7 research outputs found

    Summary statistics per location based on the Control Region dataset.

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    <p><i>n,</i> number of individuals; <i>h</i><sub>T</sub>, total number of haplotypes; <i>h</i><sub>P</sub>, number of private haplotypes; <i>h</i><sub>F</sub>, private haplotype frequency; <i>h</i><sub>D</sub>, haplotype diversity; <i>π</i>, nucleotide diversity; Fu’s <i>F</i><sub>S</sub>; Tajima’s <i>D</i>; Ramos-Onsins <i>R</i><sub>2</sub>; significant values are bold.</p

    Migration matrix of the two most supported gene flow models in the Northern Indian Ocean sister-species (M<sub>3</sub> and M<sub>1</sub>; Fig. 2).

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    <p>Θ<sub>i</sub> (diagonal) and the number of migrants from regional grouping i to j per generation, followed by the migration rates in brackets. Top numbers are the results for the asymmetrical model M<sub>3</sub>, bottom numbers for the full exchange model M<sub>1</sub>.</p

    Schematic representation of the Indian Ocean surface circulation.

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    <p><i>(a)</i> During the southwest (July/August) and <i>(b)</i> northeast (December/January) monsoon after Schott and McCreary <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0043499#pone.0043499-Schott2" target="_blank">[67]</a>, in relation to crown-of-thorns starfish sampling locations (yellow circles: NIO sister-species, blue circles: SIO sister-species). Blue shaded areas indicate the area in which COTS larvae would likely be released according to season. Green wedges in <i>(a)</i> are upwelling areas. Current branches indicated are the South Equatorial Current (SEC), Southeast and Northeast Madagascar Current (SEMC and NEMC), East African Coast Current (EACC), Somali Current (SC), Ras al Hadd Jet (RHJ), West and East Indian Coast Current (WICC and EICC), Southwest and Northeast Monsoon Current (SMC and NMC), South Java Current (SJC).</p

    AMOVA results for the Southern and Northern Indian Ocean sister-species.

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    1<p><i>west</i>: UAE, Oman; <i>central</i>: Maldives; <i>east</i>: Thailand, Aceh, Christmas Island, Pulau Seribu, Krakatau, Karimunjawa.</p>2<p><i>prov19</i>: UAE, Oman; <i>prov20</i>: Kenya, South Africa, Mayotte, South Madagascar, North Madagascar, Réunion, Mauritius; <i>prov22</i>: Chagos; <i>prov27</i>: Cocos Keeling Islands.</p><p>Significance tested with 50,000 permutations; *p<0.05, **p<0.01 and ***p<0.001.</p

    Migration models compared in the Migrate analysis of the Northern Indian Ocean sister-species.

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    <p>Migration models range from M<sub>1</sub>: full exchange to M<sub>6</sub>: panmixia. <i>west</i> (w), <i>east</i> (e) and <i>central</i> (c) represent the regional groupings displayed in Fig. 1; arrows indicate direction of migration.</p

    Summary statistics per sister-species and dataset.

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    <p>COI: Cytochrome Oxidase I and CR: Control Region; bp, aligned sequence length; <i>n,</i> number of individuals; <i>h</i><sub>D</sub>, haplotype diversity; <i>π</i>, nucleotide diversity; Fu’s <i>F</i><sub>S</sub>; Tajima’s <i>D</i>; Ramos-Onsins <i>R</i><sub>2</sub>; significant values are bold.</p