11,442 research outputs found

    Seamless metal-clad fiber-reinforced organic matrix composite structures and process for their manufacture

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    A metallic outer sleeve is provided which is capable of enveloping a hollow metallic inner member having continuous reinforcing fibers attached to the distal end thereof. The inner member is then introduced into outer sleeve until inner member is completely enveloped by outer sleeve. A liquid matrix member is then injected into space between inner member and outer sleeve. A pressurized heat transfer medium is flowed through the inside of inner member, thereby forming a fiber reinforced matrix composite material. The wall thicknesses of both inner member and outer sleeve are then reduced to the appropriate size by chemical etching, to adjust the thermal expansion coefficient of the metal-clad composite structure to the desired value. thereby forming a fiber reinforced matrix composite material. The wall thicknesses of both inner member and outer sleeve are then reduced to the appropriate size by chemical etching, to adjust the thermal expansion coefficient of the metal-clad composite structure to the desired value. The novelty of this invention resides in the development of a efficient method of producing seamless metal clad fiber reinforced organic matrix composite structures

    Glacial geology of the Hellas region on Mars

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    A glacial geologic interpretation was recently presented for Argyre, which is herein extended to Hellas. This glacial event is believed to constitute an important link in a global cryohydric epoch of Middle Amazonian age. At glacial maximum, ice apparently extended far beyond the regions of Argyre and Hellas, and formed what is termed as the Austral Ice Sheet, an agglomeration of several ice domes and lobes including the Hellas Lobe. It is concluded that Hellas was apparently heavily glaciated. Also glaciation was young by Martian standards (Middle Amazonian), and ancient by terrestrial standards. Glaciation appears to have occurred during the same period that other areas on Mars were experiencing glaciation and periglacial activity. Glaciation seems to have occurred as a geological brief epoch of intense geomorphic activity in an era characterized by long periods of relative inactivity

    Hierarchical geometric frustration in La3Cu2VO9

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    The crystallographic structure and magnetic properties of the La3Cu2VO9 were investigated by powder neutron diffraction and magnetization measurements. The compound materializes geometric frustration at two spatial scales, within clusters and between clusters, and at different temperature scales. It is shown by exactly solving the hamiltonian spectrum that collective spins are formed on each clusters at low temperature before inter-clusters coupling operates.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. HFM2006 proceeding pape

    Glacial and marine chronology of Mars

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    A hydrological model involving episodic oceans and ice sheets on Mars has been presented by Baker, et al. One of the main uncertainties concerning this model is the age and correlation of these events. Even more uncertain are their absolute ages. However, based on stratigraphic and cratering evidence, the most recent occurrence of these events was relatively late in Martian history. The cratering record on Mars can be divided into three general periods: (1) the period of late heavy bombardment; (2) a transition period at the end of late heavy bombardment; and (3) the post heavy bombardment era. The crater size/frequency distribution represented by the period of late heavy bombardment is characterized by a complex curve with a differential-2 slope (cumulative-1) at diameters less than about 50 km diameter, while the post heavy bombardment size distribution has a differential-3 slope (cumulative-2) over the same diameter range. An R plot is presented of the size/freqency distribution of ejecta blanket craters on the Argyre esker plains and similar craters in Hellas. The relative chronology is summarized of oceans, ice sheets, and other major events in Martian history

    Symmetrization and enhancement of the continuous Morlet transform

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    The forward and inverse wavelet transform using the continuous Morlet basis may be symmetrized by using an appropriate normalization factor. The loss of response due to wavelet truncation is addressed through a renormalization of the wavelet based on power. The spectral density has physical units which may be related to the squared amplitude of the signal, as do its margins the mean wavelet power and the integrated instant power, giving a quantitative estimate of the power density with temporal resolution. Deconvolution with the wavelet response matrix reduces the spectral leakage and produces an enhanced wavelet spectrum providing maximum resolution of the harmonic content of a signal. Applications to data analysis are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, minor revision, final versio

    Eurasian watermilfoil biomass associated with insect herbivores in New York

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    A study of aquatic plant biomass within Cayuga Lake, New York spans twelve years from 1987-1998. The exotic Eurasian watermilfoil ( Myriophyllum spicatum L.) decreased in the northwest end of the lake from 55% of the total biomass in 1987 to 0.4% in 1998 and within the southwest end from 50% in 1987 to 11% in 1998. Concurrent with the watermilfoil decline was the resurgence of native species of submersed macrophytes. During this time we recorded for the first time in Cayuga Lake two herbivorous insect species: the aquatic moth Acentria ephemerella , first observed in 1991, and the aquatic weevil Euhrychiopsis lecontei , first found in 1996 . Densities of Acentria in southwest Cayuga Lake averaged 1.04 individuals per apical meristem of Eurasian watermilfoil for the three-year period 1996-1998. These same meristems had Euhrychiopsis densities on average of only 0.02 individuals per apical meristem over the same three-year period. A comparison of herbivore densities and lake sizes from five lakes in 1997 shows that Acentria densities correlate positively with lake surface area and mean depth, while Euhrychiopsis densities correlate negatively with lake surface area and mean depth. In these five lakes, Acentria densities correlate negatively with percent composition and dry mass of watermilfoil. However, Euhrychiopsis densities correlate positively with percent composition and dry mass of watermilfoil. Finally, Acentria densities correlate negatively with Euhrychiopsis densities suggesting interspecific competition

    Robust topology optimization of three-dimensional photonic-crystal band-gap structures

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    We perform full 3D topology optimization (in which "every voxel" of the unit cell is a degree of freedom) of photonic-crystal structures in order to find optimal omnidirectional band gaps for various symmetry groups, including fcc (including diamond), bcc, and simple-cubic lattices. Even without imposing the constraints of any fabrication process, the resulting optimal gaps are only slightly larger than previous hand designs, suggesting that current photonic crystals are nearly optimal in this respect. However, optimization can discover new structures, e.g. a new fcc structure with the same symmetry but slightly larger gap than the well known inverse opal, which may offer new degrees of freedom to future fabrication technologies. Furthermore, our band-gap optimization is an illustration of a computational approach to 3D dispersion engineering which is applicable to many other problems in optics, based on a novel semidefinite-program formulation for nonconvex eigenvalue optimization combined with other techniques such as a simple approach to impose symmetry constraints. We also demonstrate a technique for \emph{robust} topology optimization, in which some uncertainty is included in each voxel and we optimize the worst-case gap, and we show that the resulting band gaps have increased robustness to systematic fabrication errors.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Optics Expres

    Investigation of methods to produce a uniform cloud of fuel particles in a flame tube

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    The combustion of a uniform, quiescent cloud of 30-micron fuel particles in a flame tube was proposed as a space-based, low-gravity experiment. The subject is the normal- and low-gravity testing of several methods to produce such a cloud, including telescoping propeller fans, air pumps, axial and quadrature acoustical speakers, and combinations of these devices. When operated in steady state, none of the methods produced an acceptably uniform cloud (+ or - 5 percent of the mean concentration), and voids in the cloud were clearly visible. In some cases, severe particle agglomeration was observed; however, these clusters could be broken apart by a short acoustic burst from an axially in-line speaker. Analyses and experiments reported elsewhere suggest that transient, acoustic mixing methods can enhance cloud uniformity while minimizing particle agglomeration
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