623 research outputs found

    Labour efficiency on-farm

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    End of project reportImprovements in milking efficiency have a greater influence than any other aspect of the dairy farmers work on overall farm labour inputs (Whipp, 1992). In order to facilitate the examination of milking process labour inputs, the milking process may be divided into the following three components: herding pre and post milking (transfer of cows to and from the milking parlour); milking (milking tasks / work routines within the parlour); and washing (washing of milking machine and yard). Meanwhile, within milking specifically, the number of cows milked per operator per hour is the best measure of both the performance of the operator and the milking installation (Clough, 1978). This is affected by the following three factors: the milking times of the cows, the number and arrangement of the milking units, and the operator’s work routine (Whipp, 1992). The addition of extra milking units will only increase milking performance if the operator has idle time during milking (Hansen, 1999)

    The influence of the starvation-predation trade-off on the relationship between ambient temperature and body size among endotherms

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    Aim: The tendency for animals at higher latitudes to be larger (Bergmann's rule) is generally explained by recourse to latitudinal effects on ambient temperature and the food supply, but these receive only mixed support and do not explain observations of the inverse to Bergmann's rule. Our aim was to better understand how ecological variables might influence body size and thereby explain this mixed support. Location: World-wide. Methods: Previous explanations do not allow for the selective pressure exerted by the trade-off between predation and starvation, which we incorporate in a model of optimal body size and energy storage of a generalized homeotherm. In contrast to existing arguments, we concentrate on survival over winter when the food supply is poor and can be interrupted for short periods. Results: We use our model to assess the logical validity of the heat conservation hypothesis and show that it must allow for the roles of both food availability and predation risk. We find that whether the effect of temperature on body size is positive or negative depends on temperature range, predator density, and the likelihood of long interruptions to foraging. Furthermore, changing day length explains differing effects of altitude and latitude on body size, leading to opposite predictions for nocturnal and diurnal endotherms. Food availability and ambient temperature can have counteracting selective pressures on body mass, and can lead to a non-monotonic relationship between latitude and size, as observed in several studies. Main conclusions: Our work provides a theoretical framework for understanding the relationships between the costs and benefits of large body size and eco-geographical patterns among endotherms world-wide

    The Effect of Agricultural Practices on a Dairy Farm on Nitrate Leaching to 1m

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    Dairy farms, in Ireland, carry the highest stock densities and use the highest rates of fertiliser nitrogen (N). They constitute the highest risk of nitrate leaching, especially where soils are thin or free-draining. The effect of 4 grass managements on leaching was studied on a dairy farm having free-draining soils overlying Karst limestone. This was a new, farm-comprehensive approach to nitrate leaching which had not been carried out previously

    Imprinted genes influencing the quality of maternal care

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    In mammals successful rearing imposes a cost on later reproductive fitness specifically on the mother creating the potential for parental conflict. Loss of function of three imprinted genes in the dam result in deficits in maternal care suggesting that, like maternal nutrients, maternal care is a resource over which the parental genomes are in conflict. However, the induction of maternal care is a complex and highly regulated process. Unsurprisingly many gene disruptions, as well as adverse environmental exposures in pregnancy, result in maternal care deficits. Recent compelling evidence for a more purposeful imprinting phenomenon comes from studying the impact of two imprinted genes, Phlda2 and Peg3, expressed in the placenta on the mother’s behaviour. The explicit demonstration that imprinted genes expressed in the offspring influence maternal behaviour lends significant weight to the hypothesis that maternal care is a resource that has been manipulated by the paternal genome

    Solar Carbon Monoxide, Thermal Profiling, and the Abundances of C, O, and their Isotopes

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    A solar photospheric "thermal profiling" analysis is presented, exploiting the infrared rovibrational bands of carbon monoxide (CO) as observed with the McMath-Pierce Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) at Kitt Peak, and from above the Earth's atmosphere by the Shuttle-borne ATMOS experiment. Visible continuum intensities and center-limb behavior constrained the temperature profile of the deep photosphere, while CO center-limb behavior defined the thermal structure at higher altitudes. The oxygen abundance was self consistently determined from weak CO absorptions. Our analysis was meant to complement recent studies based on 3-D convection models which, among other things, have revised the historical solar oxygen (and carbon) abundance downward by a factor of nearly two; although in fact our conclusions do not support such a revision. Based on various considerations, an oxygen abundance of 700+/-100 ppm (parts per million relative to hydrogen) is recommended; the large uncertainty reflects the model sensitivity of CO. New solar isotopic ratios also are reported for 13C, 17O, and 18O.Comment: 90 pages, 19 figures (some with parts "a", "b", etc.); to be published in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement

    Electrified Fuzzy Spheres and Funnels in Curved Backgrounds

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    We use the non-Abelian DBI action to study the dynamics of NN coincident DpDp-branes in an arbitrary curved background, with the presence of a homogenous world-volume electric field. The solutions are natural extensions of those without electric fields, and imply that the spheres will collapse toward zero size. We then go on to consider the D1D3D1-D3 intersection in a curved background and find various dualities and automorphisms of the general equations of motion. It is possible to map the dynamical equation of motion to the static one via Wick rotation, however the additional spatial dependence of the metric prevents this mapping from being invertible. Instead we find that a double Wick rotation leaves the static equation invariant. This is very different from the behaviour in Minkowski space. We go on to construct the most general static fuzzy funnel solutions for an arbitrary metric either by solving the static equations of motion, or by finding configurations which minimise the energy. As a consistency check we construct the Abelian D3D3-brane world-volume theory in the same generic background and find solutions consistent with energy minimisation. In the NSNS5-brane background we find time dependent solutions to the equations of motion, representing a time dependent fuzzy funnel. These solutions match those obtained from the DD-string picture to leading order suggesting that the action in the large NN limit does not need corrections. We conclude by generalising our solutions to higher dimensional fuzzy funnels.Comment: 38 pages, Latex; references adde

    Detecting and Studying Higgs Bosons at a Photon-Photon Collider

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    We examine the potential for detecting and studying Higgs bosons at a photon-photon collider facility associated with a future linear collider. Our study incorporates realistic \gam\gam luminosity spectra based on the most probable available laser technology. Results include detector simulations. We study the cases of: a) a SM-like Higgs boson; b) the heavy MSSM Higgs bosons; c) a Higgs boson with no WW/ZZWW/ZZ couplings from a general two Higgs doublet model.Comment: 52 pages, 26 figures, revised version with new appendi

    One-dimensional modelling of air injection into abandoned oil fields for heat generation

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    With the global drive for net-zero emissions, it has never been more important to find clean energy sources. There are thousands of abandoned oilfields worldwide with the potential to be reactivated to produce clean energy with air injection and subsequent waste fluid sequestration. Air injection, and the development of a fire-front, may be used with enhanced geothermal systems by taking ad-vantage of the inherent increase in heat and pressure. Conventionally used as an enhanced oil re-covery technique, air injection has gained the reputation of being a high-risk intervention due to the many failures in its history. Knowledge of how petrophysical rock properties and oil physical and chemical properties control the consequences of air injection is key to optimising the selection of late-life, or even abandoned oilfields for use in such systems. Here we use one-dimensional model-ling to test the effect of varying porosity, permeability, oil viscosity and API gravity on the success of air injection. Modelling shows that the most important factor controlling temperature is the po-rosity of the reservoir, followed by the API gravity and then the viscosity of the oil. The most im-portant factors controlling velocity of the fire-front are API gravity followed by oil viscosity. We show that reservoirs with high porosity and low permeability with high viscosity and low API gravi-ty oil reach the highest fire-front temperatures. The significance of this work is that it provides sev-eral geoscience-related criteria to rank possible candidate reservoirs for reactivation and clean energy generation via air injection: the best candidates will have the highest total porosity, relatively low permeability, highest oil viscosity and lowest API gravity, such fields can then move on to bespoke and more complex simulations.</jats:p

    Non-Abelian (p,q) Strings in the Warped Deformed Conifold

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    We calculate the tension of (p,q)(p,q)-strings in the warped deformed conifold using the non-Abelian DBI action. In the large flux limit, we find exact agreement with the recent expression obtained by Firouzjahi, Leblond and Henry-Tye up to and including order 1/M21/M^2 terms if qq is also taken to be large. Furthermore using the finite qq prescription for the symmetrised trace operation we anticipate the most general expression for the tension valid for any (p,q)(p,q). We find that even in this instance, corrections to the tension scale as 1/M21/M^2 which is not consistent with simple Casimir scaling.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, 1 figure; Added a discussion of the case when the warp factor parameter b1b\neq 1 and typos correcte

    On the Internal Absorption of Galaxy Clusters

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    A study of the cores of galaxy clusters with the Einstein SSS indicated the presence of absorbing material corresponding to 1E+12 Msun of cold cluster gas, possibly resulting from cooling flows. Since this amount of cold gas is not confirmed by observations at other wavelengths, we examined whether this excess absorption is present in the ROSAT PSPC observations of 20 bright galaxy clusters. For 3/4 of the clusters, successful spectral fits were obtained with absorption due only to the Galaxy, and therefore no extra absorption is needed within the clusters, in disagreement with the results from the Einstein SSS data for some of the same clusters. For 1/4 of the clusters, none of our spectral fits was acceptable, suggesting a more complicated cluster medium than the two-temperature and cooling flow models considered here. However, even for these clusters, substantial excess absorption is not indicated.Comment: accepted by the Astrophysical Journa