32 research outputs found

    Comparative evaluation of muscle proteolysis by a compartmental model of 3-methylhistidine

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    Measurement of urinary 3-methylhistidine (3MH) excretion is the primary in vivo method to measure muscle protein breakdown. This method requires quantitative collection of urine and is based on the assumption that no metabolism of 3MH occurs once released from actin and myosin. This is true in most in most species but in sheep and pigs a proportion is retained in muscle as a dipeptide balenine. In none of these species does urine 3MH yield any data on the metabolism of 3MH. The included studies propose that 3MH metabolism in sheep, cattle, pigs, dogs and humans can be defined from a single bolus dose of 3- (methyl-[superscript]2H[subscript]3) -methylhistidine tracer. A minimum of three exponentials was required to describe the plasma decay curve adequately. The kinetic linear-time variant models of 3MH in the whole animal were constructed by using the SAAM/CONSAM computer modeling program. Three different configurations of a three compartment model are described: (1) a simple 3-compartment model, in which plasma kinetics are described by compartment 1, out of which all species had a undefinable exit; (2) a plasma-urinary 3-compartment model with two exits, a urinary exit out of compartment 1 and a second exit out of compartment 3 was used in sheep; and (3) a plasma 3-compartment model with an exit out of the tissue compartment 3 was used in pigs. The models define steady state masses and fluxes of 3MH between three compartments in the body and, importantly entry into the system or de novo production of 3MH. The de novo production of 3MH for humans, cattle, dogs, sheep and pigs were 3.1, 3.4, 12.1, 11.6 and 7.0 [mu] mol· kg[superscript]-1· d[superscript]-1, respectively. The de novo 3MH production corresponded to fractional breakdown rates of muscle protein of 1.72%/d for cattle, 3.99%/d for dogs, 5.40%/d for sheep and 2.80%/d for pigs. From the complete model of 3MH metabolism a similar practical isotopic model (minimal) was constructed. This was accomplished by lumping the three compartments together into one metabolic pool of 3MH. This minimal 1-compartment model utilized plasma samples obtained from 720 to 4320 min after isotope injection. The de novo production of 3MH as calculated by the model was not different from that calculated via the traditional collection of urinary 3MH (humans, 3.09 vs. 2.57 [mu] mol· kg[superscript]-1· -d[superscript]-1, respectively, P \u3e 0.30: cattle, 3.41 vs. 3.20 [mu] mol· kg[superscript]-1· d[superscript]-1, respectively, P \u3e 0.25). However, 3MH production estimated by the model compared to urinary production was different in dogs (92.7 vs 71.6 [mu] mol/d, respectively, P \u3c 0.10). Additionally, although numbers are limited, the data suggest that the model compartments may be an indicator of body muscle mass (r = 0.95, P \u3c 0.01) in humans and (r = 0.59, P = 0.0061 in pigs. These data indicate the compartmental model, allows the assessment of muscle proteolysis and 3MH kinetics without collection of urine

    Growth condition optimization for docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) production by Moritella marina MP-1

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    The marine organism Moritella marina MP-1 produces the polyunsaturated fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). While the basic metabolic pathway for DHA production in this organism has been identified, the impact of growth conditions on DHA production is largely unknown. This study examines the effect of supplemental carbon, nitrogen and salts, growth temperature and media composition and pH on DHA and biomass production and the fatty acid profile. The addition of supplemental nitrogen significantly increased the overall DHA titer via an increase in biomass production. Supplemental glucose or glycerol increased biomass production, but decreased the amount of DHA per biomass, resulting in no net change in the DHA titer. Acidification of the baseline media pH to 6.0 increased DHA per biomass. Changes in growth temperature or provision of supplemental sodium or magnesium chloride did not increase DHA titer. This organism was also shown to grow on defined minimal media. For both media types, glycerol enabled more DHA production per biomass than glucose. Combination of these growth findings into marine broth supplemented with glycerol, yeast extract, and tryptone at pH 6.0 resulted in a final titer of 82 ± 5 mg/L, a nearly eightfold increase relative to the titer of 11 ± 1 mg/L seen in the unsupplemented marine broth. The relative distribution of other fatty acids was relatively robust to growth condition, but the presence of glycerol resulted in a significant increase in myristic acid (C14:0) and decrease in palmitic acid (C16:0). In summary, DHA production by M. marina MP-1 can be increased more than fivefold by changing the growth media. Metabolic engineering of this organism to increase the amount of DHA produced per biomass could result in additional increases in titer

    Method for measuring muscle mass

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    A method for determining muscle mass in a human subject useful for monitoring athletic conditioning, weight loss programs, nutritional deficiencies, and disease states which cause muscle wasting is provided comprising administration of a bolus dose of a metabolic marker for 3-methylhistidine, the use of a three-compartment model to describe data from blood samples collected periodically thereafter, and calculation of muscle mass as a function of specific values generated by the model

    beta-Hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate free acid reduces markers of exercise-induced muscle damage and improves recovery in resistance-trained men

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    The purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of short-term supplementation with the free acid form of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB-FA) on indices of muscle damage, protein breakdown, recovery and hormone status following a high-volume resistance training session in trained athletes. A total of twenty resistance-trained males were recruited to participate in a high-volume resistance training session centred on full squats, bench presses and dead lifts. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive either 3 g/d of HMB-FA or a placebo. Immediately before the exercise session and 48 h post-exercise, serum creatine kinase (CK), urinary 3-methylhistadine (3-MH), testosterone, cortisol and perceived recovery status (PRS) scale measurements were taken. The results showed that CK increased to a greater extent in the placebo (329%) than in the HMB-FA group (104%) (P=0.004, d=1.6). There was also a significant change for PRS, which decreased to a greater extent in the placebo (9.1 (SEM 0.4) to 4.6 (SEM 0.5)) than in the HMB-FA group (9.1 (SEM 0.3) to 6.3 (SEM 0.3)) (P=0.005, d = -0.48). Muscle protein breakdown, measured by 3-MH analysis, numerically decreased with HMB-FA supplementation and approached significance (P=0.08, d = 0.12). There were no acute changes in plasma total or free testosterone, cortisol or C-reactive protein. In conclusion, these results suggest that an HMB-FA supplement given to trained athletes before exercise can blunt increases in muscle damage and prevent declines in perceived readiness to train following a high-volume, muscle-damaging resistance-training session

    A double-blind placebo controlled trial into the impacts of HMB supplementation and exercise on free-living muscle protein synthesis, muscle mass and function, in older adults

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    Age-related sarcopenia and dynapenia are associated with frailty and metabolic diseases. Resistance exercise training (RET) adjuvant to evidence-based nutritional intervention(s) have been shown as mitigating strategies. Given that HMB supplementation during RET improves lean body mass in younger humans (Wilson et al., 2014), and that we have shown that HMB acutely stimulates muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and inhibits breakdown; we hypothesized that chronic supplementation of HMB adjuvant to RET would enhance MPS and muscle mass/function in older people.We recruited 16 healthy older men (PLA: 68.5±1.0y, HMB: 67.8±1.1y) for a randomised double-blind-placebo (PLA) controlled trial (HMB 3 x 1g/day vs. PLA) involving a 6-week unilateral progressive RET regime (6 x 8 repetitions, 75% 1-RM, 3.wk-1). D2O dosing was performed over the first two weeks (0-2w) and last two weeks (4-6w) with bilateral vastus lateralis (VL) biopsies at 0-2 and 4-6 weeks (each time 75±2 min after a single bout of RE) for quantification of early and later MPS responses and post-RE myogenic gene expression. Thigh lean mass was measured by DXA, VL thickness and architecture (fibre length and pennation angle) by ultrasound at 0/3/6 weeks, and strength by knee extensor 1-RM testing and MVC by isokinetic dynamometry (approx. every 10 days).RET induced strength increases (1-RM) in the exercised leg in both groups (398±22N to 499±30N HMB vs. 396±29N to 510±43N PLA (both

    Comparative evaluation of muscle proteolysis by a compartmental model of 3-methylhistidine

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    Measurement of urinary 3-methylhistidine (3MH) excretion is the primary in vivo method to measure muscle protein breakdown. This method requires quantitative collection of urine and is based on the assumption that no metabolism of 3MH occurs once released from actin and myosin. This is true in most in most species but in sheep and pigs a proportion is retained in muscle as a dipeptide balenine. In none of these species does urine 3MH yield any data on the metabolism of 3MH. The included studies propose that 3MH metabolism in sheep, cattle, pigs, dogs and humans can be defined from a single bolus dose of 3- (methyl-[superscript]2H[subscript]3) -methylhistidine tracer. A minimum of three exponentials was required to describe the plasma decay curve adequately. The kinetic linear-time variant models of 3MH in the whole animal were constructed by using the SAAM/CONSAM computer modeling program. Three different configurations of a three compartment model are described: (1) a simple 3-compartment model, in which plasma kinetics are described by compartment 1, out of which all species had a undefinable exit; (2) a plasma-urinary 3-compartment model with two exits, a urinary exit out of compartment 1 and a second exit out of compartment 3 was used in sheep; and (3) a plasma 3-compartment model with an exit out of the tissue compartment 3 was used in pigs. The models define steady state masses and fluxes of 3MH between three compartments in the body and, importantly entry into the system or de novo production of 3MH. The de novo production of 3MH for humans, cattle, dogs, sheep and pigs were 3.1, 3.4, 12.1, 11.6 and 7.0 [mu] mol· kg[superscript]-1· d[superscript]-1, respectively. The de novo 3MH production corresponded to fractional breakdown rates of muscle protein of 1.72%/d for cattle, 3.99%/d for dogs, 5.40%/d for sheep and 2.80%/d for pigs. From the complete model of 3MH metabolism a similar practical isotopic model (minimal) was constructed. This was accomplished by lumping the three compartments together into one metabolic pool of 3MH. This minimal 1-compartment model utilized plasma samples obtained from 720 to 4320 min after isotope injection. The de novo production of 3MH as calculated by the model was not different from that calculated via the traditional collection of urinary 3MH (humans, 3.09 vs. 2.57 [mu] mol· kg[superscript]-1· -d[superscript]-1, respectively, P > 0.30: cattle, 3.41 vs. 3.20 [mu] mol· kg[superscript]-1· d[superscript]-1, respectively, P > 0.25). However, 3MH production estimated by the model compared to urinary production was different in dogs (92.7 vs 71.6 [mu] mol/d, respectively, P < 0.10). Additionally, although numbers are limited, the data suggest that the model compartments may be an indicator of body muscle mass (r = 0.95, P < 0.01) in humans and (r = 0.59, P = 0.0061 in pigs. These data indicate the compartmental model, allows the assessment of muscle proteolysis and 3MH kinetics without collection of urine.</p