100,700 research outputs found

    Existence and uniqueness theorems for massless fields on a class of spacetimes with closed timelike curves

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    We study the massless scalar field on asymptotically flat spacetimes with closed timelike curves (CTC's), in which all future-directed CTC's traverse one end of a handle (wormhole) and emerge from the other end at an earlier time. For a class of static geometries of this type, and for smooth initial data with all derivatives in L2L_2 on {\cI}^{-}, we prove existence of smooth solutions which are regular at null and spatial infinity (have finite energy and finite L2L_2-norm) and have the given initial data on \cI^-. A restricted uniqueness theorem is obtained, applying to solutions that fall off in time at any fixed spatial position. For a complementary class of spacetimes in which CTC's are confined to a compact region, we show that when solutions exist they are unique in regions exterior to the CTC's. (We believe that more stringent uniqueness theorems hold, and that the present limitations are our own.) An extension of these results to Maxwell fields and massless spinor fields is sketched. Finally, we discuss a conjecture that the Cauchy problem for free fields is well defined in the presence of CTC's whenever the problem is well-posed in the geometric-optics limit. We provide some evidence in support of this conjecture, and we present counterexamples that show that neither existence nor uniqueness is guaranteed under weaker conditions. In particular, both existence and uniqueness can fail in smooth, asymptotically flat spacetimes with a compact nonchronal region.Comment: 47 pages, Revtex, 7 figures (available upon request

    Putting the Horse Before the Cart: The Influence of Trigger Events on Justice Perceptions and Work Attitudes

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    To date very little research on organizational justice and work attitudes has focused on what starts the process that leads to these perceptions. A considerable amount of organizational research is focused on the end result (e.g., employees’ perceptions, attitudes, or behaviors), which can become difficult to effectively manage or change after-the-fact in a timely or productive manner (Tekleab et al., 2005). In this paper, two studies are conducted that explore a variety of events employees might notice and how they influence workplace outcomes. Study One explores 16 trigger events from prior research and surveys employees in a manufacturing organization about the events, and identifying 24 additional events. Study Two examines relationships between the trigger events and outcomes of pay and job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and intent to leave, using organizational justice as a mechanism for sensemaking. Results from Study Two show that trigger events significantly predicted all four workplace attitudes. Procedural justice was significantly related to all dependent variables, interactional justice was significantly related only to job satisfaction and intention to leave, marginally unrelated to pay satisfaction, and unrelated to organizational commitment. Distributive justice was significantly related to job satisfaction, intention to leave, and pay satisfaction, but not organizational commitment. Seven of the 48 interaction terms examined were significant. Limitations and implications for future research are discussed

    A parabolic free boundary problem with Bernoulli type condition on the free boundary

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    Consider the parabolic free boundary problem Δu−∂tu=0in{u>0},∣∇u∣=1on∂{u>0}. \Delta u - \partial_t u = 0 \textrm{in} \{u>0\}, |\nabla u|=1 \textrm{on} \partial\{u>0\} . For a realistic class of solutions, containing for example {\em all} limits of the singular perturbation problem Δuϔ−∂tuÏ”=ÎČÏ”(uÏ”)asϔ→0,\Delta u_\epsilon - \partial_t u_\epsilon = \beta_\epsilon(u_\epsilon) \textrm{as} \epsilon\to 0, we prove that one-sided flatness of the free boundary implies regularity. In particular, we show that the topological free boundary ∂{u>0}\partial\{u>0\} can be decomposed into an {\em open} regular set (relative to ∂{u>0}\partial\{u>0\}) which is locally a surface with H\"older-continuous space normal, and a closed singular set. Our result extends the main theorem in the paper by H.W. Alt-L.A. Caffarelli (1981) to more general solutions as well as the time-dependent case. Our proof uses methods developed in H.W. Alt-L.A. Caffarelli (1981), however we replace the core of that paper, which relies on non-positive mean curvature at singular points, by an argument based on scaling discrepancies, which promises to be applicable to more general free boundary or free discontinuity problems

    Braggoriton--Excitation in Photonic Crystal Infiltrated with Polarizable Medium

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    Light propagation in a photonic crystal infiltrated with polarizable molecules is considered. We demonstrate that the interplay between the spatial dispersion caused by Bragg diffraction and polaritonic frequency dispersion gives rise to novel propagating excitations, or braggoritons, with intragap frequencies. We derive the braggoriton dispersion relation and show that it is governed by two parameters, namely, the strength of light-matter interaction and detuning between the Bragg frequency and that of the infiltrated molecules. We also study defect-induced states when the photonic band gap is divided into two subgaps by the braggoritonic branches and find that each defect creates two intragap localized states inside each subgap.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages, 5 figure

    Multiphoton localization and propagating quantum gap solitons in a frequency gap medium

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    The many-particle spectrum of an isotropic frequency gap medium doped with impurity resonance atoms is studied using the Bethe ansatz technique. The spectrum is shown to contain pairs of quantum correlated ``gap excitations'' and their heavy bound complexes (``gap solitons''), enabling the propagation of quantum information within the classically forbidden gap. In addition, multiparticle localization of the radiation and the medium polarization occurs when such a gap soliton is pinned to the impurity atom.Comment: 8 pages, RevTEX, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Higher Dimensional Lattice Chains and Delannoy Numbers

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    Fix nonnegative integers n1 , . . ., nd, and let L denote the lattice of points (a1 , . . ., ad) ∈ â„€d that satisfy 0 ≀ ai ≀ ni for 1 ≀ i ≀ d. Let L be partially ordered by the usual dominance ordering. In this paper we use elementary combinatorial arguments to derive new expressions for the number of chains and the number of Delannoy paths in L. Setting ni = n (for all i) in these expressions yields a new proof of a recent result of Duichi and Sulanke [9] relating the total number of chains to the central Delannoy numbers. We also give a novel derivation of the generating functions for these numbers in arbitrary dimension

    The experiences of women with polycystic ovary syndrome on a very low-calorie diet

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    The research was funded by an educational grant from LighterLife. Broom was the Medical Director for LighterLife at the time of the research. Johnson is the Head of Nutrition and Research at LighterLife. The authors report no other conflicts of interest in this work.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
