3,031 research outputs found
XMDS2: Fast, scalable simulation of coupled stochastic partial differential equations
XMDS2 is a cross-platform, GPL-licensed, open source package for numerically
integrating initial value problems that range from a single ordinary
differential equation up to systems of coupled stochastic partial differential
equations. The equations are described in a high-level XML-based script, and
the package generates low-level optionally parallelised C++ code for the
efficient solution of those equations. It combines the advantages of high-level
simulations, namely fast and low-error development, with the speed, portability
and scalability of hand-written code. XMDS2 is a complete redesign of the XMDS
package, and features support for a much wider problem space while also
producing faster code.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure
Stabilizing an atom laser using spatially selective pumping and feedback
We perform a comprehensive study of stability of a pumped atom laser in the
presence of pumping, damping and outcoupling. We also introduce a realistic
feedback scheme to improve stability by extracting energy from the condensate
and determine its effectiveness. We find that while the feedback scheme is
highly efficient in reducing condensate fluctuations, it usually does not alter
the stability class of a particular set of pumping, damping and outcoupling
parameters.Comment: 7 figure
Pulse retrieval and soliton formation in a non-standard scheme for dynamic electromagnetically induced transparency
We examine in detail an alternative method of retrieving the information
written into an atomic ensemble of three-level atoms using electromagnetically
induced transparency. We find that the behavior of the retrieved pulse is
strongly influenced by the relative collective atom-light coupling strengths of
the two relevant transitions. When the collective atom-light coupling strength
for the retrieval beam is the stronger of the two transitions, regeneration of
the stored pulse is possible. Otherwise, we show the retrieval process can lead
to creation of soliton-like pulses.Comment: 11 figure
Multimode quantum limits to the linewidth of an atom laser
The linewidth of an atom laser can be limited by excitation of higher energy
modes in the source Bose-Einstein condensate, energy shifts in that condensate
due to the atomic interactions, or phase diffusion of the lasing mode due to
those interactions. The first two are effects that can be described with a
semiclassical model, and have been studied in detail for both pumped and
unpumped atom lasers. The third is a purely quantum statistical effect, and has
been studied only in zero dimensional models. We examine an unpumped atom laser
in one dimension using a quantum field theory using stochastic methods based on
the truncated Wigner approach. This allows spatial and statistical effects to
be examined simultaneously, and the linewidth limit for unpumped atom lasers is
quantified in various limits.Comment: 8 Figure
Attosecond Control of Ionization Dynamics
Attosecond pulses can be used to initiate and control electron dynamics on a
sub-femtosecond time scale. The first step in this process occurs when an atom
absorbs an ultraviolet photon leading to the formation of an attosecond
electron wave packet (EWP). Until now, attosecond pulses have been used to
create free EWPs in the continuum, where they quickly disperse. In this paper
we use a train of attosecond pulses, synchronized to an infrared (IR) laser
field, to create a series of EWPs that are below the ionization threshold in
helium. We show that the ionization probability then becomes a function of the
delay between the IR and attosecond fields. Calculations that reproduce the
experimental results demonstrate that this ionization control results from
interference between transiently bound EWPs created by different pulses in the
train. In this way, we are able to observe, for the first time, wave packet
interference in a strongly driven atomic system.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
Approaching the Heisenberg limit in an atom laser
We present experimental and theoretical results showing the improved beam quality and reduced divergence
of an atom laser produced by an optical Raman transition, compared to one produced by an rf transition. We
show that Raman outcoupling can eliminate the diverging lens effect that the condensate has on the outcoupled
atoms. This substantially improves the beam quality of the atom laser, and the improvement may be greater
than a factor of 10 for experiments with tight trapping potentials. We show that Raman outcoupling can
produce atom lasers whose quality is only limited by the wave function shape of the condensate that produces
them, typically a factor of 1.3 above the Heisenberg limit
Observation of transverse interference fringes on an atom laser beam
Using the unique detection properties offered by metastable
helium atoms we have produced high resolution images of the transverse
spatial profiles of an atom laser beam. We observe fringes on the beam,
resulting from quantum mechanical interference between atoms that start
from rest at different transverse locations within the outcoupling surface
and end up at a later time with different velocities at the same transverse
position. Numerical simulations in the low output-coupling limit give good
quantitative agreement with our experimental data
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