604 research outputs found

    Materials Development: Pitfalls, Successes, and Lessons

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    The incorporation of new or improved materials in aerospace systems, or indeed any systems, can yield tremendous payoffs in the system performance or cost, and in many cases can be enabling for a mission or concept. However, the availability of new materials requires advance development, and too often this is neglected or postponed, leaving a project or mission with little choice. In too many cases, the immediate reaction is to use what was used before; this usually turns out not to be possible and results in large sums of money, and amounts of time, being expended on reinvention rather than development of a material with extended capabilities. Material innovation and development is time consuming, with some common wisdom claiming that the timeline is at least 20 years. This time expands considerably when development is stopped and restarted, or knowledge is lost. Down selection of materials is necessary, especially as the Technical Readiness Level (TRL) increases. However, the costs must be considered and approaches should be taken to retain knowledge and allow for restarting the development process. Regardless of the exact time required, it is clear that it is necessary to have materials, at all stages of development, in a research and development pipeline and available for maturation as required. This talk will discuss some of theses issues, including some of the elements for a development path for materials. Some history of materials developments will be included. The usefulness of computational materials science, as a route to decreasing material development time, will be an important element of this discussion. Collaboration with outside institutions and nations is also critical for innovation, but raises the issues of intellectual property and protections, and national security (ITAR rules, for example)

    Thermal Protection Materials and Systems: Where Have We Been, Where are We Going?

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    Thermal protection materials and systems (TPS) have been critical to fulfilling humankind's desire to explore space. Composite and ceramic materials have enable the early missions to orbit, the moon, the space station, Mars with robots, and sample return. Crewed missions to Mars are being considered, and this places even more demands on TPS materials. This talk will give some history on the materials used for earth and planetary entry and the demands placed upon such materials. TPs needs for future missions, especially to Mars, will be identified and potential solutions discussed

    Thermal Protection Materials

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    Thermal protection materials and systems (TPS) are required to protect a vehicle returning from space or entering an atmosphere. The selection of the material depends on the heat flux, heat load, pressure, and shear and other mechanical loads imposed on the material, which are in turn determined by the vehicle configuration and size, location on the vehicle, speed, a trajectory, and the atmosphere. In all cases the goal is to use a material that is both reliable and efficient for the application. Reliable materials are well understood and have sufficient test data under the appropriate conditions to provide confidence in their performance. Efficiency relates to the behavior of a material under the specific conditions that it encounters TPS that performs very well at high heat fluxes may not be efficient at lower heat fluxes. Mass of the TPS is a critical element of efficiency. This talk will review the major classes of TPS, reusable or insulating materials and ablators. Ultra high temperature ceramics for sharp leading edges will also be reviewed. The talk will focus on the properties and behavior of these materials

    UHTC Research at NASA Ames

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    For enhanced aerodynamic performance. Materials for sharp leading edges can be reusable but need different properties because of geometry and very high temperatures. Require materials with significantly higher temperature capabilities, but for short duration. Current shuttle RCC leading edge materials: T approx. 1650 C. Materials for vehicles with sharp leading edges: T>2000 C. >% Figure depicts: High Temperature at Tip and Steep Temperature Gradient. Passive cooling is simplest option to manage the intense heating on sharp leading edges

    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Demographic Factors Influencing Cervical Cancer Screening Behavior of Zimbabwean Women

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    Aims: The aims of this study were (1) to estimate what proportion of rural females had received cervical screening, (2) to assess knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and demographics that influence cervical screening, and (3) to predict cervical screening accessibility based on demographic factors, knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes that influence cervical screening. Methods: The study sample consisted of randomly selected, sexually active, rural females between 12 and 84 years of age. Five hundred fourteen females responded to an individually administered questionnaire. Results: Of the 514 participants, 91% had never had cervical screening and 81% had no previous knowledge of cervical screening tests; 80% of the group expressed positive beliefs about cervical screening tests after an educational intervention. Females who were financially independent were 6.61% more likely to access cervical screening compared with those who were dependent on their husbands. Females in mining villages were 4.47% more likely to access cervical screening than those in traditional rural reserve villages. Females in resettlement villages were 20% less likely to access cervical screening than those in traditional rural reserve villages. Conclusions: Accessibility of screening services could be improved through planning and implementation of screening programs involving community leaders and culturally appropriate messages. The government should incorporate the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in its immunization program for adolescents, and health education should be intensified to encourage women and their partners to comply with diagnostic and treatment regimens.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90451/1/jwh-2E2010-2E2062.pd

    Materials for Space: It's Challenging!

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    Space environments place tremendous demands on materials that must perform with exceptional reliability to realize the goals of human or robotic space exploration missions. Materials are subjected to extremes of temperature, pressure, radiation and mechanical loads during all phases of use, including takeoff and ascent, exposure to space or entry into an atmosphere, and operation in a planetary atmosphere. Space materials must be robust and enable the formation of lightweight structures or components that perform the required functions; materials that perform multiple functions are of particular interest. This talk will review the unique challenges for materials in space and some of the specific material capabilities that will be needed for future exploration missions. A description of needs and trends in thermal protection materials and systems will complete the talk

    Coatings and Surface Treatments for Reusable Entry Systems

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    This talk outlines work in coatings for TPS done at NASA Ames. coatings and surface treatments on reusable TPS are critical for controlling the behavior of the materials. coatings discussed include RCG, TUFI and HETC. TUFROc is also discussed

    Thermal Protection Systems: Past, Present and Future

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    Thermal protection materials and systems (TPS) have been critical to fulfilling humankinds desire to explore space. Composite and ceramic materials have enabled the early missions to orbit, the moon, the space station, Mars with robots, and sample return. Crewed missions to Mars are being considered, and this places even more demands on TPS materials. This talk will give some history on the materials used for earth and planetary entry and the demands placed upon such materials. TPS needs for future missions, especially to Mars, will be identified and potential solutions discussed

    Thermal Protection Materials and Systems: Past, Present, and Future

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    Thermal protection materials and systems (TPS) protect vehicles from the heat generated when entering a planetary atmosphere. NASA has developed many TPS systems over the years for vehicle ranging from planetary probes to crewed vehicles. The goal for all TPS is efficient and reliable performance. Efficient means using the right material for the environment and minimizing the mass of the heat shield without compromising safety. Efficiency is critical if the payload such as science experiments is to be maximized on a particular vehicle. Reliable means that we understand and can predict performance of the material. Although much characterization and testing of materials is performed to qualify and certify them for flight, it is not possible to completely recreate the reentry conditions in test facilities, and flight-testin

    New Approaches to Waterproofing of Space Shuttle Insulating Materials

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    Future reusable space vehicles will be in service much more frequently than current space shuttles. Therefore, rapid reconditioning of spacecraft will be required. Currently, the waterproofing of space shuttles after each re-entry takes 72 hours and requires substantial labor. In addition, the currently used waterproofing reagent, DiMethylEthoxySilane (DMES), is considered toxic, and ethanol fumes are released during its hydrolytic activation. Consequently, a long time period, which is not acceptable for future operations, is needed to ensure that 0 the excess volatile compounds are removed before further maintenance of the space vehicle can be performed. The objective of this project was to assist NASA Ames in finding improved waterproofing systems by identifying suitable waterproofing agents that can be applied by vapor phase deposition and will be less toxic, bond more rapidly to the insulation material surface, and potentially have higher thermal stability than the DMES system. Several approaches to achieve faster waterproofing with less toxicity were assessed using the following alternatives: Reactive volatile compounds that are rapidly deposited by chemical bonding at the surface and leave no toxic volatiles. Reactive reagents that are the least toxic. Nonvolatile reagents that are very reactive and bond strongly to the insulating material surface. Three specific types of potential reagents were chosen for evaluation in this project: 1. Volatile reagents with Si-Cl functional groups for vapor deposition 2. Volatile reagents with Si-H functional groups for vapor deposition 3. Nonvolatile oligomeric or polymeric reactive siloxanes that are assumed to have higher thermal stability and/or strong bonding to the insulating material. The chemistry involved in the project was targeted at the generation of intermediates having reactive Si-OH bonds for the formation of either volatile species or polymeric species that bond rapidly to the surface and also cure rapidly. We focused on two chemical reactions@-hydrolysis of Si-Cl bonds and catalytic dehydrocoupling of Si-H bonds
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