18 research outputs found

    State and prospects of geothermal energy usage in Serbia

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    Owing to the complex tectonic and plutonic activities and consequently complex geological structure, Serbia is a country of great geothermal potential. The areas of Central Serbia are the most promising in terms of its use, in which the Neogene magmatic activity was recorded, and Vojvodina, which belongs to the European geothermal zone and where the density of geothermal flow is at its highest (> 100mW/m2 ). However, this important renewable resource is not adequately recognized and is least used of all the existing ones. Existing active springs and wells are used mainly for non-energy consumption, balneological, sporting and recreational purposes. The paper presents the areas of the greatest geothermal potential with individual localities, and the current status of application by type of use. Also, some initiated projects and research have been mentioned, which need substantial financial resources, but the implementation would bring energy independence and contribute to the struggle against climate change. If properly used, with the complex and extensive research, geothermal energy could become one of the major energy sources in Serbia

    Geoecological evaluation of Ramsar sites in the function of sustinable community development in Serbia

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    Два заштићена подручја Србије − специјални резерват природе „Царска бара” и предео изузетних одлика „Власина”, анализирана су с аспекта природно-географског и социо економског потенцијала који би омогућио одрживи развој локалних заједница на тим просторима. Основни циљ је био утврдити да ли проглашење једног простора заштићеним у Србији утиче на свакодневни живот и привређивање локалног становништва и колико је локална заједница укључена у процес управљања? Да ли су кочница развоја природни или социо-економски фактори? Најпре је инвентарисан и анализиран природни потенцијал, затим социо-економски сагледан кроз анализу одрживости становништва, док су директни ставови локалног становништва о животу у заштићеном подручју, управљачу и даљим плановима везаним за живот и рад, добијени методом анкете. Апострофирајући туризам као једину одрживу делатност пригодну за заштићена подручја, извршено је вредновање. Зависно од врсте туризма, одговарајући елементи су оцењивани као позитивни или негативни за жељени тип коришћења. Инвентарисано је и анализирано материјално и нематеријално културно наслеђе. Могућности за развој рекреативног и излетничког туризма су оцењене као осредње, за развој руралног такође, док је за развој туризма специфичних интересовања подручје ПИО „Власина” оцењено као веома добро. Антропогеографски потенцијал оцењен је недовољно атрактивним да буде самосталан туристички мотив. Сиромаштво локалног становништва као последица незапослености која премашује (на Власини значајно) републички просек, јесте главна кочница развоја истраживаних подручја. Ретка и нетакнута природа, декларативно законом заштићена, није сама по себи довољна, а предуслови одрживог развоја – свест локалног становништва о вредностима њиховог завичаја и сарадња са управљачем, не постоје.Two Serbia’s protected areas, Special Nature Reserve “Carska bara” and Outstanding Nature Landscape “Vlasina”, were analyzed from the aspect of natural-geographical and socio-economic potential that would enable sustainable development of their local communities. The aim was to determine whether the proclamation of a protected area in Serbia affects the daily life and economy of the local population and how much the local community is involved in the management process? Are the limiting factors natural or socio-economic ones? An inventory of the natural potential was drew up and analyzed, socio-economic potential was perceived through the analysis of population sustainability, while the perception of the local residents about life in the protected area, their future plans and the manager, were obtained by survey. Emphasizing tourism as the only sustainable activity suitable for protected areas, an evaluation was performed. Depending on the type of tourism, corresponding elements were rated as positive or negative. Tangible and intangible cultural heritage was inventoried and analyzed. Opportunities for the development of recreational, excursion and rural tourism, were rated passable, while the development of tourism of specific interests, for the area of “Vlasina”, was estimated very good. The anthropogeographical potential was estimated insufficiently attractive for an independent tourist motive. Poverty of the local population as a consequence of unemployment rate that exceeds the national average, was seen as the main obstacle to the development of the researched areas. Untouched nature, protected by law, is not enough in itself. Prerequisites for sustainable development, the ecological awareness of the local population and cooperation with the manager, do not exist

    Градска омладина и заштићена подручја – пример Јужнобанатске области, Србија

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    In December 2021 and January 2022, the inhabitants of the City of Pančevo were surveyed using the random sampling method to find out to what extent they are aware of the existence of protected areas in their vicinity and how often they use them for outdoor trips and recreation. With the same aim, the inhabitants of the City of Vršac were also surveyed in mid-2022. This paper presents the results concerning the youth of these two cities. The survey covered 2.6% of the population between 15 and 24 years old in the City of Pančevo and 2.2% of the population between 15 and 24 years old in the City of Vršac. Less than half of the respondents have the habit of going to nature in their free time, and the main obstacles to this are the lack of free time and money, as well as the lack of direct public transport connections. In addition to the main research hypothesis, some other hypotheses were tested related to the similarities or differences between different groups of respondents in terms of the type of outdoor activities they engage in. The results obtained are important for planning future activities to preserve, improve and promote these valuable sites.У децембру 2021. и јануару 2022. године, методом случајног узорка анкетирани су становници Града Панчева, са циљем да се види колико су свесни постојања заштићених природних добара у свом непосредном окружењу и колико често их користе за излете и рекреацију. Са истим циљем, средином 2022. године, анкетирани су и становници Града Вршца. У овом раду приказани су резултати који се тичу омладине ова два града. Истраживањем је обухваћено 2,6% становништва старости од 15 до 24 године у Граду Панчеву, односно 2,2% становништва старости од 15 до 24 године у Граду Вршцу. Добијени резултати указују на то да мање од половине испитаника има навику одласка у природу у слободно време, а да су главне препреке томе мањак слободног времена и новца, као и непостојање директних линија јавног превоза. Поред главне истраживачке хипотезе, проверено је и још пет додатних које се тичу сличности односно разлика између различитих група испитаника по питању типова активности које практикују када су у природи. Добијени резултати важни су за планирање будућих активности на очувању, унапређењу и промоцији ових вредних предела

    Local population analysis in the function of the protected area sustainable development

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    The research focus of the paper is set on the socio-economic potential of a protected area, as a key factor and a prerequisite for its development. The spatial framework of the research includes five settlements in the vicinity of Special Nature Reserve “Carska Bara” (Northern Serbia). For the purpose of this research, they are classified into two groups, based on their distance from the fundamental phenomenon. The demographic characteristics analyses of the study area include basic demographic determinants such as population structures and migration characteristics. Population data related to the change in the number of inhabitants and the types of the total population movement were collected and analyzed, and a comparative analysis of the aging index was performed as well. In order to better understand the condition of the economic structure, the economic activity, and the structure of the active population performing occupation were analyzed by activity sections. The current state of the social infrastructure (schools, primary health care facilities, pharmacies, post offices, sports, and recreation facilities) was also considered, as one of the qualities of life indicators of the local population. The obtained results indicate an unfavorable demographic picture of the analyzed areas. These are smaller population areas, predominantly inhabited by population of the old age groups. Although they are in protected areas which, in the context of tourism, are abounding in natural potentials, but without implementing significant steps and certain measures, no progress and improvement of the demographic condition can be expected

    The role of higher education institutions in human resource education in tourism: The case of Serbia

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    Tourism is one of the fastest growing activities in the world. This is confirmed by data on the number of tourists and overnight stays, followed by pronounced economic effects. Modern tourism business requires a trained and skilled workforce. This is especially important if we take into account that tourism is a labor-intensive industry. The man is the main service producer. Education of the staff for work in the service sector requires knowledge from various fields (geography, economics, sociology, management, philology, psychology, ecology, technology, medicine, etc.). Consequently, tourism workers must possess a broad general and humanistic culture and education.The aim of this paper is to analyze the study programmes of higher education institutions from Serbia which educate staff in the field of tourism and hospitality. This will point out the multidisciplinary knowledge required in both operational as well in the managerial and scientific-research sector.The paper was published within the session 9 - Touris


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    The paper deals with the presence of anthropogenic tourist motifs in the area of the Special Nature Reserve “Carska bara” in the north of Serbia with the following rural settlements taken into consideration: Belo Blato, Ečka, Knićanin, Lukino Selo, Perlez and Stajićevo. The presence of cultural heritage from a group of archaeological sites, works of monumental and artistic features, spatial cultural and historical units, famous places and memorials, folklore heritage, religion and beliefs, language and manifestation values has been recorded in the studied area. The area is well connected with the city centers of this part of Serbia and for the current level of tourism development, it has a satisfactory number of accommodation capacities. After analyzing literature and local cultural offer, it is concluded that for the purpose of attracting more tourists, cultural, that is anthropogenic tourist motifs must be united in the offer with the natural phenomenon Carska bara and its near environment. Together, they can lead to the development of an increasingly popular type of cultural tourism — creative tourism, enchanting tourists the life of the local population, their culture and customs

    Residents' perception toward protected areas: Carska Bara Special Nature Reserve (Vojvodina, Serbia)

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    The research was carried out in the villages of the buffer zone and the close environment of the Ramsar site 'Stari Begej - Carska Bara' Special Nature Reserve, in the Serbian part of Banat. The survey method was used to establish the local population's attitude towards the impact of area protection on their life quality and the degree of cooperation with the managing body. A total of 393 adults were surveyed, which accounted for 5.34% of the total adult population of the studied area (fve villages). In order to provide opinions from all stakeholders, the managing body was also asked to respond to some of the questions. A comparison of the responses revealed a generally low level of dialogue and understanding between the two interested parties. The results indicate some differences in the degree of impact depending on the location of the villages, as well as the occupation of the respondents and their age

    Концепция качества жизни местного населения как фактора развития туризма

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    The tourist industry is a very complex system. Its success depends on several different components, where a significant place has the local community. The attitude of residents towards tourism development and engagement greatly affects the sustainability of tourist destinations. Following the above, the paper aims to determine to which extent the local community supports tourism development in the Zlatibor tourist center (Republic of Serbia). An instrument called the “Tourism Quality of Life Scale” (TQOL) was used for this purpose The results showed that residents are aware of the importance of segments of quality of life. A moderate level of satisfaction in this tourism area is expressed. Also, the index value (TQOL score) confirmed the positive effect of tourism for most residents. The pioneer application of this model in the continental space of Europe is a qualitative contribution to further research.Туристическая индустрия – это очень сложная система. Ее успех зависит от нескольких различных составляющих, где значительное место занимает местное сообщество. Отношение жителей к развитию туризма и вовлеченность в него в значительной степени влияют на устойчивость туристических направлений. Исходя из вышесказанного, целью данной работы является определение того, в какой степени местное сообщество поддерживает развитие туризма в туристическом центре Златибор (Республика Сербия). Для этой цели был использован инструмент под названием «Шкала качества жизни в туризме» (TQOL). Результаты показали, что жители осознают важность сегментов качества жизни. Выражен умеренный уровень удовлетворенности существующей туристической сферой. Также значение индекса (TQOL score) подтвердило положительный эффект туризма для большинства жителей. Новаторское применение этой модели на континентальном пространстве Европы является качественным вкладом в дальнейшие исследования.Plenary Lectur

    The North Atlantic Oscilation (NAO), The Arctic Oscilation (AO) and Forest Fires in Lithuania

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    In Lithuania in the period 1992–2015, decreasing trends were recorded for the annual number of forest fires (significant at p≤0.05) and the annual burned area (not significant). In the research of the connection between forest fires and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, the highest values of Pearson correlation coefficient (significant at p≤0.01) were recorded for the annual number of fires and NAO index for June (0.589) and summer (0.538). With the Arctic Oscillation (AO) index, the highest value was recorded for the annual number of fires and AO index for June (0.486)

    Residents’ Perceptions of Tourism Impact on Community in National Parks in Serbia

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    The research involved a comparison of two case studies dealing with the perceptions of the local population to tourism. The effects and the control of tourism development were analyzed, as well as the availability of information on sustainable tourism and impact on the community in two national parks (NPs) in Serbia. The survey method was applied on a sample of 227 (NP Đerdap) and 210 (NP Tara) respondents. The survey results identified the strong positive perception of the presence of tourists among the two categories of respondents and also certain differences regarding economic benefits of tourism. Research also recognized a poor impact of tourism on the local community in terms of their knowledge and personal involvement. Education and employment in tourism industry were found to be strong factors affecting the residents’ perceptions. Some independent variables significantly predicted the level of local population’s support for tourism in both national parks (tourism impact on job creation, tourism impact on fostering a local culture, etc.). This comparative analysis provides inputs for directing future tourism programmes and devising a development policies adjusted to the needs of the local community