1,092 research outputs found

    Peranan Manado Post Dalam Mempromosikan Manado Sebagai Kota Tujuan Pariwisata

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    Manado Post News Paper is National News Paper which is rising in region specifically for Manado City. It is famous news paper in North Sulawesi. Manado post have a reponsible to make promotion for Manado as Tourism City. Manado post is communication media of Manado society must always gives support all program development of Manado's goverment

    Keuntungan Relatif Bentuk Olahan Minyak Kelapa Di Kecamatan Amarasi

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    Relative Profits of the Product of processed form of coconut oil in Amarasi district. This research aims at knowing the amount of relative profits of processed form of coconut oil in Amarasi district. This research was held since March 2007 until October 2007 in Amarasi district of Kupang regency of East Nusa Tenggara. This employs descriptive method and its data-collecting technique employs survey one. Tesbatan and Apren villages were chosen as samples area by purposing-sampling method. Technique to choose farmers as the respondents is done by using census way and it gets 48 farmers. Data were analyzed by using input-output way in order to know the amount of profits of a processed form, that is, coconut oil. To know relative profit of processed form of coconut oil, it uses R/C ratio (return and cost).Result show that according to calculation result of R/C ratio, it finds that relative profits on cash fee of coconut oil production are about 2.98 (strata I); 2.83 (strata II); and 3.45 (strata III)

    Respon Evaluatif Petani Terhadap Kelompok Tani Dalam Perspektif Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi

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    Valuative Response Farmer Towards Group Farmer In Perspective Condition Social Economy. The aim of this research of answering the problem as follows: 1) how the farmer's attitude towards the farmer's group? And 2) Whether the social factor economics had relations that were real with the farmer's attitude towards the farmer's group? This research was carried out in the Maulafa Subdistrict, Kupang, NTT for eight months, beginning with March 2008 up to October 2008.This research used the descriptive and technical method the data collection used the technique survey. The taking method of the sample was carried out in stages: 1) the determination of the example district deliberately (Purposive Sampling) that is the Kolhua District, Fatukoa District and Sikumana District and 2) the determination of the example farmer (the respondent) that was carried out Reasonably Random Sampling totalling 15% from all the members of the farmer's group in all the example districts. The total respondent who was used in the research was 36 farmers.The data that was received was tabulated in accordance with the need of the analysis. To know the attitude and the perception of the farmer towards the farmer's group, the data was analysed by using descriptive statistics, whereas to know whether social factors economics had real relations with the farmer's attitude towards the group of the data farmer was analysed by using the Rank Spearman correlation.Results of the research showed that: 1) generally the member of the farmer's group in the Maulafa Subdistrict had a hesitant attitude about the farmer's group with the score of the attitude in general 35.56; and 2) the social factor economics that had real relations with the farmer's attitude towards the farmer's group was the number of securities of the family. Therefore, the social factor economics that could be used to forecast the farmer's attitude towards the farmer's group was the factor of the number of securities of the family

    Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Aparatur Sipil Negara di Kantor Kecamatan Wori Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    This study aims to assess the quality of public services with the State Civil Apparatus, using qualitative research method. Research shows that the role of government officials in relation to the public service in general can be quite adequate it is seen from the role of government officials in the performance of duties and responsibilities, system services provided, procedures and working methods of service, the ability to provide services, the behavior of officials in providing services as well as standard service charge required in general is quite good

    Perilaku Kerja Aparatur Pemerintah Daerah Di Unit Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kota Manado

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    The purpose of the research was to find out and examine the behavior of Satpol PP members as local government officials in Manado City in carrying out duties and functions. The research method used was qualitative research by collecting data through interviews, observation and documentation. Informants were drawn from the civil service in Satpol PP amounted to 7 persons, 2 persons of voluntary members and 1 persons of temporary members, plus the 5 persons from the community so that the overall total of 15 informants. The results showed Satpol PP in performing tasks were shown to perform less disciplined behavior, especially in terms of presence that only followed the morning and evening briefings, especially for civil service personnel. Their motivation to work just to earn salary and earnings for staff and for the volunteers member, their motivation were solel a full time civil servant. Many of the personnel who had not mastered basic tasks and functions as well as the law managed to be hired without going through the selection process so that in performing their duties in the field are performing arrogant, emotional tendencies and even accepted bribes. With their average education of high school level and less training opportunities led to the lacking of knowledge and skills for the specific field task assigned to them. Based on the results of research, it could be concluded that the behavior of personnel working in the Manado City Civil Service Police Unit has not demonstrated consistent behavior with the provisions regarding the duties and functions and community expectations on the behavior of the police civil service as a protector and social security guards. Attitudes and behavior that did not comply with standard of performance and expectations of society that came from competence and personal integrity officers and the influences of the environment in which they served. Less conducive working atmosphere, as well as monitoring and enforcement of discriminatory discipline was less consistent and not sustainable, influenced attitudes and behavior of personnel in the work. In order to establish a good behavior, the knowledge, attitude and discipline have an important role in shaping the behavior of personnel in the agency

    Studi Tentang Wirausaha Baru Berbasis Partisipasi Masyarakat Di Sulawesi Utara

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    . This research aims to identify the conditions and problems confronting the new entrepreneurs in managing the business. This research uses descriptive analysis with the total sample as much of the 265 respondents. Data collected by use questioner and interview technique base on criteria that have been determined. The research found that the business of trading as the main type of business, the mayority of high school educated respondents, initial capital came from businessmen themselves, generally they have not followed entrepreneurial training. This new entrepreneurial expects the government provides access to capital and training to support their efforts. This research has limited because only identify new entrepreneurial activity and knowing perception them about government role of entrepreneurs beginners. This research early to tell further research and information for strategic decision makers in the micro and small enterprises
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