37 research outputs found

    Model-free control algorithms for micro air vehicles with transitioning flight capabilities

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    Micro air vehicles with transitioning flight capabilities, or simply hybrid micro air vehicles, combine the beneficial features of fixed-wing configurations, in terms of endurance, with vertical take-off and landing capabilities of rotorcrafts to perform five different flight phases during typical missions, such as vertical takeoff, transitioning flight, forward flight, hovering and vertical landing. This promising micro air vehicle class has a wider flight envelope than conventional micro air vehicles, which implies new challenges for both control community and aerodynamic designers. One of the major challenges of hybrid micro air vehicles is the fast variation of aerodynamic forces and moments during the transition flight phase which is difficult to model accurately. To overcome this problem, we propose a flight control architecture that estimates and counteracts in real-time these fast dynamics with an intelligent feedback controller. The proposed flight controller is designed to stabilize the hybrid micro air vehicle attitude as well as its velocity and position during all flight phases. By using model-free control algorithms, the proposed flight control architecture bypasses the need for a precise hybrid micro air vehicle model that is costly and time consuming to obtain. A comprehensive set of flight simulations covering the entire flight envelope of tailsitter micro air vehicles is presented. Finally, real-world flight tests were conducted to compare the model-free control performance to that of the Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion controller, which has been applied to a variety of aircraft providing effective flight performances

    Comment se font les administrations : analyser des activités administratives constituantes

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    Entre les rĂ©flexions de sociologie historique sur les transformations des administrations publiques et les perspectives micro-sociologiques sur le travail ordinaire des fonctionnaires, cet article dĂ©fend l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’une perspective d’analyse intermĂ©diaire centrĂ©e sur des « activitĂ©s administratives constituantes ». Au terme d’un panorama du champ des multiples recherches sur les administrations, il propose de centrer le regard sur des dispositifs qui donnent forme aux administrations et constituent des rouages essentiels de leurs fonctionnements. Les activitĂ©s de recrutement, de notation, de structuration de hiĂ©rarchies, de construction de division du travail, d’inscription dans l’écrit ou de comptage gagneraient Ă  ĂȘtre constituĂ©es en objets propres d’enquĂȘtes et Ă©tudiĂ©es pour elles-mĂȘmes, dans leurs contextes historiques et sociaux, pour comprendre de maniĂšre fine la maniĂšre dont se font, se pĂ©rennisent et se recomposent les administrations. Aux jeux des Ă©chelles d’analyse, au test de la comparaison dans le temps et dans l’espace, l’article prĂ©sente l’ensemble des contributions du numĂ©ro et suggĂšre des pistes de recherches moins linĂ©aires des processus historiques de bureaucratisation et de managĂ©rialisation des systĂšmes administratifs.Between studies in historical sociology on changes in public administrations and microsociological analyses of the ordinary work done by civil servants, an intermediate perspective is advocated, one centered on “constituent administrative activities”. Following a panorama of the varied researches on public administrations, the proposal is made to focus on the arrangements that shape administrations and form their essential operations. Recruitment, personnel evaluation, the division of labor, the restructuring of hierarchies and the activities of keeping written records and statistics (writing and counting) should be the subjects of study. When placed in their historical and social contexts, they help us better understand how public administrations last and change. Discussing the scale of analysis and making comparisons over time and in space, this article presents the other contributions to this special issue. Less linear approaches are suggested for analyzing the historical processes of the “bureaucratization” and “managerialization” of administrative systems

    Comment se font les administrations : analyser des activités administratives constituantes

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    Entre les rĂ©flexions de sociologie historique sur les transformations des administrations publiques et les perspectives micro-sociologiques sur le travail ordinaire des fonctionnaires, cet article dĂ©fend l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’une perspective d’analyse intermĂ©diaire centrĂ©e sur des « activitĂ©s administratives constituantes ». Au terme d’un panorama du champ des multiples recherches sur les administrations, il propose de centrer le regard sur des dispositifs qui donnent forme aux administrations et constituent des rouages essentiels de leurs fonctionnements. Les activitĂ©s de recrutement, de notation, de structuration de hiĂ©rarchies, de construction de division du travail, d’inscription dans l’écrit ou de comptage gagneraient Ă  ĂȘtre constituĂ©es en objets propres d’enquĂȘtes et Ă©tudiĂ©es pour elles-mĂȘmes, dans leurs contextes historiques et sociaux, pour comprendre de maniĂšre fine la maniĂšre dont se font, se pĂ©rennisent et se recomposent les administrations. Aux jeux des Ă©chelles d’analyse, au test de la comparaison dans le temps et dans l’espace, l’article prĂ©sente l’ensemble des contributions du numĂ©ro et suggĂšre des pistes de recherches moins linĂ©aires des processus historiques de bureaucratisation et de managĂ©rialisation des systĂšmes administratifs