31 research outputs found

    Recent Progress in Quantum Hadrodynamics

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    Quantum hadrodynamics (QHD) is a framework for describing the nuclear many-body problem as a relativistic system of baryons and mesons. Motivation is given for the utility of such an approach and for the importance of basing it on a local, Lorentz-invariant lagrangian density. Calculations of nuclear matter and finite nuclei in both renormalizable and nonrenormalizable, effective QHD models are discussed. Connections are made between the effective and renormalizable models, as well as between relativistic mean-field theory and more sophisticated treatments. Recent work in QHD involving nuclear structure, electroweak interactions in nuclei, relativistic transport theory, nuclear matter under extreme conditions, and the evaluation of loop diagrams is reviewed.Comment: 115 pages, REVTeX 3.0 with epsf.sty, ijmpe1.sty, srev.sty, symbols.sty, plus 10 figure

    Effective Field Theory in Nuclear Many-Body Physics

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    Recent progress in Lorentz-covariant quantum field theories of the nuclear many-body problem (quantum hadrodynamics, or QHD) is discussed. The importance of modern perspectives in effective field theory and density functional theory for understanding the successes of QHD is emphasized. To appear in: 150 Years of Quantum Many-Body Theory: A conference in honour of the 65th birthdays of John W. Clark, Alpo J. Kallio, Manfred L. Ristig, and Sergio Rosati.Comment: 10 pages, REVTeX 3.0 with epsf.sty, plus 2 figure

    Electron Scattering for Nuclear and Nucleon Structure

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    The scattering of high-energy electrons from nuclear and nucleon targets provides a microscope for examining the structure of these tiny objects. The best evidence we have on what nuclei and nucleons actually look like comes from electron scattering. This 2001 book examines the motivation for electron scattering and develops the theoretical analysis of the process. It discusses our theoretical understanding of the underlying structure of nuclei and nucleons at appropriate levels of resolution and sophistication, and summarizes experimental electron scattering capabilities. Only a working knowledge of quantum mechanics and special relativity is assumed, making this a suitable textbook for graduate and advanced undergraduate courses. It will also provide a valuable summary and reference for researchers already working in electron scattering and other areas of nuclear and particle physics. This text has been reissued as an Open Access publication

    Electron Scattering for Nuclear and Nucleon Structure

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    The scattering of high-energy electrons from nuclear and nucleon targets provides a microscope for examining the structure of these tiny objects. The best evidence we have on what nuclei and nucleons actually look like comes from electron scattering. This 2001 book examines the motivation for electron scattering and develops the theoretical analysis of the process. It discusses our theoretical understanding of the underlying structure of nuclei and nucleons at appropriate levels of resolution and sophistication, and summarizes experimental electron scattering capabilities. Only a working knowledge of quantum mechanics and special relativity is assumed, making this a suitable textbook for graduate and advanced undergraduate courses. It will also provide a valuable summary and reference for researchers already working in electron scattering and other areas of nuclear and particle physics. This text has been reissued as an Open Access publication

    Pauli blocking and final-state interaction in electron-nucleus quasielastic scattering

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    The nucleon final-state interaction in inclusive electron-nucleus quasielastic scattering is studied. Based on the unitarity equation satisfied by the scattering-wave operators, a doorway model is developed to take into account the final-state interaction including the Pauli blocking of nucleon knockout. The model uses only experimental form factors as the input and can be readily applied to light- and medium-mass nuclei. Pauli blocking effects in these latter nuclei are illustrated with the case of the Coulomb interaction. Significant effects are noted for beam energies below ~ 350 MeV and for low momentum transfers.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    The Axial-Vector Current in Nuclear Many-Body Physics

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    Weak-interaction currents are studied in a recently proposed effective field theory of the nuclear many-body problem. The Lorentz-invariant effective field theory contains nucleons, pions, isoscalar scalar (σ\sigma) and vector (ω\omega) fields, and isovector vector (ρ\rho) fields. The theory exhibits a nonlinear realization of SU(2)L×SU(2)RSU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R chiral symmetry and has three desirable features: it uses the same degrees of freedom to describe the axial-vector current and the strong-interaction dynamics, it satisfies the symmetries of the underlying theory of quantum chromodynamics, and its parameters can be calibrated using strong-interaction phenomena, like hadron scattering or the empirical properties of finite nuclei. Moreover, it has recently been verified that for normal nuclear systems, it is possible to systematically expand the effective lagrangian in powers of the meson fields (and their derivatives) and to reliably truncate the expansion after the first few orders. Here it is shown that the expressions for the axial-vector current, evaluated through the first few orders in the field expansion, satisfy both PCAC and the Goldberger--Treiman relation, and it is verified that the corresponding vector and axial-vector charges satisfy the familiar chiral charge algebra. Explicit results are derived for the Lorentz-covariant, axial-vector, two-nucleon amplitudes, from which axial-vector meson-exchange currents can be deduced.Comment: 32 pages, REVTeX 4.0 with 12pt.rtx, aps.rtx, revsymb.sty, revtex4.cls, plus 14 figures; two sentences added in Summary; two references adde

    2nd Hampton University Graduate Studies at CEBAF

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    Fundamentals of statistical mechanics: manuscripts and notes of Felix Bloch

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    Introduction to electricity and magnetism

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    Topics in modern physics: theoretical foundations

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    While the two previous books entitled Introduction to Modern Physics: Theoretical Foundations and Advanced Modern Physics: Theoretical Foundations exposed the reader to the foundations and frontiers of today's physics, the goal of this third volume is to cover in some detail several topics omitted in the essentially linear progression of the first two. This book is divided into three parts. Part 1 is on quantum mechanics. Analytic solutions to the Schrödinger equation are developed for some basic systems. The analysis is then formalized, concluding with a set of postulates for the theory. Part 2 is on applications of quantum mechanics: approximation methods for bound states, scattering theory, time-dependent perturbation theory, and electromagnetic radiation and quantum electrodynamics. Part 3 covers some selected topics in relativistic quantum field theory: discrete symmetries, the Heisenberg picture, and the Feynman rules for quantum chromodynamics. The three volumes in this series taken together provide a clear, logical, self-contained, and comprehensive base from which the very best students can learn modern physics. When finished, readers should have an elementary working knowledge in the principal areas of theoretical physics of the twentieth century. Readership: Advanced undergraduates, graduate students and researchers in theoretical physics and quantum mechanics