1,417 research outputs found

    Book Reviews

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    Minority Vote Dilution Edited by Chandler Davidson, under the auspices of the Joint Center for Political Studies, Washington, D.C. Howard University Press, 298 pp. Reviewed by Linda F. Williams; Islam, Christianity, and African Identity By Sulayman S. Nyang Amana Books, Brattleboro, Vermont. 106 pp. Reviewed by Mohamed A. El-Khawa

    Engaging Communities in Reducing Gun Violence: A Road Map to Safer Communities

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    Gun violence inflicts a devastating toll on communities of color, but the justice system response to this violence frequently destabilizes neighborhoods and damages police-community relations. To develop a better response, the Urban Institute, Joyce Foundation, and Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies convened more than 100 people from communities affected by violence. We learned that violence prevention demands a holistic set of solutions. Limiting access to firearms is part of the solution, but a comprehensive strategy will also require improving police-community relations, investing in community services, and facilitating community leadership in violence prevention efforts

    Aging Out of the Foster Care System to Adulthood: Findings, Challenges, and Recommendations

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    To assess and ultimately help meet the needs of youth who age out of foster care in the United States, the Joint Center Health Policy Institute (JCHPI) -- with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and in partnership with the Black Administrators in Child Welfare Inc. (BACW) -- conducted reconnaissance on the unmet needs of these youth. This project was undertaken to guide the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in thinking about steps they might take to help meet the needs of youth who age out of foster care in this country. Conducting a literature review, a telephone survey, and listening sessions enabled us to develop insights into the workings of the foster care system and the experiences of youth while in the system and when aging out of it

    Asset Building in Low-Income Communities of Color, Part 1

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    Examines practices and policies in states rated high on the Corporation for Enterprise Development's scorecard for asset building in poor communities of color. Analyzes socioeconomic, legislative, and other factors believed to support asset building

    Race, Economic Development, and The Role of Transportation and Training

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    As Massachusetts confronts its economic future and develops strategic plans for seizing competitive advantages, accessibility promised by proposed development plans for the transportation infrastructure must not only provide commuters with the means to get to work, but also increase the opportunity for participation in the economy for all citizens of the region. Changes in the transportation infrastructure will not ensure accessibility unless workers receive adequate training for the new types of jobs being offered. According to a recent report issued by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, authored by William P. O\u27Hare, Black people who live in urbanized areas use public transportation at a higher than average rate. Thus, the issue of public transportation is an important part of black economic and community development

    Asset Building in Low-income Communities of Color, Part 2

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    Examines practices and policies in states not ranked highly for promoting asset building in large communities of color. Compares factors viewed as supportive of asset accumulation as well as promising practices with those in states ranked highly

    Sexual and Reproductive Health of Young Men of Color: Analyzing and Interpreting the Data,The

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    In the late 1980's, due in part to the spread of HIV and chlamydia, data collection on adolescent sexual and reproductive health began to shift away from its focus on young females to include males. Despite certain complexities and limitations this type of data presents, research from the early 2000's is analyzed here to assess sexual behaviors and health outcomes of young men of color in comparison to other subgroups

    Black working women and equal employment legislation

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    The research for this thesis is undertaken in order to examine whether or not equal employment legislation improved opportunities in the workplace for Black working women. The following areas will be focused on: - Legislation - Civil Rights Act of 1964, Equal Employment/Affirmative Action, Equal Pay Act, and Title IX. - Racism/Sexual Harassment - The Public and Private Job Sector - Unions - Academia/Education - Politics Some sources for examination will include studies by researchers from various universities on Black women and employment, statistics from the U.S. Labor Bureau, National Research Council and Joint Center for Political Studies, and reports and writings from the Women\u27s Bureau as well as authorities on the above topics. The final chapter will be devoted to reporting the results of interviews and a survey questionnaire of Black working women regarding their views on equal employment\u27s impact and contemporary workplace problems. Suggestions for improving Black women\u27s opportunities and status on the job will also be included in the final chapter

    Seeking Sustainable and Inclusive Communities: A King County Case Study

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    Illustrates the connection between the efforts of King County, Washington, to ease the environmental strain of economic and land development and issues of equity and social justice, including public health, transportation, and educational opportunity

    The Power of Plain Talk: Exploring One Program's Influence on the Adolescent Reproductive Health Field

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    Launched by the Annie E. Casey Foundation in the early 1990s, Plain Talk is a community-based initiative that seeks to reduce the incidence of teen pregnancy and STDs by improving adult/teen communication about sex. A key component of the program is parental involvementwhich was once seen by many in the adolescent reproductive health (ARH) field as a necessary evil rather than important partnership. To determine if Plain Talk had a positive influence on the field's view of parental involvement, and on a number of other related issues, P/PV conducted interviews with 15 leaders from prominent ARH organizations, first in 2003 and again in 2005. This report compiles the results
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