegiatan yang berkembang di kawasan tersebut, maka pengembangan dan pembangunan perlumemperhatikan aspek konservasi.Identifikasi permasalahan, antara lain: (a) Pantai Kecamatan Panjang relatif curam dibandingdengan pantai sekitar. Kondisi alam semacam ini merupakan faktor positif untuk pengembanganPelabuhan Panjang menjadi pelabuhan Internasional karena ketersediaan keel clearance yangcukup untuk kapal dengan draft besar; (b) Muara sungai mengalami penyumbatan, diakibatkanoleh tidak signifikannya debit dan kecepatan arus sungai untuk melakukan flushing; (c)Abrasi/erosi terjadi pada ruas garis pantai yang belum diberikan revetmen; (d) Terdapatnya lahansebagai hasil dari kegiatan reklamasi yang kurang tepat, dilihat dari sudut sumber material; (e)Pada sekitar lokasi studi ditemukan aktivitas yang mempercepat degradasi lingkungan, antara lainpengambilan batu karang untuk bahan bangunan; (f) Dari sudut sosial budaya, daerah studimerupakan daerah yang heterogen dan kompleks.Dari hasil analisis maka prioritas pengamanan pantai Kecamatan Panjang terdiri dari: (a)Mempertahankan keberadaan gugusan karang; (b) Pengerukan muara Sungai Way Galih Panjang;(c) Bangunan pengamanan pantai terhadap permukiman mulai dari muara Way Galih Panjanghingga areal Pelabuhan Srengsem
Geospatial Analysis of Land Use Change in Way Kuripan Watershed, Bandar Lampung City
The purpose of the study is to analyze land use and land cover change impact on Way Kuripan discharge. Six scenarios of land use and land cover changes at Way Kuripan watershed area of 53.54 km² was developed based on geospatial analysis with Geographic Information System. Peak discharge is calculated by using rational method. From the six scenarios simulation, scenarios 1, 2, 3, and 4 maintained the protected areas of 80.15%. Land use and land cover changes done by changing areas from vacant land and agricultural areas to be residential, industrial and government office areas. From the analysis, peak discharge of scenarios 1, 2, 3, and 4 change slightly which are between 11.19% and 23.46%. These results are in contrast to scenarios 5 and 6, in which scenario 5 keep the protected areas about 53.35% while in scenario 6 left the protected areas around 30%. Those protected areas changed into residential areas. The result showed that in scenario 5, the peak discharge changed about 66.29%. While in scenario 6, it changed about 107.19%. It can be concluded that the existence of protected areas in Way Kuripan Watershed was very important role to reduce the peak discharge values
Storage Capacity Analysis on the Construction of Reservoir C Faculty of Medicine University of Lampung
Reservoir is a basin that can be utilized to contain excess rain water which will be used during dry season and it is also an act of effort to nurture the existence and sustainability of the environment, nature and the ground water, so that the water can always be available in an adequate quantity and quality to fulfill the needs for the living. reservoir is also utilized to maintain the quality of the water ground and as an ecotourism object as well. In University of Lampung, there are several reservoirs that can be found, one of which is reservoir C which is located at the faculty of medicine, University of Lampung. The main purpose of this research is to find out the capacity storage of the reservoir by using several supporting softwares to simplify the calculation. the supporting softwares which are used in this research are AutoCAD 2017, Microsoft Excel 2017, and Google Earth Pro. The outputs of this research are (1) The estimation of flood discharge at reservoir C faculty of medicine, University of Lampung (2) The storage capacity of the reservoir C faculty of medicine, University of Lampung based on this research, it can be concluded that reservoir is qualified as a conservation reservoir which has 6594.9909 m 3 storage capacity