11,445 research outputs found

    Appendix B: Some morphometric parameters of named lakes with areas [greater than or equal to] 1.0 km2, and some smaller lakes, in New Zealand

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    Gaps indicate uncertainty or that accurate data are unavailable. Note that lakes with fluctuating levels e.g., those used for hydro-electric purposes, or near coasts have varying parameters. Table based mainly on Irwin (1975) with some data from Cunningham et al. (1953), Irwin (1972), Jolly & Brown (1975), Irwin & Pickrill (1983), Howard-Williams & Vincent 1984, Boswell et al. (1985), Livingstone et al. (1986), N.Z.O.I. Lake Chart series, N.Z. Topographical Map Series NZMS1 (1:63 360) and NZMS26O (1:50 000), and other sources


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    Lakes have always held an aesthetic fascination for people; they figure prominently in both art and literature and have even been endowed with spiritual qualities. For example, the nineteenth century American writer Henry D. Thoreau (1854) considered a lake to be 'the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is the earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature'. More prosaically, lakes are also of considerable geomorphological interest as dynamic landfonns originating in varied and often complex ways

    Stratigraphy and development of c. 17 000 year old Lake Maratoto, North Island, New Zealand, with some inferences about postglacial climatic change

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    The stratigraphy and geomorphology of Lake Maratoto and its surrounds were investigated as part of a programme of paleolimnological studies based on sediment cores from lakes in northern North Island. Changes in the lake and catchment were inferred from variations in sediment character, the correlation and timing being determined from distinctive tephra layers in the sediments and by radiocarbon dating. Nineteen new C-l4 dates, on gyttja or peat, are reported (old T½, years B.P,): 11 on tephras (Mamaku Ash 6830 ±90. Wk227; Rotoma Ash 8370 ± 90, Wk522; 8350 ± 100, Wk523; Opepe Tephra 9370 ± 210, Wk230; Mangamate Tephra 9700 ± 140, Wk23l; 10000 ± 120, Wk232; Waiohau Ash 12 200 ± 230, Wk233; 12500 ± 190, Wk234; 12450 ± 200, Wk5l5; 12300 ± 190,Wk516; RotoruaAsh 13450 ± 120, Wk511); 5 on the deposition of Hinuera Formation alluvium (16 300 ± 250, Wk239; 16 900 ± 470, Wk240; 17050 ± 200, Wk358; 16200 +360 -340, Wk509; 15 850 ± 130, Wk510); and 3 on basal peat of the Rukuhia bog (10 250 ± 90, Wk114; 15200 ± 130, Wk534; 10600 ± 90, Wk553). Lake Maratoto originated c. 17 000 years ago when a small valley was dammed by volcanogenic alluvium (Hinuera Formation). From c. 17 000 to c. 14 000 years ago the lake was about 2 m deep with clear water. Marginal peat first developed at c. 15000 years ago, reducing the area of the lake by about one-half by c. 13 000 years ago. Lake area then expanded, possibly because of marginal erosion and/or oxidation of the peat, to its maximum size at the present day. The adjacent Rukuhia peat bog grew rapidly from c. 11 000 years ago and is now 8 m thick immediately to the west of the lake. As a result of this growth, the lake became dystrophic and deepened (3.5 m at c. 7000 years ago, 6.4 m at c. 2000 years ago, and 7. 1 m today). The developmental history suggests that net precipitation increased at c. 15 000 years ago, increased further at c. 11 000 years ago, remaining high to c. 7000 years ago at least, but with a decline at or before c. 2000 years ago. There may have been a distinctly wetter or windier period from c. 10 000 to 9000 years ago. This interpretation is consistent with other reconstructions of postglacial climate in the Southern Hemisphere

    The Impact of the Suspension of Opening and Closing Call

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    A hotly debated issue in the market microstructure literature is the effectiveness of call auctions as against continuous trading systems. In this paper we investigate this issue by studying the impact of the suspension of opening and closing call auctions by the National Stock Exchange of India in 1999. We compare the volatility, efficiency and liquidity (VEL) of securities in the market before and after suspension, and estimate the value of the auctions to traders by carrying out an event study. Contrary to expectation, we find that VEL factors improved following the suspension, and the CARs were significant but were not uniformly positive or negative. As a partial explanation for these results, we find that less liquid stocks traded less in the auctions than did other securities, especially at the opening, and they experienced the most gains following the suspension. This suggests that less liquid stocks did not gain the expected benefits from the auctions, and therefore that it cannot be assumed that a call auction system will improve share trading in a less liquid emerging market. Future research in this area will need to pay attention to the composition of the shares being traded and to the nature of the trading process in different shares in the market.Call Auctions, stock markets, National Stock Exchange of India

    An Analysis of the Impacts of Non-Synchronous Trading On

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    The serial correlation effects which non-synchronous trading can induce in financial data have been documented by various researchers. In this paper we investigate non-synchronous trading effects in terms of the predictability that may be induced in the values of stock indices. This analysis is applied to emerging-market data, on the grounds that such markets might be less liquid and thus prone to a higher degree of non- synchronous trading. We use both a daily data set and a higher frequency one, since the latter is a prerequisite for capturing intra-day variations in trading activity. When considering one-minute interval data, we obtain clear evidence of predictability between indices with different degrees of non-synchronous trading. We then propose a simple test to infer whether such predictability is mainly attributable to non- synchronous trading or an actual delayed adjustment on part of traders. The results obtained from an intra-day analysis suggest that the former cause seems a better explanation for the observed predictability. Future research in this area is needed to shed light on the degree of data predictability which may be exclusively attributed to non-synchronous trading, and how empirical results may be influenced by the chosen data frequency.Non-Synchronous Trading, Stock Markets, National Stock Exchange of India, High-Frequency Data.

    Palynology, vegetation and climate of the Waikato lowlands, North Island, New Zealand, since c. 18,000 years ago

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    The vegetational and climatic history of the Waikato lowlands during the last c. 18,000 years is inferred from the palynology of sediment cores from Lakes Rotomanuka, Rotokauri, and Okoroire. Intra- and inter-lake correlations were aided by multiple tephra layers interbedded with the lake sediments. The detailed chronological resolution given by these tephra sequences shows that late glacial-post glacial vegetational and climatic changes were nearly simultaneous throughout the Waikato lowlands

    Pathways for Equity in Development: Exploring the Past and Informing the Future through the Rural Social Sciences

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    In reflecting on the fiftieth anniversary of the Southern Rural Sociological Association (SRSA) and planning for the next fifty years, this SRSA Presidential Address focuses on development. Rural social scientists have the potential to contribute to the pursuit of great equity in development, and examples are shared from applied research experience in Mississippi

    Notes from the Editorial Office (Volume 34, Issue 2)

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    Notes from the Editorial Office for Volume 34, Issue

    Population 65 Years and Older Varies by Region and Non-Metro Status in Mississippi: Implications for COVID-19

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    Much of the information available to date suggests that novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is of particular concern for people in older age groups, given their increased likelihood of facing complications that could result in hospitalization and risk of death. These patterns hold for Mississippi. The age dimension may be of special concern for rural areas where testing is less frequent, where health infrastructures are underdeveloped, and where populations tend to be older and have more pre-existing chronic conditions than their more urbanized counterparts. It is noteworthy that some regions of the country, including the South, also have younger populations at considerable risk because of existing health challenges. Future Population Briefs will focus on other age groups and characteristics

    Who Counts Reality and Why it Counts: Searching for a Community-Based Approach to Quantitative Inquiry

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    Community-based research is often discussed in a way that assumes an inherent qualitative methodological approach. This includes discussions of research design, data collection, and analysis. The limitations of quantitative research aside, ignoring this strategy for developing knowledge may result in many project outcomes going undocumented and unmeasured, and it may ultimately be disempowering for the people and organizations that community-based researchers seek to assist. On this basis, I argue that researchers should take a more holistic and pragmatic approach to methods and analysis, following efforts to go beyond the traditional qualitative-quantitative divide. Doing so will provide the basis for addressing a wider range of community-based project outcomes. Examples from work with traditionally-underserved farmers and community-based organizations in the United States are used to illustrate possibilities