2 research outputs found
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Identification of candidate infection genes from the model entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora
Summary of Illumina sequencing reads. Figure S1 RNA-seq Analysis Pipeline. Pipeline used to collect, trim and analyze RNA-seq data. RNA sequencing reactions were performed by the Institute of Genome Sciences (University of Maryland School of Medicine) using high quality total RNA obtained from IJs incubated in hemolymph plasma (9 h) or Ringer’s solution (0 h). The resulting reads were trimmed, screened for quality and mapped to the H. bacteriophora reference genome. Expression analysis for DEGs was performed using the edgeR package (PDF 634 kb
Additional file 1: of Improving eukaryotic genome annotation using single molecule mRNA sequencing
Figure demonstrating the differences in UTR lengths between AC-Orig and AC-PB for (A) 3’ UTRs and (B) 5’ UTRs. (TIFF 493 kb