273 research outputs found

    Congressional Control of the Courts: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Expansion of the Federal Judiciary

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    Congress has many available tools to influence the federal judiciary. In this article, we consider Congress\u27 ability to balance, or stack, the courts through the creation of federal judgeships. While caseload pressure often produces the need for more judgeships, we demonstrate that political party alignment between Congress and the president often determines the timing of the judicial expansion. The net effect of expanding during political alignment is to speed up changes in the political balance of the judiciary in favor of the current Congress. We also examine the determinants of expansion size and show that both political alignment and caseload pressure influence Congress\u27 decision regarding how many judgeships to add

    The Structure and Conduct of Corporate Lobbying: How Firms Lobby the Federal Communications Commission

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    lobbying (internal organization vs. trade association) by firms in administrative agencies. It explores the power and limitations of the collective action theories and transaction cost theories in explaining lobbying. It introduces a dataset of over 900 lobbying contacts cover 101 issues at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in early 1998. We find that the structure and conduct of large firm lobbying at the FCC is consistent with the predictions of theories of transaction costs and the main results of theories of collective action. However, large firms do not change their behavior drastically as structures arise to remedy the free rider problem. Small firms show no sensitivity to collective action issues or transaction cost issues in the organization or amount of their lobbying, but they do lobby less when having to reveal proprietary information. In sum, large firms behave largely consistent with theoretical predictions, while small firms do not.

    Airflow dynamics and exhaled-breath temperature following cold-water ingestion

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    Introduction. Drinking cold water evokes decreases in spirometric indices of lung function. We studied whether this could be explained by changes in exhaled-breath temperature (EBT), airflow dynamics,and spirometer measurement sensitivity. Methods. In a randomized/crossover design, 10 healthy adults consumed 1,000 mL refrigerated water (2.1±0.64 ÂșC) or water at room temperature (19.4±0.5 ÂșC), with EBT assessed at baseline and at 5,10,15 and 30-min post-ingestion. The influence of EBT on pneumotachograph measurement characteristics was modelled using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Results. At 5-min post-ingestion, EBT was lower (p<0.001) following the ingestion of cold water versus water at room-temperature (31.7±1.1 vs. 33.0±0.9 °C), and remained lower until 30-min post-ingestion. At a flow of 8 L*s−1 , a decrease in EBT of 2.1 ° 29 C (observed following cold-water ingestion) was modelled to underpredict lung volume by 0.7%. Conclusions. Cold water reduces EBT below baseline but effects pneumotachograph measurements only negligibly; thus, decreased lung function following cold-water ingestion likely has a physiological explanation which warrants further stud

    Pediatric high users of Canadian hospitals and emergency departments

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    Introduction Few studies have examined the most frequent pediatric users of hospital services. Our objective was to determine the clinical diagnoses, demographic characteristics, and medical severity of high-use pediatric patients in Canada. Methods We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients <18 years of age who either were admitted to hospital or visited an emergency department (ED) using the Canadian Institute for Health Information’s (CIHI) Dynamic Cohort of Complex, High System Users. The analysis of hospital admission data excluded Quebec and Manitoba. ED data was only available for Alberta and Ontario. Results 121 104 patients were identified as the most frequent hospital users and 459 998 patients as the most frequent ED users. High users were more likely to reside in a rural community, to be in a lower income quintile, and face more deprivation. The most frequent conditions for hospitalization for high use patients were disorders related to length of prematurity and fetal growth, respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific to the perinatal period, and haemorrhagic and haematological disorders of fetus and newborn. For the most frequent ED users, the most common clinical diagnoses were acute upper respiratory infections, injuries to the head, and diseases of the middle ear and mastoid. Conclusion Pediatric high users by frequency of hospital and ED services are a distinct population. Better understanding their characteristics will allow for more appropriate planning of children’s health services and help identify areas for effective preventive or quality improvement initiatives

    Patent Litigation and the Internet

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    Patent infringement litigation has not only increased dramatically in frequency over the past few decades,1 but also has also seen striking growth in both stakes and cost.2 Although a relatively rich literature has added much to our understanding of the nature, causes, and consequences of patent litigation during the past two decades,3 many interesting questions remain inadequately addressed. The nuances of and trends in patent litigation in different technology fields and industries, for example, are still understudied.4 Litigation of patents on new technologies has likewise received a dearth of attention. Here we seek to help begin filling these gaps by empirically analyzing the phenomenon in a very particular context: the litigation of Internet patents. In particular, we study litigation of patents on Internet business processes issued during the first few years in which such patents were granted, and determine whether it differs in meaningful ways from litigation of patents in other fields

    Identification of an unusual Brucella strain (BO2) from a lung biopsy in a 52 year-old patient with chronic destructive pneumonia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Brucellosis is primarily a zoonotic disease caused by <it>Brucella </it>species. There are currently ten <it>Brucella </it>spp. including the recently identified novel <it>B. inopinata </it>sp. isolated from a wound associated with a breast implant infection. In this study we report on the identification of an unusual <it>Brucella</it>-like strain (BO2) isolated from a lung biopsy in a 52-year-old patient in Australia with a clinical history of chronic destructive pneumonia.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Standard biochemical profiles confirmed that the unusual strain was a member of the <it>Brucella </it>genus and the full-length 16S rRNA gene sequence was 100% identical to the recently identified <it>B. inopinata </it>sp. nov. (type strain BO1<sup>T</sup>). Additional sequence analysis of the <it>recA, omp2a </it>and <it>2b </it>genes; and multiple locus sequence analysis (MLSA) demonstrated that strain BO2 exhibited significant similarity to the <it>B. inopinata </it>sp. compared to any of the other <it>Brucella </it>or <it>Ochrobactrum </it>species. Genotyping based on multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) established that the BO2 and BO1<sup>T</sup>strains form a distinct phylogenetic cluster separate from the other <it>Brucella </it>spp.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Based on these molecular and microbiological characterizations, we propose that the BO2 strain is a novel lineage of the newly described <it>B. inopinata </it>species.</p

    Comparison of two multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis methods for molecular strain typing of human Brucella melitensis isolates from the Middle East

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    Brucella species are highly monomorphic, with minimal genetic variation among species, hindering the development of reliable subtyping tools for epidemiologic and phylogenetic analyses. Our objective was to compare two distinct multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA) subtyping methods on a collection of 101 Brucella melitensis isolates from sporadic human cases of brucellosis in Egypt (n = 83), Qatar (n = 17), and Libya (n = 1). A gel-based MLVA technique, MLVA-15IGM, was compared to an automated capillary electrophoresis-based method, MLVA-15NAU, with each MLVA scheme examining a unique set of variable-number tandem repeats. Both the MLVAIGM and MLVANAU methods were highly discriminatory, resolving 99 and 101 distinct genotypes, respectively, and were able to largely separate genotypes from Egypt and Qatar. The MLVA-15NAU scheme presented higher strain-to-strain diversity in our test population than that observed with the MLVA-15IGM assay. Both schemes were able to genetically correlate some strains originating from the same hospital or region within a country. In addition to comparing the genotyping abilities of these two schemes, we also compared the usability, limitations, and advantages of the two MLVA systems and their applications in the epidemiological genotyping of human B. melitensis strains

    Combined population genomic screening for three high-risk conditions in Australia: a modelling study

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    BACKGROUND: No previous health-economic evaluation has assessed the impact and cost-effectiveness of offering combined adult population genomic screening for mutliple high-risk conditions in a national public healthcare system. METHODS: This modeling study assessed the impact of offering combined genomic screening for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, Lynch syndrome and familial hypercholesterolaemia to all young adults in Australia, compared with the current practice of clinical criteria-based testing for each condition separately. The intervention of genomic screening, assumed as an up-front single cost in the first annual model cycle, would detect pathogenic variants in seven high-risk genes. The simulated population was 18–40 year-olds (8,324,242 individuals), modelling per-sample test costs ranging AU100–100–1200 (base-case AU200)fromtheyear2023onwardswithtestinguptakeof50FINDINGS:Overthepopulationlifetime(toage80years),themodelestimatedthatgenomicscreeningper−100,000individualswouldleadto747QALYsgainedbypreventing63cancers,31CHDcasesand97deaths.Inthetotalmodelpopulation,thiswouldtranslateto31,094QALYsgainedbypreventing2612cancers,542non−fatalCHDeventsand4047totaldeaths.AtAU200) from the year 2023 onwards with testing uptake of 50%. Interventions for identified high-risk variant carriers follow current Australian guidelines, modelling imperfect uptake and adherence. Outcome measures were morbidity and mortality due to cancer (breast, ovarian, colorectal and endometrial) and coronary heart disease (CHD) over a lifetime horizon, from healthcare-system and societal perspectives. Outcomes included quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER), discounted 5% annually (with 3% discounting in scenario analysis). FINDINGS: Over the population lifetime (to age 80 years), the model estimated that genomic screening per-100,000 individuals would lead to 747 QALYs gained by preventing 63 cancers, 31 CHD cases and 97 deaths. In the total model population, this would translate to 31,094 QALYs gained by preventing 2612 cancers, 542 non-fatal CHD events and 4047 total deaths. At AU200 per-test, genomic screening would require an investment of AU832millionforscreeningof50832 million for screening of 50% of the population. Our findings suggest that this intervention would be cost-effective from a healthcare-system perspective, yielding an ICER of AU23,926 (âˆŒÂŁ12,050/€14,110/US15,345)perQALYgainedoverthestatusquo.Inscenarioanalysiswith315,345) per QALY gained over the status quo. In scenario analysis with 3% discounting, an ICER of AU4758/QALY was obtained. Sensitivity analysis for the base case indicated that combined genomic screening would be cost-effective under 70% of simulations, cost-saving under 25% and not cost-effective under 5%. Threshold analysis showed that genomic screening would be cost-effective under the AU50,000/QALYwillingness−to−paythresholdatper−testcostsuptoAU50,000/QALY willingness-to-pay threshold at per-test costs up to AU325 (âˆŒÂŁ164/€192/US$208). INTERPRETATION: Our findings suggest that offering combined genomic screening for high-risk conditions to young adults would be cost-effective in the Australian public healthcare system, at currently realistic testing costs. Other matters, including psychosocial impacts, ethical and societal issues, and implementation challenges, also need consideration. FUNDING: Australian Government, Department of Health, Medical Research Future Fund, Genomics Health Futures Mission (APP2009024). National Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellowship (102604)

    Testing the Effectiveness of the “Smelly” Elephant Repellent in Controlled Experiments in Semi-Captive Asian and African Savanna Elephants

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    Simple Summary: Mitigating and reducing the impacts of elephant crop-raiding has become a major focus of conservation intervention. By observing the behaviour amongst two groups of semi-captive African and Asian elephants in Zambia and Thailand, we found that a novel olfactory crop-raiding mitigation method called the “smelly elephant repellent” elicited clear reactions from the elephants. However, unlike trials with wild elephants, the repellent did not prevent the elephants from entering areas or eating food protected by the solution. We found that elephant personality played a role in responses towards the repellent, as the individuals that entered the experimental plots were bolder and more curious individuals. Although captive environments provide controlled settings for experimental testing, the ecological validity of testing human–elephant conflict mitigation methods with captive wildlife should be strongly considered. Understanding animal behaviour is essential for improving human–elephant coexistence and for designing deterrence mechanisms, and the smelly elephant repellent may be a useful mitigation method when used in combination with other methods. Abstract: Crop-raiding by elephants is one of the most prevalent forms of human–elephant conflict and is increasing with the spread of agriculture into wildlife range areas. As the magnitude of conflicts between people and elephants increases across Africa and Asia, mitigating and reducing the impacts of elephant crop-raiding has become a major focus of conservation intervention. In this study, we tested the responses of semi-captive elephants to the “smelly” elephant repellent, a novel olfactory crop-raiding mitigation method. At two trial sites, in Zambia and Thailand, African elephants (Loxodonta africana) and Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) were exposed to the repellent, in order to test whether or not they entered an area protected by the repellent and whether they ate the food provided. The repellent elicited clear reactions from both study groups of elephants compared to control conditions. Generalised linear models revealed that the elephants were more alert, sniffed more, and vocalised more when they encountered the repellent. Although the repellent triggered a response, it did not prevent elephants from entering plots protected by the repellent or from eating crops, unlike in trials conducted with wild elephants. Personality played a role in responses towards the repellent, as the elephants that entered the experimental plots were bolder and more curious individuals. We conclude that, although captive environments provide controlled settings for experimental testing, the ecological validity of testing human–elephant conflict mitigation methods with captive wildlife should be strongly considered. This study also shows that understanding animal behaviour is essential for improving human–elephant coexistence and for designing deterrence mechanisms. Appreciating personality traits in elephants, especially amongst “problem” elephants who have a greater propensity to crop raid, could lead to the design of new mitigation methods designed to target these individuals
