13,164 research outputs found

    Inverse scattering and solitons in An1A_{n-1} affine Toda field theories II

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    New single soliton solutions to the affine Toda field theories are constructed, exhibiting previously unobserved topological charges. This goes some of the way in filling the weights of the fundamental representations, but nevertheless holes in the representations remain. We use the group doublecross product form of the inverse scattering method, and restrict ourselves to the rank one solutions.Comment: 19 pages, latex, 12 fig

    Personality Characteristics of Unsuccessful Student Teachers

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    Problem: The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes underlying the unsuccessful professional laboratory experiences of student teachers at Saint Cloud State College. Two problems of a specific nature were scrutinized in this study: 1. What were the reasons that made student teachers ineffective in their student teaching experiences at Satin Cloud State College, furthermore, what limitations did personality factors place on student performance? 2. Which, if any, of the selection criteria could identify the potentially unsuccessful student teachers. Method: This investigation was primarily a study of records and evaluations of those people who were admitted to teacher education and were actually assigned to a student teaching center. This information was used in context with the latest writings in the preparation of future teachers. Two methods were employed in this study: (1) examination of the records and case histories of successful and unsuccessful student teachers (2) a comparison was made between data provided by Cattell\u27s Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire and College Supervisor\u27s comments and judgments. Specific questions to be answered included: 1. Are there personality traits that differentiate between unsuccessful and successful teacher education students? 2. How should these traits best be identified in selecting candidates? Findings: Each of the separate methods of investigation in this study offered some answers and insights into the specific questions stated in this study. Several conclusions appeared evident: 1. Selection was considered to be of paramount concern if preparation was to result in the kind of teacher considered desirable. 2. Selection criteria should be manifold. Personality factors; communication ability, both spoken and written; physical and mental health; emotional stability; as well as academic ability and achievement. 3. Preparation of teachers was a two-fold process involving sound pedogogical basis and guided laboratory experiences. 4. Unsuccessful student teachers displayed deficiencies in communication ability, planning and organizational ability along with personality inadequacies that limited them in their relationship with other people. The selection process as practiced at Saint Cloud State College is noticeably lacking in identifying the potentially unsuccessful student teacher. The opinion of the college supervisor is placed in the position of functioning as one of the selection factors. Recommendations: The use of written communication ability determining procedures should be employed as an initial step in selecting candidates for teacher education. A personality testing instrument such as the 16 P.F. should be employed to help identify defects that could limit the candidate as a teacher. A selection board should be constituted to review the candidates\u27s academic qualifications as well as the results of the personality test. This same group should act as an interviewing body holding final decision as to admission or rejection of the candidate based upon all the available evidence

    Scale as a Transaction Cost Variable in the U.S. Biopower Industry

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    With increasing interest in renewable energy from agriculture, including biopower and cellulose ethanol, several aspects of the industry must be understood. Study of the organization of the biopower industry represents an under researched area and a new application of transaction cost theory to an emerging industry. Refinement of the theory can also result from challenging applications. This article provides an application of transaction cost economics to the existing United States biopower industry while challenging the empirical convention of excluding production cost variables from transaction cost analysis. Utilizing survey data from 53 biopower generators, scale is modeled as a transaction cost variable in explaining the choice of organizational from. Consistent with transaction cost theory, the probability of observing internal organization is found to be negatively correlated to scale. Given this evidence, this article reconsiders the impact of scale and transaction costs on the choice of organizational from.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Deglaciation of the Central Nain-Okak Bay Section of Labrador

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    A complete glaciation of the highest peaks in this region, indicated by erratics on the top, is tenatively correlated with the Torngat glaciation, and a subsequent advance from interior Labrador, during which the highest peaks were nunataks, to the Koroksoak glaciation. The last deglaciation was basically a recession accompanying thinning of the interior Labrador ice sheet. In the Nain-Okak Bay region it occurred in four steps. Low lying areas were still occupied by isolated masses of stagnant ice when the eustatic sea-level rise began. The events leading to complete deglaciation are reconstructed mainly from the distribution of moraines, kame terraces and other ice contact and fluvioglacial features. In the absence of accurate C-14 dating, the chronology suggested is relative rather than absolute.Déglaciation de la section centrale Nain-baie d'Okak, au Labrador. Sur les plus hauts sommets de la section Nain-baie d'Okak du Labrador, des erratiques glaciaires indiquent qu'à un certain moment, toute la région était entièrement recouverte de glace. On relie provisoirement cette glaciation à celle de Torngat. Une réavancée subséquente, venue de l'intérieur, au cours de laquelle les plus hauts sommets ont constitué des nunataks, semblerait correspondre à la glaciation de Koroksoak, car les systèmes morainiques des niveaux inférieurs sont apparemment ceux de la glaciation de Saglek et ses différentes phases. La déglaciation finale a consisté surtout en une récession accompagnée d'un amincissement de l'inlandsis intérieur, tandis qu'au début du relèvement eustatique du niveau de la mer, des masses de glace stagnante occupaient encore les régions les plus basses

    The Establishment of Alert, N.W.T., Canada

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    The Joint Arctic Weather Stations of Canada and the United States were built in the Queen Elizabeth Islands of northern Canada. The Eureka and Resolute stations were established in 1947 and another two, Mould Bay and Isachsen, in 1948. In the summer of 1948 the U.S. icebreakers Edisto and Eastwind reached Dumbbell Bay on the north coast of Ellesmere Island, where a cache was deposited for a fifth Canadian station, Alert. This station was established by air from Thule in April 1950. Unlike earlier satellite stations, the eight regular station personnel were supplemented by four extra men to aid in construction of the buildings and a gravel airstrip. During the spring a message left at Cape Sheridan by Peary in 1907 was found and evidence, including an unreported marker, of the 1875-76 British Admiralty Expedition was discovered. Equipment failures and supply problems later on caused construction delays, which were relieved by air drops. One of these led to the crash of an RCAF Lancaster and the death of all aboard. An RCAF Canso sent to investigate was damaged during an attempted takeoff but was repaired when the Eastwind arrived with support and badly needed equipment. Completion of the station proceeded rapidly after this, and it became operational in September 1950. As an important Cold War listening post on the northern rim of the continent, its population of specialists grew to more than 200.

    Langevin processes, agent models and socio-economic systems

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    We review some approaches to the understanding of fluctuations in some models used to describe socio and economic systems. Our approach builds on the development of a simple Langevin equation that characterises stochastic processes. This provides a unifying approach that allows first a straightforward description of the early approaches of Bachelier. We generalise the approach to stochastic equations that model interacting agents. Using a simple change of variable, we show that the peer pressure model of Marsilli and the wealth dynamics model of Solomon are closely related. The methods are further shown to be consistent with a global free energy functional that invokes an entropy term based on the Boltzmann formula. A more recent approach by Michael and Johnson maximised a Tsallis entropy function subject to simple constraints. We show how this approach can be developed from an agent model where the simple Langevin process is now conditioned by local rather than global noise. The approach yields a BBGKY type hierarchy of equations for the system correlation functions. Of especial interest is that the results can be obtained from a new free energy functional similar to that mentioned above except that a Tsallis like entropy term replaces the Boltzmann entropy term. A mean field approximation yields the results of Michael and Johnson. We show how personal income data for Brazil, the US, Germany and the UK, analysed recently by Borgas can be qualitatively understood by this approach.Comment: 1 figur