966 research outputs found

    Tracking the Care of Patients with Severe Chronic Illness - The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care 2008

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    In 2001 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued Crossing the Quality Chasm, a report that sent a wake-up call to patients, providers, and policy makers about the poor quality of American health care. The IOM argued that one of the central drivers of poor quality has been the unsystematic and fragmentary nature of our health care delivery system. Nowhere are the system’s failings more apparent than in the care of the chronically ill. More than 90 million Americans live with at least one chronic illness, and seven out of ten Americans die from chronic disease. Among the Medicare population, the toll is even greater: about nine out of ten deaths are associated with just nine chronic illnesses, including congestive heart failure, chronic lung disease, cancer, coronary artery disease, renal failure, peripheral vascular disease, diabetes, chronic liver disease, and dementia

    Neural correlates of emotion acceptance vs worry or suppression in generalized anxiety disorder

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    Recent emotion dysregulationmodels of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) propose chronic worry in GAD functions as a maladaptive attempt to regulate anxiety related to uncertain or unpredictable outcomes. Emotion acceptance is an adaptive emotion regulation strategy increasingly incorporated into newer cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approaches to GAD to counter chronic worry. The current study explores themechanisms of emotion acceptance as an alternate emotion regulation strategy to worry or emotion suppression using functionalmagnetic resonance imaging. Twenty-one female participants diagnosed with GAD followed counterbalanced instructions to regulate responses to personally relevant worry statements by engaging in either emotion acceptance, worry or emotion suppression. Emotion acceptance resulted in lower ratings of distress than worry and was associated with increased dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) activation and increased ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC)-amygdala functional connectivity. In contrast, worry showed significantly greater distress ratings than acceptance or suppression and was associated with increased precuneus, VLPFC, amygdala and hippocampal activation. Suppression did not significantly differ fromacceptance in distress ratings or amygdala recruitment, but resulted in significantly greater insula and VLPFC activation and decreased VLPFC-amygdala functional connectivity. Emotion acceptance closely aligned with activation and connectivity patterns reported in studies of contextual extinction learning and mindful awareness.National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (Grant F31 MH084422

    Beyond Nanopore Sequencing in Space: Identifying the Unknown

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    Astronaut Kate Rubins sequenced DNA on the International Space Station (ISS) for the first time in August 2016 (Figure 1A). A 2D sequencing library containing an equal mixture of lambda bacteriophage, Escherichia coli, and Mus musculus was prepared on the ground with a SQK_MAP006 kit and sent to the ISS frozen and loaded into R7.3 flow cells. After a total of 9 on-orbit sequencing runs over 6 months, it was determined that there was no decrease in sequencing performance on-orbit compared to ground controls (1). A total of ~280,000 and ~130,000 reads generated on-orbit and on the ground, respectively, identified 90% of reads that were attributed to 30% lambda bacteriophage, 30% Escherichia coli, and 30% M. musculus (Figure 1B). Extensive bioinformatics analysis determined comparable 2D and 1D read accuracies between flight and ground runs (Figure 1C), and data collected from the ISS were able to construct directed assemblies of E.coli and lambda genomes at 100% and M. musculus mitochondrial genome at 96.7%. These findings validate sequencing as a viable option for potential on-orbit applications such as environmental microbial monitoring and disease diagnosis. Current microbial monitoring of the ISS applies culture-based techniques that provide colony forming unit (CFU) data for air, water, and surface samples. The identity of the cultured microorganisms in unknown until sample return and ground-based analysis, a process that can take up to 60 days. For sequencing to benefit ISS applications, spaceflight-compatible sample preparation techniques are required. Subsequent to the testing of the MinION on-orbit, a sample-to-sequence method was developed using miniPCR and basic pipetting, which was only recently proven to be effective in microgravity. The work presented here details the in- flight sample preparation process and the first application of DNA sequencing on the ISS to identify unknown ISS-derived microorganisms
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