20,727 research outputs found

    Pneumatic inflatable end effector

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    The invention relates to an end effector device for robot or teleoperated type space vehicle which includes an inflatable balloon member carried on the end of tubular member which has a hollow center or conduit through which a suitable pressurized fluid is supplied. The device may be inserted into a variety of shaped openings or truss-type structures for handling in space

    Laser net - A concept for monitoring wingtip vortices on runways

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    Network of laser beams passes over runway to photodetectors on opposite side, magnitude of beam deflection indicates magnitude of density gradient encountered. Visual display of beam deflections affects go, no-go decision for takeoff and landing

    Apparatus for assembling space structure

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    An apparatus for producing a structure in outer space from rolls of prepunched ribbon or sheet material that are transported from the earth to the apparatus located in outer space is described. The apparatus spins the space structure similar to a spider spinning a web utilizing the prepunched ribbon material. The prepunched ribbon material is fed through the apparatus and is shaped into a predetermined channel-shaped configuration. Trusses are punched out of the ribbon and are bent downwardly and attached to a track which normally is a previously laid sheet of material. The size of the overall space structure may be increased by merely attaching an additional roll of sheet material to the apparatus

    Application of Remote Sensing Techniques for Appraising Changes in Wildlife Habitat

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    An attempt was made to investigate the potential of airborne, multispectral, line scanner data acquisition and computer-implemented automatic recognition techniques for providing useful information about waterfowl breeding habitat in North Dakota. The spectral characteristics of the components of a landscape containing waterfowl habitat can be detected with airborne scanners. By analyzing these spectral characteristics it is possible to identify and map the landscape components through analog and digital processing methods. At the present stage of development multispectral remote sensing techniques are not ready for operational application to surveys of migratory bird habitat and other such resources. Further developments are needed to: (1) increase accuracy; (2) decrease retrieval and processing time; and (3) reduce costs

    Applications of radio interferometry to navigation

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    Radio astronomy experiments have demonstrated the feasibility of making precise position measurements using interferometry techniques. The application of this method to navigation and marine geodesy is discussed, and comparisons are made with existing navigation systems. The very long baseline technique, with a master station, can use either an artificial satellite or natural sources as position references; a high-speed data link is required. A completely ship-borne system is shown to be feasible, at the cost of poorer sensitivity for natural sources. A comparison of Doppler, delay and phase-track modes of operating a very long baseline configuration is made, as that between instantaneous measurements and those where a source can be tracked from horizon to transit. Geometric limitations in latitude and longitude coverage are discussed. The characteristics of natural radio sources, their flux, distribution on the sky, and apparent size are shown to provide a limit on position measurements precision. The atmosphere and frequency standard used both contribute to position measurement uncertainty by affecting interferometric phase

    Determination of the gaseous hydrogen ductile-brittle transition in copper-nickel alloys

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    A series of copper-nickel alloys were fabricated, notched tensile specimens machined for each alloy, and the specimens tested in 34.5 MPa hydrogen and in air. A notched tensile ratio was determined for each alloy and the hydrogen environment embrittlement (HEE) determined for the alloys of 47.7 weight percent nickel to 73.5 weight percent nickel. Stacking fault probability and stacking fault energies were determined for each alloy using the x ray diffraction line shift and line profiles technique. Hydrogen environment embrittlement was determined to be influenced by stacking fault energies; however, the correlation is believed to be indirect and only partially responsible for the HEE behavior of these alloys

    Subsonic longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics and engine pressure distributions for an aircraft with an integrated scramjet designed for Mach 6 cruise

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    A 1/10-scale model of a proposed hypersonic aircraft with an integrated scramjet was tested. The investigation took place over a Mach number range from 0.2 to 0.7 and an angle of attack range from 2 deg to approximately 17 deg at a sideslip angle of 0 deg. The primary configuration variables studied were engine location, internal engine geometry, and external engine geometry. The results are presented without analysis

    Automated Mixed Traffic Vehicle (AMTV) technology and safety study

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    Technology and safety related to the implementation of an Automated Mixed Traffic Vehicle (AMTV) system are discussed. System concepts and technology status were reviewed and areas where further development is needed are identified. Failure and hazard modes were also analyzed and methods for prevention were suggested. The results presented are intended as a guide for further efforts in AMTV system design and technology development for both near term and long term applications. The AMTV systems discussed include a low speed system, and a hybrid system consisting of low speed sections and high speed sections operating in a semi-guideway. The safety analysis identified hazards that may arise in a properly functioning AMTV system, as well as hardware failure modes. Safety related failure modes were emphasized. A risk assessment was performed in order to create a priority order and significant hazards and failure modes were summarized. Corrective measures were proposed for each hazard

    Superconductivity and Physical Properties of CaPd2Ge2 Single Crystals

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    We present the superconducting and normal state properties of CaPd2Ge2 single crystal investigated by magnetic susceptibility \chi, isothermal magnetization M, heat capacity C_p, in-plane electrical resistivity \rho and London penetration depth \lambda versus temperature T and magnetic field H measurements. Bulk superconductivity is inferred from the \rho(T) and C_p(T) data. The \rho(T) data exhibit metallic behavior and undergoes a superconducting transition with T_c onset = 1.98 K and zero resistivity state at T_c 0 = 1.67 K. The \chi(T) reveal the onset of superconductivity at 2.0 K. For T>2.0 K, the \chi(T) and M(H) are weakly anisotropic paramagnetic with \chi_ab > \chi_c. The C_p(T) confirm the bulk superconductivity below T_c = 1.69(3) K. The superconducting state electronic heat capacity is analyzed within the framework of a single-band \alpha-model of BCS superconductivity and various normal and superconducting state parameters are estimated. Within the \alpha-model, the C_p(T) data and the ab plane \lambda(T) data consistently indicate a moderately anisotropic s-wave gap with \Delta(0)/k_B T_c ~ 1.6, somewhat smaller than the BCS value of 1.764. The relationship of the heat capacity jump at T_c and the penetration depth measurement to the anisotropy in the s-wave gap is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 2 Tables; Submitted to PR
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