1 research outputs found

    Being Safe on the College Campus [brochure and video]

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    Parents experience many emotions when sending their students away for college. Many are excited for their child, some are sad, and a majority of these parents are worried. Parents now have to worry for a child that they are no longer in the same town as, whom they can no longer set a curfew and monitor when at home. Though people would like to believe that the university their child has chosen is safe the numbers tell a different story. According to Readers Digest (2008) of this country’s 6,000 colleges and universities there are 40,000 burglaries, 3,700 forcible sex offenses, 7,000 aggravated assaults and 48 murders reported a year. In the last ten years universities are learning from past failings in safety and taking steps to be safer. Learning from these mistakes many universities have installed numerous policies and procedures to ensure safety. All students, university employees and guest deserve to feel that they live and work in a safe place. There should be no fear when leaving dorm rooms, walking to class, or studying in the library. But a university can only do so much. Students should be trained on campus safety and responsible decision making. Students only fear should be finals week, not their personal safety