148 research outputs found

    Dynamic and photometric evolutionary models of tidal tails and ripples

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    An investigation into the causes of star formation in tidal tails has been conducted using a restricted three-body dynamical model in conjunction with a broad-band photometric evolutionary code. In these models, regions of compression form inside the disk and along the tidal tail and tidal bridge;The effects these density changes have on the colors of the tidal features are examined with a broad-band photometric evolutionary code. A spiral galaxy population is synthesized and the effects of modest changes in the star formation rate are explored. Limits on the density changes needed to make detectable changes in the colors are calculated using a Schmidt (1959) Law;These models suggest that the blue colors and knotty features observed in the tidal features of some galaxies result from increased rates of star formation induced by tidally produced density increases. Limitations of this model are discussed along with photometric evolutionary models based on the density evolution in the tails;The Lynds and Toomre (1976) interpretation of ring galaxies as the natural result of a nearly head-on collision between a disk galaxy and a companion galaxy has become widely accepted. Similarly, Quinn\u27s (1984) interpretation of the shells in elliptical galaxies as the aftermath of the cannibalization of a low-mass companion has been quite successful in accounting for the observations. Restricted three-body calculations of high inclination, low impact parameter encounters demonstrate that the shell-like ripples observed in a number of disk galaxies (cf. Schweizer and Seitzer 1988) can also be produced as collisional artifacts from internal oscillations much as in ring galaxies. However, in this case it is assumed that the target is an early-type disk with a sufficiently low gas fraction that recent star formation does not dominate the appearance of the disturbed disk. It should be emphasized that the models presented here are in a transient stage of an evolutionary sequence, whose outcome is most probably merger along the lines suggested by previous models of shells (Quinn 1988);References. Lynds, R. and Toomre, A. (1976) Ap. J. 209, 382. Quinn, P. (1984) Ap. J. 274, 596. Schmidt, M. (1959) Ap. J. 129, 243. Schweizer, F., and Seitzer, P. (1988) Ap. J. 328, 88

    Observations and models of star formation in the tidal features of interacting galaxies

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    Multi-color surface photometry (BVri) is presented for the tidal features in a sample of interacting galaxies. Large color variations are found between the morphological components and within the individual components. The blue colors in the primary and the tidal features are most dramatic in B-V, and not in V-i, indicating that star formation instead of metallicity or age dominates the colors. Color variations between components is larger in systems shortly after interaction begins and diminishes to a very low level in systems which are merged. Photometric models for interacting systems are presented which suggest that a weak burst of star formation in the tidal features could cause the observed color distributions. Dynamical models indicate that compression occurs during the development of tidal features causing an increase in the local density by a factor of between 1.5 and 5. Assuming this density increase can be related to the star formation rate by a Schmidt law, the density increases observed in the dynamical models may be responsible for the variations in color seen in some of the interacting systems. Limitations of the dynamical models are also discussed

    Testing Gravity in the Outer Solar System: Results from Trans-Neptunian Objects

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    The inverse square law of gravity is poorly probed by experimental tests at distances of ~ 10 AUs. Recent analysis of the trajectory of the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft have shown an unmodeled acceleration directed toward the Sun which was not explained by any obvious spacecraft systematics, and occurred when at distances greater than 20 AUs from the Sun. If this acceleration represents a departure from Newtonian gravity or is indicative of an additional mass distribution in the outer solar system, it should be detectable in the orbits of Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs). To place limits on deviations from Newtonian gravity, we have selected a well observed sample of TNOs found orbiting between 20 and 100 AU from the Sun. By examining their orbits with modified orbital fitting software, we place tight limits on the perturbations of gravity that could exist in this region of the solar system.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, uses AASTex v5.x macro

    Thirteen new BL Lacertae objects discovered by an efficient x ray/radio/optical technique

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    The discovery of 13 serendipitous BL Lac objects in the Einstein IPC Slew Survey by means of x ray/radio vs. x ray/optical color-color diagrams and confirmation by optical spectroscopy are reported. These 13 BL Lacs were discovered using a technique which exploits the characteristic broad band spectra of BL Lacs. New VLA detections provide accurate fluxes (f(6 cm) is approximately 0.5 mJy) and 2 in. positions, facilitating the determination of an optical counterpart. All 13 new BL Lacs show essentially featureless optical spectra. Nine of these lie within the range of colors of known x ray selected BL Lacs. Of the remaining four, one is apparently x ray louder (by a factor of 1.5) or optically quieter (by 0.8 mags); and three are optically louder (by 1-1.3 mags) than x ray selected BL Lacs. Approximately 50 new BL Lacs in total are expected from VLA work and upcoming Australia Telescope observations, yielding a complete Slew Survey sample of approximately 90 BL Lacs

    How Well Do We Know the Orbits of the Outer Planets?

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    This paper deals with the problem of astrometric determination of the orbital elements of the outer planets, in particular by assessing the ability of astrometric observations to detect perturbations of the sort expected from the Pioneer effect or other small perturbations to gravity. We also show that while using simplified models of the dynamics can lead to some insights, one must be careful to not over-simplify the issues involved lest one be misled by the analysis onto false paths. Specifically, we show that the current ephemeris of Pluto does not preclude the existence of the Pioneer effect. We show that the orbit of Pluto is simply not well enough characterized at present to make such an assertion. A number of misunderstandings related to these topics have now propagated through the literature and have been used as a basis for drawing conclusions about the dynamics of the solar system. Thus, the objective of this paper is to address these issues. Finally, we offer some comments dealing with the complex topic of model selection and comparison.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Ap

    Can Minor Planets be Used to Assess Gravity in the Outer Solar System?

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    The twin Pioneer spacecraft have been tracked for over thirty years as they headed out of the solar system. After passing 20 AU from the Sun, both exhibited a systematic error in their trajectories that can be interpreted as a constant acceleration towards the Sun. This Pioneer Effect is most likely explained by spacecraft systematics, but there have been no convincing arguments that that is the case. The alternative is that the Pioneer Effect represents a real phenomenon and perhaps new physics. What is lacking is a means of measuring the effect, its variation, its potential anisotropies, and its region of influence. We show that minor planets provide an observational vehicle for investigating the gravitational field in the outer solar system, and that a sustained observation campaign against properly chosen minor planets could confirm or refute the existence of the Pioneer Effect. Additionally, even if the Pioneer Effect does not represent a new physical phenomenon, minor planets can be used to probe the gravitational field in the outer Solar System and since there are very few intermediate range tests of gravity at the multiple AU distance scale, this is a worthwhile endeavor in its own right.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The trough-system algorithm and its application to spatial modeling of Greenland subglacial topography

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2014 Herzfeld et al.Dynamic ice-sheet models are used to assess the contribution of mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet to sea-level rise. Mass transfer from ice sheet to ocean is in a large part through outlet glaciers. Bed topography plays an important role in ice dynamics, since the acceleration from the slow-moving inland ice to an ice stream is in many cases caused by the existence of a subglacial trough or trough system. Problems are that most subglacial troughs are features of a scale not resolved in most ice-sheet models and that radar measurements of subglacial topography do not always reach the bottoms of narrow troughs. The trough-system algorithm introduced here employs mathematical morphology and algebraic topology to correctly represent subscale features in a topographic generalization, so the effects of troughs on ice flow are retained in ice-dynamic models. The algorithm is applied to derive a spatial elevation model of Greenland subglacial topography, integrating recently collected radar measurements (CReSIS data) of the Jakobshavn Isbræ, Helheim, Kangerdlussuaq and Petermann glacier regions. The resultant JakHelKanPet digital elevation model has been applied in dynamic ice-sheet modeling and sea-level-rise assessment

    Practices in source code sharing in astrophysics

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    While software and algorithms have become increasingly important in astronomy, the majority of authors who publish computational astronomy research do not share the source code they develop, making it difficult to replicate and reuse the work. In this paper we discuss the importance of sharing scientific source code with the entire astrophysics community, and propose that journals require authors to make their code publicly available when a paper is published. That is, we suggest that a paper that involves a computer program not be accepted for publication unless the source code becomes publicly available. The adoption of such a policy by editors, editorial boards, and reviewers will improve the ability to replicate scientific results, and will also make the computational astronomy methods more available to other researchers who wish to apply them to their data.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Computing. 10 page

    Quantum critical points with the Coulomb interaction and the dynamical exponent: when and why z=1

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    A general scenario that leads to Coulomb quantum criticality with the dynamical critical exponent z=1 is proposed. I point out that the long-range Coulomb interaction and quenched disorder have competing effects on z, and that the balance between the two may lead to charged quantum critical points at which z=1 exactly. This is illustrated with the calculation for the Josephson junction array Hamiltonian in dimensions D=3-\epsilon. Precisely in D=3, however, the above simple result breaks down, and z>1. Relation to other theoretical studies is discussed.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages, 1 ps figur
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