43 research outputs found

    Investigating the relationships between peristaltic contraction and fluid transport in the human colon using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

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    Β© 2012. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Complex relationships exist between gut contractility and the flow of digesta. We propose here a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics model coupling the flow of luminal content and wall flexure to help investigate these relationships. The model indicates that a zone of muscular relaxation preceding the contraction is an important element for transport. Low pressures in this zone generate positive thrust for low viscosity content. The viscosity of luminal content controls the localization of the flow and the magnitude of the radial pressure gradient and together with contraction amplitude they control the transport rate. For high viscosity content, high lumen occlusion is required for effective propulsion

    The use of fibre optic sensing technology with intraluminal impedance catheter for functional gastrointestinal motility disorders

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    Author accepted manuscript made available with permission from Engineers Australia.We present a composite impedance fibre optic manometry catheter for monitoring functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID). The catheter uses a dual lumen silicone extrusion to separate each technology and has been validated in ex-vivo animal models

    Measurement of Muscular Activity Associated With Peristalsis in the Human Gut Using Fiber Bragg Grating Arrays

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    Author version made available under Publisher copyright policy.Diagnostic catheters based on fibre Bragg gratings (FBG’s) are proving to be highly effective for measurement of the muscular activity associated with peristalsis in the human gut. The primary muscular contractions that generate peristalsis are circumferential in nature; however, it has long been known that there is also a component of longitudinal contractility present, acting in harmony with the circumferential component to improve the overall efficiency of material movement. We report on the development of, and latest results from, catheter based sensors capable of detecting both forms of muscular activity. While detection of the circumferential contractions has been possible using solid state, hydraulic, and pneumatic sensor arrays in the oesophagus and anorectum, FBG based devices allow access into the complex and convoluted regions of the gut below the stomach. We report early results from FBG catheters used during trials of novel therapies in patients with both slow transit constipation and faecal incontinence. In addition, there have been relatively few reports on the measurement or inference of longitudinal contractions in humans. This is due to the lack of a viable recording technique suitable for real-time in-vivo measurement of this type of activity over extended lengths of the gut. We report preliminary data on the detection of longitudinal motion in lengths of excised mammalian colon using an FBG technique that should be viable for similar detection in humans. The longitudinal sensors have been combined with pressure sensing elements to form a composite catheter that allows the relative phase between the two components to be detected. The output of both types of catheter has been validated using digital video mapping in an ex-vivo animal preparation using lengths of rabbit ileum

    Ovine multiparity is associated with diminished vaginal muscularis, increased elastic fibres and vaginal wall weakness: implication for pelvic organ prolapse

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) is a major clinical burden affecting 25% of women, with vaginal delivery a major contributing factor. We hypothesised that increasing parity weakens the vagina by altering the extracellular matrix proteins and smooth muscle thereby leading to POP vulnerability. We used a modified POP-quantification (POP-Q) system and a novel pressure sensor to measure vaginal wall weakness in nulliparous, primiparous and multiparous ewes. These measurements were correlated with histological, biochemical and biomechanical properties of the ovine vagina. Primiparous and multiparous ewes had greater displacement of vaginal tissue compared to nulliparous at points Aa, Ap and Ba and lower pressure sensor measurements at points equivalent to Ap and Ba. Vaginal wall muscularis of multiparous ewes was thinner than nulliparous and had greater elastic fibre content. Collagen content was lower in primiparous than nulliparous ewes, but collagen organisation did not differ. Biomechanically, multiparous vaginal tissue was weaker and less stiff than nulliparous. Parity had a significant impact on the structure and function of the ovine vaginal wall, as the multiparous vaginal wall was weaker and had a thinner muscularis than nulliparous ewes. This correlated with β€œPOP-Q” and pressure sensor measurements showing greater tissue laxity in multiparous compared to nulliparous ewes

    The effect of luminal content and rate of occlusion on the interpretation of colonic manometry

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    This is the accepted version of the following article: [Arkwright, J. W., Dickson, A., Maunder, S. A., Blenman, N. G., Lim, J., O’Grady, G., Archer, R., Costa, M., Spencer, N. J., Brookes, S., Pullan, A. and Dinning, P. G. (2013), The effect of luminal content and rate of occlusion on the interpretation of colonic manometry. Neurogastroenterology & Motility, 25: e52–e59.], which has been published in final form at [http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/nmo.12051]. In addition, authors may also transmit, print and share copies with colleagues, provided that there is no systematic distribution of the submitted version, e.g. posting on a listserve, network or automated delivery.Background Manometry is commonly used for diagnosis of esophageal and anorectal motility disorders. In the colon, manometry is a useful tool, but clinical application remains uncertain. This uncertainty is partly based on the belief that manometry cannot reliably detect non-occluding colonic contractions and, therefore, cannot identify reliable markers of dysmotility. This study tests the ability of manometry to record pressure signals in response to non-lumen-occluding changes in diameter, at different rates of wall movement and with content of different viscosities. Methods A numerical model was built to investigate pressure changes caused by localized, non-lumen-occluding reductions in diameter, similar to those caused by contraction of the gut wall. A mechanical model, consisting of a sealed pressure vessel which could produce localized reductions in luminal diameter, was used to validate the model using luminal segments formed from; (i) natural latex; and (ii) sections of rabbit proximal colon. Fluids with viscosities ranging from 1 to 6800 mPa s-1 and luminal contraction rates over the range 5-20 mmHg s-1 were studied. Key Results Manometry recorded non-occluding reductions in diameter, provided that they occurred with sufficiently viscous content. The measured signal was linearly dependent on the rate of reduction in luminal diameter and also increased with increasing viscosity of content (R2 = 0.62 and 0.96 for 880 and 1760 mPa s-1, respectively). Conclusions & Inferences Manometry reliably registers non-occluding contractions in the presence of viscous content, and is therefore a viable tool for measuring colonic motility. Interpretation of colonic manometric data, and definitions based on manometric results, must consider the viscosity of luminal content.Australian National Health & Medical Research Counci

    Illumination of Parainfluenza Virus Infection and Transmission in Living Animals Reveals a Tissue-Specific Dichotomy

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    The parainfluenza viruses (PIVs) are highly contagious respiratory paramyxoviruses and a leading cause of lower respiratory tract (LRT) disease. Since no vaccines or antivirals exist, non-pharmaceutical interventions are the only means of control for these pathogens. Here we used bioluminescence imaging to visualize the spatial and temporal progression of murine PIV1 (Sendai virus) infection in living mice after intranasal inoculation or exposure by contact. A non-attenuated luciferase reporter virus (rSeV-luc(M-F*)) that expressed high levels of luciferase yet was phenotypically similar to wild-type Sendai virus in vitro and in vivo was generated to allow visualization. After direct intranasal inoculation, we unexpectedly observed that the upper respiratory tract (URT) and trachea supported robust infection under conditions that result in little infection or pathology in the lungs including a low inoculum of virus, an attenuated virus, and strains of mice genetically resistant to lung infection. The high permissivity of the URT and trachea to infection resulted in 100% transmission to naΓ―ve contact recipients, even after low-dose (70 PFU) inoculation of genetically resistant BALB/c donor mice. The timing of transmission was consistent with the timing of high viral titers in the URT and trachea of donor animals but was independent of the levels of infection in the lungs of donors. The data therefore reveals a disconnect between transmissibility, which is associated with infection in the URT, and pathogenesis, which arises from infection in the lungs and the immune response. Natural infection after transmission was universally robust in the URT and trachea yet limited in the lungs, inducing protective immunity without weight loss even in genetically susceptible 129/SvJ mice. Overall, these results reveal a dichotomy between PIV infection in the URT and trachea versus the lungs and define a new model for studies of pathogenesis, development of live virus vaccines, and testing of antiviral therapies

    Novel insight into pressurization of the male and female urethra through application of a multi-channel fibre-optic pressure transducer: proof of concept and validation

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    PURPOSE: To confirm feasibility of recording pressure along the length of the urethra using a multi-sensor fibre-optic pressure catheter; to identify the spatial and temporal features of changes in pressure along the urethra at sites related to specific striated pelvic floor muscles; and to investigate the relationship between urethral pressures and activation of individual pelvic floor muscles estimated from ultrasound imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Proof-of-concept study including one male (47 years old) and one female (33 years old). A multi-sensor fibre optic pressure catheter (10 mm sensor separation) was inserted into the urethra. Pressure data were recorded simultaneously with trans-perineal ultrasound imaging measures of pelvic floor muscle activity during sub-maximal and maximal voluntary contractions and evoked coughs. RESULTS: Pressure changes along the urethra were recorded in all tasks in both participants. Face validity of interpretation of pressure measures with respect to individual muscles was supported by correlation with ultrasound-measured displacements induced by the relevant muscles. Onset of pressure increase occurred in a distal to proximal sequence in the urethra of the male but not the female during voluntary contraction. Peak urethral pressures varied in location, timing and amplitude between tasks. Evoked cough induced in the greatest urethral pressure increase across all tasks for both participants. CONCLUSIONS: The high spatial resolution pressure catheter provide viable and valid recordings of urethral pressure in a male and female. Data provide preliminary evidence of sex differences in spatial and temporal distribution of urethral pressure changes