116 research outputs found

    Chemical biology of mutagenesis and DNA repair: cellular responses to DNA alkylation

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    The reaction of DNA-damaging agents with the genome results in a plethora of lesions, commonly referred to as adducts. Adducts may cause DNA to mutate, they may represent the chemical precursors of lethal events and they can disrupt expression of genes. Determination of which adduct is responsible for each of these biological endpoints is difficult, but this task has been accomplished for some carcinogenic DNA-damaging agents. Here, we describe the respective contributions of specific DNA lesions to the biological effects of low molecular weight alkylating agents.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant CA080024)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant CA26731)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant ES02109

    Role of tautomerism in RNA biochemistry

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    Heterocyclic nucleic acid bases and their analogs can adopt multiple tautomeric forms due to the presence of multiple solvent-exchangeable protons. In DNA, spontaneous formation of minor tautomers has been speculated to contribute to mutagenic mispairings during DNA replication, whereas in RNA, minor tautomeric forms have been proposed to enhance the structural and functional diversity of RNA enzymes and aptamers. This review summarizes the role of tautomerism in RNA biochemistry, specifically focusing on the role of tautomerism in catalysis of small self-cleaving ribozymes and recognition of ligand analogs by riboswitches. Considering that the presence of multiple tautomers of nucleic acid bases is a rare occurrence, and that tautomers typically interconvert on a fast time scale, methods for studying rapid tautomerism in the context of nucleic acids under biologically relevant aqueous conditions are also discussed.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P01 CA26731)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R37 CA080024)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P30 ES002109)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Training Grant T32 ES007020

    A bifunctional platinum(II) antitumor agent that forms DNA adducts with affinity for the estrogen receptor

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    A strategy is described for the re-design of DNA damaging platinum(II) complexes to afford elevated toxicity towards cancer cells expressing the estrogen receptor (ER). Two platinum-based toxicants are described in which a DNA damaging warhead, [Pt(en)Cl[subscript 2]] (en, ethylenediamine), is tethered to either of two functional groups. The first agent, [6-(2-amino-ethylamino)-hexyl]-carbamic acid 2-[6-(7α-estra-1,3,5,(10)-triene)-hexylamino]-ethyl ester platinum(II) dichloride ((Est-en)PtCl[subscript 2]), terminates in a ligand for the ER. The second agent is a control compound lacking the steroid; this compound, N-[6-(2-amino-ethylamino)-hexyl]-benzamide platinum(II) dichloride ((Bz-en)PtCl[subscript 2])), terminates in a benzamide moiety, which lacks affinity for the ER. Using a competitive binding assay, Est-en had 28% relative binding affinity (RBA) for the ER as compared to 17β-estradiol. After covalent binding to a synthetic DNA duplex 16-mer, the compound retained its affinity for the ER; specificity of the binding event was demonstrated by the ability of free 17β-estradiol as a competitor to disrupt the DNA adduct-ER complex. The (Est-en)PtCl[subscript 2] compound showed higher toxicity against the ER positive ovarian cancer cell line CAOV3 than did the control compound. (Est-en)PtCl[subscript 2] was also more toxic to the ER positive breast cancer line, MCF-7, than to an ER negative line, MDA-MB231.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant CA08661)Life Sciences Research Foundatio

    The AlkB Family of Fe(II)/α-Ketoglutarate-dependent Dioxygenases: Repairing Nucleic Acid Alkylation Damage and Beyond

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    The AlkB family of Fe(II)- and α-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases is a class of ubiquitous direct reversal DNA repair enzymes that remove alkyl adducts from nucleobases by oxidative dealkylation. The prototypical and homonymous family member is an Escherichia coli “adaptive response” protein that protects the bacterial genome against alkylation damage. AlkB has a wide variety of substrates, including monoalkyl and exocyclic bridged adducts. Nine mammalian AlkB homologs exist (ALKBH1–8, FTO), but only a subset functions as DNA/RNA repair enzymes. This minireview presents an overview of the AlkB proteins including recent data on homologs, structural features, substrate specificities, and experimental strategies for studying DNA repair by AlkB family proteins.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P01 CA26731)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R37 CA080024)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P30 ES002109

    Two-dimensional IR spectroscopy of the anti-HIV agent KP1212 reveals protonated and neutral tautomers that influence pH-dependent mutagenicity

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    Antiviral drugs designed to accelerate viral mutation rates can drive a viral population to extinction in a process called lethal mutagenesis. One such molecule is 5,6-dihydro-5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (KP1212), a selective mutagen that induces A-to-G and G-to-A mutations in the genome of replicating HIV. The mutagenic property of KP1212 was hypothesized to originate from its amino–imino tautomerism, which would explain its ability to base pair with either G or A. To test the multiple tautomer hypothesis, we used 2D IR spectroscopy, which offers subpicosecond time resolution and structural sensitivity to distinguish among rapidly interconverting tautomers. We identified several KP1212 tautomers and found that >60% of neutral KP1212 is present in the enol–imino form. The abundant proportion of this traditionally rare tautomer offers a compelling structure-based mechanism for pairing with adenine. Additionally, the pK[subscript a] of KP1212 was measured to be 7.0, meaning a substantial population of KP1212 is protonated at physiological pH. Furthermore, the mutagenicity of KP1212 was found to increase dramatically at pH <7, suggesting a significant biological role for the protonated KP1212 molecules. Overall, our data reveal that the bimodal mutagenic properties of KP1212 result from its unique shape shifting ability that utilizes both tautomerization and protonation.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CHE-1212557)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CHE-1414486)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P30-ES002109)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P41-EB015871)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Traineeship T32 ES007020)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant CA080024)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant CA26731

    Direct Observation of Multiple Tautomers of Oxythiamine and their Recognition by the Thiamine Pyrophosphate Riboswitch

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    Structural diversification of canonical nucleic acid bases and nucleotide analogues by tautomerism has been proposed to be a powerful on/off switching mechanism allowing regulation of many biological processes mediated by RNA enzymes and aptamers. Despite the suspected biological importance of tautomerism, attempts to observe minor tautomeric forms in nucleic acid or hybrid nucleic acid-ligand complexes have met with challenges due to the lack of sensitive methods. Here, a combination of spectroscopic, biochemical, and computational tools probed tautomerism in the context of an RNA aptamer-ligand complex; studies involved a model ligand, oxythiamine pyrophosphate (OxyTPP), bound to the thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) riboswitch (an RNA aptamer) as well as its unbound nonphosphorylated form, oxythiamine (OxyT). OxyTPP, similarly to canonical heteroaromatic nucleic acid bases, has a pyrimidine ring that forms hydrogen bonding interactions with the riboswitch. Tautomerism was established using two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) spectroscopy, variable temperature FTIR and NMR spectroscopies, binding isotope effects (BIEs), and computational methods. All three possible tautomers of OxyT, including the minor enol tautomer, were directly identified, and their distributions were quantitated. In the bound form, BIE data suggested that OxyTPP existed as a 4′-keto tautomer that was likely protonated at the N1′-position. These results also provide a mechanistic framework for understanding the activation of riboswitch in response to deamination of the active form of vitamin B1 (or TPP). The combination of methods reported here revealing the fine details of tautomerism can be applied to other systems where the importance of tautomerism is suspected.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant CA080024)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant CA26731)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant ES002109)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant ES007020)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CHE-1212557)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Environmental Health Sciences (National Institutes of Health (U.S.) Center Grant P30-ES002109)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laser Biomedical Research Center (National Institutes of Health (U.S.) Center Grant P41-EB015871)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Traineeship T32 ES007020)Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Poitras Pre-Doctoral Fellowship

    Sulforaphane, a cancer chemopreventive agent, induces pathways associated with membrane biosynthesis in response to tissue damage by aflatoxin B1

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    Aflatoxin B[subscript 1] (AFB[subscript 1]) is one of the major risk factors for liver cancer globally. A recent study showed that sulforaphane (SF), a potent inducer of phase II enzymes that occurs naturally in widely consumed vegetables, effectively induces hepatic glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and reduces levels of hepatic AFB[subscript 1]-DNA adducts in AFB[subscript 1]-exposed Sprague Dawley rats. The present study characterized the effects of SF pre-treatment on global gene expression in the livers of similarly treated male rats. Combined treatment with AFB[subscript 1] and SF caused reprogramming of a network of genes involved in signal transduction and transcription. Changes in gene regulation were observable 4 h after AFB[subscript 1] administration in SF-pretreated animals and may reflect regeneration of cells in the wake of AFB[subscript 1]-induced hepatotoxicity. At 24 h after AFB[subscript 1] administration, significant induction of genes that play roles in cellular lipid metabolism and acetyl-CoA biosynthesis was detected in SF-pretreated AFB[subscript 1]-dosed rats. Induction of this group of genes may indicate a metabolic shift toward glycolysis and fatty acid synthesis to generate and maintain pools of intermediate molecules required for tissue repair, cell growth and compensatory hepatic cell proliferation. Collectively, gene expression data from this study provide insights into molecular mechanisms underlying the protective effects of SF against AFB[subscript 1] hepatotoxicity and hepatocarcinogenicity, in addition to the chemopreventive activity of this compound as a GST inducer.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grants ES016313, P30-ES002109, P01 ES006052, P30 ES003819, and P30 CA006973

    Convergent synthesis of a steroidal antiestrogen-mitomycin C hybrid using “click” chemistry

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    A convergent synthesis of a novel estrogen receptor-targeted drug hybrid was developed based on structures of the potent anti-proliferative mitomycin C and the steroidal anti-estrogen RU 39411. The steroidal antiestrogen was prepared with an azido-triethylene glycoloxy linker while the mitomycin C derivative (porfirimycin) incorporated a complementary 7-N-terminal alkyne. The two components were ligated using the Huisgen [3 + 2] cycloaddition (“click”) reaction. Preliminary biological assays demonstrated that the final hybrid compound retained both potent anti-estrogenic and anti-proliferative activities.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant PHS 5R01 CA 086061-09

    Adaptive Response Enzyme AlkB Preferentially Repairs 1-Methylguanine and 3-Methylthymine Adducts in Double-Stranded DNA

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    The AlkB protein is a repair enzyme that uses an α-ketoglutarate/Fe(II)-dependent mechanism to repair alkyl DNA adducts. AlkB has been reported to repair highly susceptible substrates, such as 1-methyladenine and 3-methylcytosine, more efficiently in ss-DNA than in ds-DNA. Here, we tested the repair of weaker AlkB substrates 1-methylguanine and 3-methylthymine and found that AlkB prefers to repair them in ds-DNA. We also discovered that AlkB and its human homologues, ABH2 and ABH3, are able to repair the aforementioned adducts when the adduct is present in a mismatched base pair. These observations demonstrate the strong adaptability of AlkB toward repairing various adducts in different environments. (Chemical Equation Presented)

    Mechanism of Repair of Acrolein- and Malondialdehyde-Derived Exocyclic Guanine Adducts by the α-Ketoglutarate/Fe(II) Dioxygenase AlkB

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    The structurally related exocyclic guanine adducts α-hydroxypropano-dG (α-OH-PdG), γ-hydroxypropano-dG (γ-OH-PdG), and M[subscript 1]dG are formed when DNA is exposed to the reactive aldehydes acrolein and malondialdehyde (MDA). These lesions are believed to form the basis for the observed cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of acrolein and MDA. In an effort to understand the enzymatic pathways and chemical mechanisms that are involved in the repair of acrolein- and MDA-induced DNA damage, we investigated the ability of the DNA repair enzyme AlkB, an α-ketoglutarate/Fe(II) dependent dioxygenase, to process α-OH-PdG, γ-OH-PdG, and M[subscript 1]dG in both single- and double-stranded DNA contexts. By monitoring the repair reactions using quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) mass spectrometry, it was established that AlkB can oxidatively dealkylate γ-OH-PdG most efficiently, followed by M[subscript 1]dG and α-OH-PdG. The AlkB repair mechanism involved multiple intermediates and complex, overlapping repair pathways. For example, the three exocyclic guanine adducts were shown to be in equilibrium with open-ring aldehydic forms, which were trapped using (pentafluorobenzyl)hydroxylamine (PFBHA) or NaBH[subscript 4]. AlkB repaired the trapped open-ring form of γ-OH-PdG but not the trapped open-ring of α-OH-PdG. Taken together, this study provides a detailed mechanism by which three-carbon bridge exocyclic guanine adducts can be processed by AlkB and suggests an important role for the AlkB family of dioxygenases in protecting against the deleterious biological consequences of acrolein and MDA.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01 CA080024)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01 CA26731)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Center Grant P30 ES02109)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Training Grant T32 ES007020