286 research outputs found

    John C. Avise.

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    Colloquium paper: three ambitious (and rather unorthodox) assignments for the field of biodiversity genetics.

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    The field of molecular genetics has many roles in biodiversity assessment and conservation. I summarize three of those standard roles and propose logical extensions of each. First, many biologists suppose that a comprehensive picture of the Tree of Life will soon emerge from multilocus DNA sequence data interpreted in concert with fossils and other evidence. If nonreticulate trees are indeed valid metaphors for life's history, then a well dated global phylogeny will offer an opportunity to erect a universally standardized scheme of biological classification. If life's history proves to be somewhat reticulate, a web-like phylogenetic pattern should become evident and will offer opportunities to reevaluate the fundamental nature of evolutionary processes. Second, extensive networks of wildlife sanctuaries offer some hope for shepherding appreciable biodiversity through the ongoing extinction crisis, and molecular genetics can assist in park design by helping to identify key species, historically important biotic areas, and biodiversity hotspots. An opportunity centers on the concept of Pleistocene Parks that could protect "legacy biotas" in much the same way that traditional national parks preserve special geological features and historical landmarks honor legacy events in human affairs. Third, genetic perspectives have become an integral part of many focused conservation efforts by unveiling ecological, behavioral, or evolutionary phenomena relevant to population management. They also can open opportunities to educate the public about the many intellectual gifts and aesthetic marvels of the natural world

    Allard's argument versus Baker's contention for the adaptive significance of selfing in a hermaphroditic fish.

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    Fertilization assurance (Baker's contention) and multilocus coadaptation (Allard's argument) are two distinct hypotheses for the adaptive significance of self-fertilization in hermaphroditic taxa, and both scenarios have been invoked to rationalize isogenicity via incest in various plants and invertebrate animals with predominant selfing. Here we contrast Allard's argument and Baker's contention as applied to the world's only known vertebrate that routinely self-fertilizes. We pay special attention to frequencies of locally most common multilocus genotypes in Floridian populations of the Mangrove Rivulus (Kryptolebias marmoratus). Isogenicity patterns in this fish appear inconsistent with Allard's argument, thus leaving Baker's contention as the more plausible scenario (a result also supported by natural history information for this species). These results contrast with the isogenicity patterns and conclusions previously drawn from several self-fertilizing plants and invertebrate animal species. Thus, the adaptive significance of selfing apparently varies across hermaphroditic taxa

    Development of ten polymorphic microsatellite loci for the sea snake Hydrophis elegans (Elapidae: Hydrophiinae) and cross-species amplification for fifteen marine hydrophiine species

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    We developed ten microsatellite loci for the elegant sea snake, Hydrophis elegans, from partial genomic DNA libraries using a repeat enrichment protocol. Eight loci had nine or more alleles per locus (maximum 20), while the other two had three and seven. All ten loci amplified successfully in 11 of the 15 additional hydrophiine sea snake species screened. Nine loci amplified successfully for three species and eight amplified successfully for the remaining species. Based on this highly successful cross-amplification we expect these ten loci to be useful markers for investigating population genetic structure, gene flow and parentage for all sea snake species from the Hydrophis group

    Multiple mating and its relationship to brood size in pregnant fishes versus pregnant mammals and other viviparous vertebrates.

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    We summarize the literature on rates of multiple paternity and sire numbers per clutch in viviparous fishes vs. mammals, two vertebrate groups in which pregnancy is common but entails very different numbers of embryos (for species surveyed, piscine broods averaged >10-fold larger than mammalian litters). As deduced from genetic parentage analyses, multiple mating by the pregnant sex proved to be common in assayed species but averaged significantly higher in fish than mammals. However, within either of these groups we found no significant correlations between brood size and genetically deduced incidence of multiple mating by females. Overall, these findings offer little support for the hypothesis that clutch size in pregnant species predicts the outcome of selection for multiple mating by brooders. Instead, whatever factors promote multiple mating by members of the gestating sex seem to do so in surprisingly similar ways in live-bearing vertebrates otherwise as different as fish and mammals. Similar conclusions emerged when we extended the survey to viviparous amphibians and reptiles. One notion consistent with these empirical observations is that although several fitness benefits probably accrue from multiple mating, logistical constraints on mate-encounter rates routinely truncate multiple mating far below levels that otherwise could be accommodated, especially in species with larger broods. We develop this concept into a "logistical constraint hypothesis" that may help to explain these mating outcomes in viviparous vertebrates. Under the logistical constraint hypothesis, propensities for multiple mating in each species register a balance between near-universal fitness benefits from multiple mating and species-idiosyncratic logistical limits on polygamy

    Phylogenetic conservation of chromosome numbers in Actinopterygiian fishes.

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    The genomes of ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) are well known for their evolutionary dynamism as reflected by drastic alterations in DNA content often via regional and whole-genome duplications, differential patterns of gene silencing or loss, shifts in the insertion-to-deletion ratios of genomic segments, and major re-patternings of chromosomes via non-homologous recombination. In sharp contrast, chromosome numbers in somatic karyotypes have been highly conserved over vast evolutionary timescales - a histogram of available counts is strongly leptokurtic with more than 50% of surveyed species displaying either 48 or 50 chromosomes. Here we employ comparative phylogenetic analyses to examine the evolutionary history of alterations in fish chromosome numbers. The most parsimonious ancestral state for major actinopterygiian clades is 48 chromosomes. When interpreted in a phylogenetic context, chromosome numbers evidence many recent instances of polyploidization in various lineages but there is no clear indication of a singular polyploidization event that has been hypothesized to have immediately preceded the teleost radiation. After factoring out evident polyploidizations, a correlation between chromosome numbers and genome sizes across the Actinopterygii is marginally statistically significant (p = 0.012) but exceedingly weak (R (2) = 0.0096). Overall, our phylogenetic analysis indicates a mosaic evolutionary pattern in which the forces that govern labile features of fish genomes must operate largely independently of those that operate to conserve chromosome numbers
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