464 research outputs found

    Workbook Section to Accompany A Topical Plan for Conducting Marriage and Parenting Seminars for Couples

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    Excerpt: Some groups involved in advocating male-female equality go so far as to argue that there are virtually no real biological differences between the sexes other than the reproductive systems. They hold that any substantial differences in sexual, social, or psychological responses are a result of conditioning differences for boys and girls. What is your opinion

    A Topical Plan For Conducting Marriage and Parenting Seminars for Couples

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    Excerpt: To write about marriage and parenting these days seems quite presumptuous. After all, there is a plentiful supply of informative books, pamphlets, periodicals, films, filmstrips and tapes. How do I know this? Personal visits were made to several Christian book stores, public libraries, college and seminary libraries. Then, close examination was made of book catalogs, the Minister\u27s Library (and supplements),! the 1981-82 Current Christian Books, film and filmstrips catalogs, and tape catalogs. Why, then, do a writing project in a field already crammed with good material

    Signatures of Extra Dimensions from Upsilon Decays with a Light Gaugephobic Higgs Boson

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    We explore non-standard Higgs phenomenology in the Gaugephobic Higgs model in which the Higgs can be lighter than the usually quoted current experimental bound. The Higgs propagates in the bulk of a 5D space-time and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking occurs by a combination of boundary conditions in the extra dimension and an elementary Higgs. The Higgs can thus have a significantly suppressed coupling to the other Standard Model fields. A large enough suppression can be found to escape all limits and allow for a Higgs of any mass, which would be associated with the discovery of W' and Z' Kaluza-Klein resonances at the LHC. The Higgs can be precisely discovered at B-factories while the LHC would be insensitive to it due to high backgrounds. In this letter we study the Higgs discovery mode in Upsilon(3S), Upsilon(2S), and Upsilon(1S) decays, and the model parameter space that will be probed by BaBar, Belle, and CLEO data. In the absence of an early discovery of a heavy Higgs at the LHC, A Super-B factory would be an excellent option to further probe this region.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Anomalies, Unparticles, and Seiberg Duality

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    We calculate triangle anomalies for fermions with non-canonical scaling dimensions. The most well known example of such fermions (aka unfermions) occurs in Seiberg duality where the matching of anomalies (including mesinos with scaling dimensions between 3/2 and 5/2) is a crucial test of duality. By weakly gauging the non-local action for an unfermion, we calculate the one-loop three-current amplitude. Despite the fact that there are more graphs with more complicated propagators and vertices, we find that the calculation can be completed in a way that nearly parallels the usual case. We show that the anomaly factor for fermionic unparticles is independent of the scaling dimension and identical to that for ordinary fermions. This can be viewed as a confirmation that unparticle actions correctly capture the physics of conformal fixed point theories like Banks-Zaks or SUSY QCD.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Evaluate the efficacy of heat stress audits of your cooling system through core body temperature

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    A project to evaluate the degree of heat stress in individual dairies was carried out in the summer of 2005. The object of this project was to develop a method to evaluate or audit how effective an individual dairy is in manag-ing heat stress. Approximately 45 herds in 20 different states were audited for the degree of heat stress cows experienced during a 72-hr period. Dairies were selected based on geog-raphy, climate, and facility design. Lactating cows 40 to 100 days in milk (DIM) and dry cows within 30 days of calving were evalu-ated. Vaginal temperatures of 8 cows located in the same group were collected every 5 min by using data loggers (HOBO U12®) attached to a vaginally placed insert (blank CIDR®). Ambient climatic data were collected on the project dairies by using logging devices that collected temperature and relative humidity at 5-min intervals. Census data were collected at each dairy, and included pen sizes, milking frequency, milking times, average milk pro-duction, DIM, parity, holding-pen design, and timing of cow movements. Data were im-ported into Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, WA) as individual cow files aligned by time. The data for an individual cow were then averaged with all other cows in the pen in hourly incre-ments over a 24-hr period. Each hour of the 24-hr period is then a summary of that hour on 3 consecutive days, with 8 devices contribut-ing 12 points per hour per day to the sum-mary. So each hour is a summary of 12 data points x 8 cows x 3 days, or 288 data points per hour. Information was summarized graphically in PowerPoint (Microsoft, Red-mond, WA) and presented to the individual producers, along with recommendations on how to improve their heat-stress abatement practices. The project was not designed as a controlled experiment; therefore, caution is advised in over-interpreting the results. That being said, the project does demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of using intra-vaginal temperature recording to monitor how well an; Dairy Day, 2006, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 2006

    Two photon emission from superluminal and accelerating index perturbations

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    Sources of photons with controllable quantum properties such as entanglement and squeezing are desired for applications in quantum information, metrology, and sensing. However, fine-grained control over these properties is hard to achieve, especially for two-photon sources. Here, we propose a new mechanism for generating entangled and squeezed photon pairs using superluminal and/or accelerating modulations of the refractive index in a medium. By leveraging time-changing dielectric media, where quantum vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field can be converted into photon pairs, we show that energy- and momentum-conservation in multi-mode systems give rise to frequency and angle correlations of photon pairs which are controlled by the trajectory of the index modulation. These radiation effects are two-photon analogues of Cherenkov and synchrotron radiation by moving charged particles such as free electrons. We find the particularly intriguing result that synchrotron-like radiation into photon pairs exhibits frequency correlations which can enable the realization of a heralded single photon frequency comb. We conclude with a general discussion of experimental viability, showing how solitons, ultrashort pulses, and nonlinear waveguides may enable pathways to realize this two-photon emission mechanism. For completeness, we discuss in the Supplementary Information how these effects, sensitive to the local density of photonic states, can be strongly enhanced using photonic nanostructures. As an example, we show that index modulations propagating near the surface of graphene produce entangled pairs of graphene plasmons with high efficiency, leading to additional experimental opportunities
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