23,005 research outputs found

    Automated mixed traffic transit vehicle microprocessor controller

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    An improved Automated Mixed Traffic Vehicle (AMTV) speed control system employing a microprocessor and transistor chopper motor current controller is described and its performance is presented in terms of velocity versus time curves. The on board computer hardware and software systems are described as is the software development system. All of the programming used in this controller was implemented using FORTRAN. This microprocessor controller made possible a number of safety features and improved the comfort associated with starting and shopping. In addition, most of the vehicle's performance characteristics can be altered by simple program parameter changes. A failure analysis of the microprocessor controller was generated and the results are included. Flow diagrams for the speed control algorithms and complete FORTRAN code listings are also included

    Decorating Random Quadrangulations

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    On various regular lattices (simple cubic, body centred cubic..) decorating an edge with an Ising spin coupled by bonds of strength L to the original vertex spins and competing with a direct anti-ferromagnetic bond of strength alpha L can give rise to three transition temperatures for suitable alpha. The system passes through ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, anti-ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases respectively as the temperature is increased. For the square lattice on the other hand multiple decoration is required to see this effect. We note here that a single decoration suffices for the Ising model on planar random quadrangulations (coupled to 2D quantum gravity). Other random bipartite lattices such as the Penrose tiling are more akin to the regular square lattice and require multiple decoration to have any affect.Comment: 6 pages + 5 figure

    Automated mixed traffic vehicle design AMTV 2

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    The design of an improved and enclosed Automated Mixed Traffic Transit (AMTT) vehicle is described. AMTT is an innovative concept for low-speed tram-type transit in which suitable vehicles are equipped with sensors and controls to permit them to operate in an automated mode on existing road or walkway surfaces. The vehicle chassis and body design are presented in terms of sketches and photographs. The functional design of the sensing and control system is presented, and modifications which could be made to the baseline design for improved performance, in particular to incorporate a 20-mph capability, are also discussed. The vehicle system is described at the block-diagram-level of detail. Specifications and parameter values are given where available

    Potts Models with (17) Invisible States on Thin Graphs

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    The order of a phase transition is usually determined by the nature of the symmetry breaking at the phase transition point and the dimension of the model under consideration. For instance, q-state Potts models in two dimensions display a second order, continuous transition for q = 2,3,4 and first order for higher q. Tamura et al recently introduced Potts models with "invisible" states which contribute to the entropy but not the internal energy and noted that adding such invisible states could transmute continuous transitions into first order transitions. This was observed both in a Bragg-Williams type mean-field calculation and 2D Monte-Carlo simulations. It was suggested that the invisible state mechanism for transmuting the order of a transition might play a role where transition orders inconsistent with the usual scheme had been observed. In this paper we note that an alternative mean-field approach employing 3-regular random ("thin") graphs also displays this change in the order of the transition as the number of invisible states is varied, although the number of states required to effect the transmutation, 17 invisible states when there are 2 visible states, is much higher than in the Bragg-Williams case. The calculation proceeds by using the equivalence of the Potts model with 2 visible and r invisible states to the Blume-Emery-Griffiths (BEG) model, so a by-product is the solution of the BEG model on thin random graphs.Comment: (2) Minor typos corrected, references update

    AMTV headway sensor and safety design

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    A headway sensing system for an automated mixed traffic vehicle (AMTV) employing an array of optical proximity sensor elements is described, and its performance is presented in terms of object detection profiles. The problem of sensing in turns is explored experimentally and requirements for future turn sensors are discussed. A recommended headway sensor configuration, employing multiple source elements in the focal plane of one lens operating together with a similar detector unit, is described. Alternative concepts including laser radar, ultrasonic sensing, imaging techniques, and radar are compared to the present proximity sensor approach. Design concepts for an AMTV body which will minimize the probability of injury to pedestrians or passengers in the event of a collision are presented

    Power system applications of fiber optic sensors

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    This document is a progress report of work done in 1985 on the Communications and Control for Electric Power Systems Project at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. These topics are covered: Electric Field Measurement, Fiber Optic Temperature Sensing, and Optical Power transfer. Work was done on the measurement of ac and dc electric fields. A prototype sensor for measuring alternating fields was made using a very simple electroscope approach. An electronic field mill sensor for dc fields was made using a fiber optic readout, so that the entire probe could be operated isolated from ground. There are several instances in which more precise knowledge of the temperature of electrical power apparatus would be useful. This report describes a number of methods whereby the distributed temperature profile can be obtained using a fiber optic sensor. The ability to energize electronics by means of an optical fiber has the advantage that electrical isolation is maintained at low cost. In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to convert the light energy into electrical form by means of photovoltaic cells. JPL has developed an array of PV cells in gallium arsenide specifically for this purpose. This work is described

    Metallization of Fluid Hydrogen

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    The electrical resistivity of liquid hydrogen has been measured at the high dynamic pressures, densities and temperatures that can be achieved with a reverberating shock wave. The resulting data are most naturally interpreted in terms of a continuous transition from a semiconducting to a metallic, largely diatomic fluid, the latter at 140 GPa, (ninefold compression) and 3000 K. While the fluid at these conditions resembles common liquid metals by the scale of its resistivity of 500 micro-ohm-cm, it differs by retaining a strong pairing character, and the precise mechanism by which a metallic state might be attained is still a matter of debate. Some evident possibilities include (i) physics of a largely one-body character, such as a band-overlap transition, (ii) physics of a strong-coupling or many-body character,such as a Mott-Hubbard transition, and (iii) processes in which structural changes are paramount.Comment: 12 pages, RevTeX format. Figures available on request; send mail to: [email protected] To appear: Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society

    Optical Turbulence Measurements and Models for Mount John University Observatory

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    Site measurements were collected at Mount John University Observatory in 2005 and 2007 using a purpose-built scintillation detection and ranging system. Cn2(h)C_n^2(h) profiling indicates a weak layer located at 12 - 14 km above sea level and strong low altitude turbulence extending up to 5 km. During calm weather conditions, an additional layer was detected at 6 - 8 km above sea level. V(h)V(h) profiling suggests that tropopause layer velocities are nominally 12 - 30 m/s, and near-ground velocities range between 2 -- 20 m/s, dependent on weather. Little seasonal variation was detected in either Cn2(h)C_n^2(h) and V(h)V(h) profiles. The average coherence length, r0r_0, was found to be 7±17 \pm 1 cm for the full profile at a wavelength of 589 nm. The average isoplanatic angle, θ0\theta_0, was 1.0±0.11.0 \pm 0.1 arcsec. The mean turbulence altitude, h0ˉ\bar{h_0}, was found to be 2.0±0.72.0\pm0.7 km above sea level. No average in the Greenwood frequency, fGf_G, could be established due to the gaps present in the \vw\s profiles obtained. A modified Hufnagel-Valley model was developed to describe the Cn2(h)C_n^2(h) profiles at Mount John, which estimates r0r_0 at 6 cm and θ0\theta_0 at 0.9 arcsec. A series of V(h)V(h) models were developed, based on the Greenwood wind model with an additional peak located at low altitudes. Using the Cn2(h)C_n^2(h) model and the suggested V(h)V(h) model for moderate ground wind speeds, fGf_G is estimated at 79 Hz.Comment: 14 pages; accepted for publication in PAS
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