172 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Hasil Tenaga Penjualan Dan Hubungannya Terhadap Efektifitas Penjualan Perusahaan ( Studi Kasus Pada Bpr Di Eks. Karesidenan Semarang)

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    Sales force has very important role in life of banking in reaching its target. A good Management of sales force has important influence to reach effectiveness sale of company. Meanwhile, previous research mention that it is important to examine some performance of sales force factors with selling growth. This research hypothesized performance of sales force tactors influence to the effectiveness of selling of company. According to the literary review about sales force control system, the strenght of sales force, trust to wards the sales force influence the result performance of sales force and its relation with effectiveness sale of company this research propose four hypothesis, they are: H1-the sales force control systems have an positive effect on to performance result of sales force, H2-sales force reliability have an positive effect on to trust to sales force, H3-the trust at sales force have an positive effect on performance result of sales force, H4-performance result of sales force have an positive effect on effectiveness sale of company. To test the hypothesis research uses 105 questionnaires in this study. The population in this research sales force at Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) in eks. Karesidenan Semarang. The datas is then analysed by means of SEM of AMOS to test the causality relation of hypothesis. From result of the analysis have fulfilled Criteria Goodness-of-Fit. Chi-Square (107.203). Probability (0.052), RMSEA (0.050), CMIN/DF (1.262), TLI (0.955), and CFI (0.963) so that can be told this model competent to be used. Examination of raised hypothesis indicate that hypothesis 1,2,3, and 4 have up to standard which determined that is value of CR > 2.00 with the SEM propose theoretical implication that result performance of sales force can have implication on effectiveness sale of company. This reseach also propose implication of managerial is that factors variable which influence the result performance of sales force and its relationship with selling effectiveness of company is positively increasing the result performance of sales force trough sales force ability which is had by Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR). There are several implications for future research about performance of sales force bul location and object different so that equal can result

    Study of Perception and Participation of Local Society in Sinar Baru Village Toward the Development of Matras Tourism Village, Sungailiat, Bangka Regency

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    Tujuan penting penetapan status Kampung Wisata Matras tahun 2010 lalu, agar masyarakat lebih berpartisipasi terhadap pengembangan sektor pariwisata setempat yang sejauh ini masih rendah. Beberapa hasil penelitian terdahulu yang relevan, karakteristik sosial ekonomi mencakup pengetahuan dan persepsi berhubungan dengan partisipasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji karakteristik sosial ekonomi dan persepsi, mengkaji bentuk dan tingkat partisipasi, dan mengkaji hubungan antara karakteristik sosial ekonomi dan persepsi dengan partisipasi. Penelitian ini dikategorikan penelitian survei dengan teknik sampel purposive-snowball sampling. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif-kualitatif, Skoring, Tabulasi Silang, Chi-Square dan Spearman's Rank.Keseluruhan, 47,73% responden tingkat persepsinya sedang. Sedangkan 38,64% responden tingkat partisipasinya rendah. Seluruh indikator berhubungan dan arahnya positif dengan partisipasi, kecuali umur dan jumlah tanggungan (negatif). Namun, tingkat kekuatan hubungannya berbeda-beda. Pendidikan informal, pengetahuan pariwisata, persepsi terhadap kelembagaan dan anggaran dana hubungannya kuat (sig. 99%). Sedangkan persepsi terhadap produk perencanaan, objek/atraksi wisata dan fasilitas penunjang hubungannya cukup kuat (sig. 95%)

    Genetic Analysis of Some Species Ofpinanga (Palmae) by Using Issr Markers

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    A genetic analysis of 13 species of Pinanga (Palmae) was conducted by using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers. The markers were used in this study belonged to UBC primer set #9 (UBC 801-900) and each primer contains 15 to 22 mer nucleotides.Based on primer screening, nine UBC primers had clear and reproducible polymorphism bands. According to Dice\u27s and Jaccard\u27s similarity coefficients, cluster analysis by UPGMA among the 13 Pinanga species showed two clusters. Cluster A consisted of nine species: P. javana, P. arinasae, P. patula, P. salicifolia, P. coronata, P. scortechini, P. disticha, P. grandis and P. densiflora; and cluster B consisted of four species from five accessions: P. caesia, P. copelandi, P. rumphiana-1, P. rumphiana-2 and P. insignis. The genetic similarity among the 13 species of Pinanga had a correlation with their geographical distribution. In cluster A, all of the accessions are from Sundaland and the adjacent region of Thailand, whereas all of the accessions in cluster B were distributed in the Philippines, Wallacea, and the New Guinea regions. Possibly this genetic similarity was caused by their geographical history and the natural barriers between them. This is the early conclusion was conducted using genetic markers on Pinanga. Further studies such as sequencing (plastid and nuclear ribosomal DNA) and applying more accessions of Pinanga species from broader geographic distributions may provide a better understanding of the relationships. The 1SSR markers application is a simple and quick way to analyze genetic relationships because no prior sequence data is needed, a large number of markers can be generated, and the supplies and equipment required are minimal

    Economic Optimisation of Rice and Soybean Production in Jogyakarta Province

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    Fakta bahwa otonomi daerah telah diberlakukan, konsekuensinya adalah sumberdayalokal perlu dimanfaatkan secara ekonomis. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kinerjaproduksi padi dan kedelai yang ditanam secara bersama-sama di lahan beririgasi sejaksebelas tahun yang lalu, dengan konsep skop ekonomi sebagai kerangka pemikiran.Estimasi berkelompok digunakan untuk menduga kurva kemungkinan produksi yangmenjelaskan hubungan antara produksi kedelai dan produksi padi. Data yang terdiri atasempat kabupaten selama sebelas tahun dikumpulkan dari publikasi kantor statistikdaerah. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa produksi padi dan kedelai dalam setahunmempunyai keunggulan skop ekonomi, artinya memproduksi padi dan kedelai secarabersama lebih tinggi daripada memproduksi secara terpisah. Namun demikian, denganharga pasar yang berlaku, produksi bersama secara ekonomi lebih rendah dibandingdengan hanya memproduksi padi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh produktivitas kedelai yangrendah, dan harga relatif kedelai yang tidak terlalu tinggi. Oleh karena itu dalam kasusini akan lebih menguntungkan menanam padi seluas mungkin pada lahan beririgasi

    Prototipe Sistem Pendeteksi Kebocoran Gas LPG Menggunakan Sensor Gas MQ2, Board Arduino Duemilanove, Buzzer, Dan Arduino GSM Shield Pada PT. Alfa Retailindo ( Carrefour Pasar Minggu )

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    β€” To minimize the chances of fire caused by a gas leak, we need a monitoring and warning system that is easy to use. In accordance with the publicly use of a small microcontroller technology such as Arduino, researcher will try to develop a prototype of a detection gas leak system using gas sensor MQ2 with a feature of sound and sms warning when gas leak occurred. Using this easily found and bundled component such as Arduino GSM Shield and an ordinary PC, this system could be an efficient alternative for company that uses LPG gas for their business. This system consists of physical component to be positioned in the gas storage rooms and optional software component that can be installed on a PC connected to the Arduino board. Keyword β€” gas leak detection system, gas sensor MQ2, buzzer, Arduino Duemilanove, Arduino GSM Shiel

    Study on the Structure of Mangrove Vegetation Community in the Villages of Nuteri Subdistrict Number of Regency of Bengkalis Provinsi Riau

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    The research be conducted in January 2017. Observation of mangrove forest density and was done in mangrove forest area in Puteri Sembilan Village, North Rupat Sub-district, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province. The purpose of this research is to know the structure of mangrove vegetation in Desa Puteri Sembilan. In this study concluded that there are 7 species of mangroves namely: Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera gymnorhiza. B. sexangula, Kandelia candel, Aegiceras floridum, Amyena gravis and Avicennia alba. Based on the index of type diversity, station I was categorized as low with value of H '= 1,5131. Station II index of diversity of type including low category with value H' = 1,094 and at station III index of diversity type still belongs to low category with value H '= 1, 2284

    Improved Profits and Wetland Paddy Farming Scale as the Leading Commodity in Agro Ecological Zones

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    This study aims to analyze the feasibility of paddy farming as the leading commodity according agro-ecological zones (AEZ), increase in net profit and the scale of farming. The study was conducted at the location of the paddy fileds as leading commodity and non-leading commodity Bantul Regency in 2015. The feasibility of farming analyzed by revenue and cost ratio (R/C), the increase in profits was analyzed with an increase in net profit (NKB) and the scale of farming analyzed by determining the break even point of production (TIP) or break even point of price (TIH). The results showed that paddy farming as the leading commodity according agro ecological zones in Bantul is feasible and more optimal (R/C 2.17) than the non leading commodity (R/C 1.99). Paddy farming as the leading commodity according agro ecological zones can raise the net profit (NKB 1.13). Paddy farming as the leading commodity according agro ecological zones can provide benefits if the production is at least 2,729 kg/ha or the price is at least Rp. 1,643/kg
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