15,593 research outputs found

    Fair Labor Association 2006 Annual Public Report

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    Introduction concerns effects of globalization. Examines changes from 2005-2006 as companies are encouraged to move towards self compliance, with a concentration on corporate responsibility. Data is broken down by company

    Real-Time Planning with Multi-Fidelity Models for Agile Flights in Unknown Environments

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    Autonomous navigation through unknown environments is a challenging task that entails real-time localization, perception, planning, and control. UAVs with this capability have begun to emerge in the literature with advances in lightweight sensing and computing. Although the planning methodologies vary from platform to platform, many algorithms adopt a hierarchical planning architecture where a slow, low-fidelity global planner guides a fast, high-fidelity local planner. However, in unknown environments, this approach can lead to erratic or unstable behavior due to the interaction between the global planner, whose solution is changing constantly, and the local planner; a consequence of not capturing higher-order dynamics in the global plan. This work proposes a planning framework in which multi-fidelity models are used to reduce the discrepancy between the local and global planner. Our approach uses high-, medium-, and low-fidelity models to compose a path that captures higher-order dynamics while remaining computationally tractable. In addition, we address the interaction between a fast planner and a slower mapper by considering the sensor data not yet fused into the map during the collision check. This novel mapping and planning framework for agile flights is validated in simulation and hardware experiments, showing replanning times of 5-40 ms in cluttered environments.Comment: ICRA 201

    Adjustment and poverty in Mexican agriculture : how farmers'wealth affects supply response

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    The authors report the results of a study of Mexican farm households using 1991 survey data and a smaller resurvey of some of the same households in 1993. One study goal was to empirically examine the relationship between assets and the output supply function. Using a production model focusing on capital as a productive input, they found that both the supply level and the responsiveness (elasticities) to changing input and output prices tend to depend on the farmer's net assets and on how productive assets are used. Regression analysis using data from the surveys shows that farmers who use productive assets such as machinery tend to be positively responsive to price changes, while those with no access to such assets are not. Another study goal was to monitor the condition of Mexican farmers in a rapidly changing policy environment. The 1991 survey data suggest that farmers with more limited use of capital inputs (low-CI) to grow principally corn and to grow fewer crops, on average, than the others. They aso had more problems getting credit and were less likely to use purchased inputs, such as seeds, fertilizer, and pesticides, or to use a tractor to prepare the soil. They tended to be less well-educated, and their land tended to be of lower quality. Results from the panel data showed conditions generally improving for the average farmer in the sample area between 1991 and 1993, during a period when agricultural reforms were implemented. Cropping patterns were more diversified, the average size of landholdings increased, the average farmer received more credit (in real terms), more farm households earned income from off-farm work, and more farmers used purchased inputs. Asset ownership and educational attainment also improved modestly. The very small low-CI group in this sample fared as well as, or better than, the other goroups. True, their level of educational achievement fell, and fewer of them had off-farm income than in 1991. But their use of credit, irrigation, machinery, and purchased inputs increased more than for other groups. The limited data are not proof of a causal link, but the fact that the goals are being met should at least ensure that adverse conditions are not undermining reform. Farmers that lacked access to productive assets did not respond as well to incentives or take advantage of the opportunities presented by reform and may need assistance, particularly to get access to credit markets. There may be a good argument for decoupling income supports from pricesupports for farmers, since income payments that are independent of the vagaries of production could provide a more stable signal of creditworthiness than price supports do. Possibly reorienting research and extension services more to the needs of low-CI producers could also improve the efficiency with which the sector ajdusts to new incentives. Hypotheses and tentative conclusions from this study will be explored further when more data are collected in 1995.Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Agricultural Research,Crops&Crop Management Systems,Water Conservation,Crops&Crop Management Systems,Environmental Economics&Policies,Agricultural Research,Economic Theory&Research,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems

    Does Government Regulation Complement Existing Community Efforts to Support Cooperation? Evidence from Field Experiments in Colombia

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    In this paper we describe a field experiment conducted among mollusk harvesters in a community on the Pacific Coast of Columbia. The experiment is based on a standard linear public good and consists of two stages. In the first stage we compare the ability of monetary and nonmonetary sanctions among community members to increase contributions to the public good. In the second stage we add a government regulation with either a high or low sanction for noncompliance to community enforcement efforts. The results for the first stage are consistent with other comparisons of monetary and nonmonetary sanctions within groups; both led to higher contributions. The results from the second stage reveal that government regulations always complemented community enforcement efforts. While the subjects tended to reduce their sanctioning efforts under the government regulations, contributions and earnings were significantly higher than without government interventions. In fact, the combination of community and government enforcement efforts generated near-perfect contributions to the public good. However, more research into the combined roles of government intervention and community enforcement efforts is needed because the complementarity we find may be situation-specific.Field experiments, public goods, government regulation, community enforcement

    Comparing the Effectiveness of Regulation and Pro-Social Emotions to Enhance Cooperation: Experimental Evidence from Fishing Communities in Colombia

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    This paper presents the results from a series of framed field experiments conducted in fishing communities off the Caribbean coast of Colombia. The goal is to investigate the relative effectiveness of exogenous regulatory pressure and pro-social emotions in promoting cooperative behavior in a public goods context. The random public revelation of an individual’s contribution and its consequences for the rest of the group leads to significantly higher public good contributions and social welfare than regulatory pressure, even under regulations that are designed to motivate fully efficient contributions.public goods, field experiments, pro-social emotions, social dilemma, regulation, enforcement.

    Comparing the Effectiveness of Regulation and Pro-Social Emotions to Enhance Cooperation: Experimental Evidence from Fishing Communities in Colombia

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    This paper presents the results from a series of framed field experiments conducted in fishing communities off the Caribbean coast of Colombia. The goal is to investigate the relative effectiveness of exogenous regulatory pressure and pro-social emotions in promoting cooperative behavior in a public goods context. The random public revelation of an individual’s contribution and its consequences for the rest of the group leads to significantly higher public good contributions and social welfare than regulatory pressure, even under regulations that are designed to motivate fully efficient contributions.

    Does it matter what students read? Evidence from Andalusia

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    There is a great amount of literature which states that promoting reading among students is of public interest. Nevertheless, there is scarce evidence on the differential influence that each type of readings can have on students’ progression. Because of that, in the present research work we study the association between the frequency children read five different types of text (comics, short stories, books, newspapers and magazines) and their performance on standardised reading and mathematics tests, using census and longitudinal data from the most populated region of Spain, i.e. Andalusia. We suggest that institutional campaigns should be aimed at promoting the reading of books.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Laser induced modulation of the Landau level structure in single-layer graphene

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    We present perturbative analytical results of the Landau level quasienergy spectrum, autocorrelation function and out of plane pseudospin polarization for a single graphene sheet subject to intense circularly polarized terahertz radiation. For the quasienergy spectrum, we find a striking non trivial level-dependent dynamically induced gap structure. This photoinduced modulation of the energy band structure gives rise to shifts of the revival times in the autocorrelation function and it also leads to modulation of the oscillations in the dynamical evolution of the out of plane pseudospin polarization, which measures the angular momentum transfer between light and graphene electrons. For a coherent state, chosen as an initial pseudospin configuration, the dynamics induces additional quantum revivals of the wave function that manifest as shifts of the maxima and minima of the autocorrelation function, with additional partial revivals and beating patterns. These additional maxima and beating patterns stem from the effective dynamical coupling of the static eigenstates. We discuss the possible experimental detection schemes of our theoretical results and their relevance in new practical implementation of radiation fields in graphene physics.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Accepted version for publication in Physical Review
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