5 research outputs found

    To study the comparative effects of nebivolol and metoprolol on lipid profile in patients of essential hypertension

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    Background: Hypertension and certain alteration in serum lipoproteins are complementary coronary risk factors. The effect of antihypertensive agents on lipid metabolism exhibits a wide range. Numerous studies have established that vasodilating beta-blockers are associated with more favorable effects on glucose and lipid profiles than non-vasodilating beta-blockers. The study was conducted to study the comparative effects of nebivolol and metoprolol on lipid profile in patients of essential hypertension.Methods: A prospective, randomized open label single center study was conducted in the Department of Pharmacology in collaboration with Department of Medicine, MGM’s Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad in newly diagnosed patients of essential hypertension. Sixty patients of either sex in the age group of 30-65 years with blood pressure (BP) of ≥140/90 mmHg with deranged lipid parameters according to National Cholesterol Education Program were randomized into two groups. Group I received metoprolol (50 mg) and Group II received nebivolol (5 mg), both given once daily for 12 weeks. BP and lipid parameters were evaluated at baseline as well as at the end of 12 weeks.Results: There was significant reduction in BP values (p<0.0001) as compared to baseline in both the groups, however no significant difference was observed between two drugs revealing that their efficacy in reducing systolic BP/diastolic BP is comparable. Furthermore, both the drugs had a favorable effect on lipid profile, but more significant results on lipid profile were observed in the nebivolol group as compared to metoprolol group (p<0.0001).Conclusions: In our comparison study, it is seen that the favorable effect of nebivolol on serum lipids and its good tolerability profile make it a good choice for control of hypertension as well as preventing the long-term cardiovascular morbidities and mortalities

    Evaluation of anti-asthmatic and anti-cholinergic activity of ethanolic extract of Tectina grandis Linn. bark

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    Background: Asthma is a chronic disease that affects approximately 300 million people worldwide. Tectona grandis Linn. bark, also known as Teak (English), is traditionally used to treat asthma. However, the scientific data on anti-asthmatic and anti-cholinergic of this plant has got little attention. An attempt has been based on ethanolic extract of bark of Tectona grandis Linn. shown a tremendous effect on asthma when comparative study was done with normal and treated group.Methods: The anti-asthmatic activity of a 95% ethanol and 5% distilled water extract of dried and fresh Tectona grandis Linn. bark, was evaluated against histamine and acetylcholine-induced preconvulsive dyspnea (PCD) in guinea pigs fasted for 24 h were exposed to an atomized fine mist of 2% histamine dihydrochloride and acetylcholine aerosol (dissolved in normal saline) using nebulizer at a pressure of 300 mmHg in the histamine chamber (24×14×24 cm, made of perplex glass. They were divided in groups Mepyramin (8 mg/kg) intraperitonially, atropine aerosol and Tectona grandis bark formulation (2.5, 5, 10 gm/kg) were administered orally 30 min prior to exposure. Animals, which did not develop typical asthma within 6 minutes, were taken as protected.Results: Ethanolic extract of Tectona grandis Linn. bark at 5 and 10 gm/kg significantly reduce bronchoconstriction as compared to control group along with significant mast cell stabilization activity.Conclusions: In conclusion, the present study shows that the ethanolic bark extract of Tectona grandis Linn. has potential antiasthamatic and antichlolinergic action in histamine and acetylcholine broncocontraction in guinea pigs

    Comparative effect of mixture of ginger and honey with dextromethorphan in dry cough in children

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    Background: Cough is protective reflex caused by obstruction or irritation of airway. Many medication available for the treatment of dry cough. But it causes sedation and drowsiness in children. Considering the adverse effects produce by the medication, we consider this study as the ginger and honey is used in Indian family, and in Ayurveda ginger and honey is used for treatment of dry and productive cough.Methods: We include the patients who attended the pediatric OPD complaining dry cough. We design the questionnaire and for the measuring the severity of dry cough. We divide the patient into four groups received standard treatment and ginger and honey mixture. We compared the end result with standard treatment statistically by using unpaired student “t” test was used along with two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test.Results: We include 100 patient in this study. We got amazing result of this study ginger and honey required less time for recovery and also sedation and drowsiness not occurred in the ginger and honey group as compared to dextromethorphan (p value ˂0.005).Conclusions: After seeing above encouraging result, and along with advantage of natural product with no adverse we can advise the honey and ginger therapy for treatment of dry cough

    Evaluation of knowledge, attitude and practices of postgraduate medical students towards clinical research in a tertiary care teaching hospital

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    Background: Clinical research is a component of medical and health research that facilitates valuable knowledge regarding diagnosis, prevention as well as treatment of a disease. Nowadays, the practise of medicine is evidence-based and combining medical education with clinical research provides a channel for translating scientifically advanced knowledge into better public health. The aim of the study was to assess knowledge (K), attitude (A), and practices (P) about clinical research among post graduate medical students.Methods: After obtaining institutional ethics committee approval, a cross-sectional and questionnaire-based study was conducted. A pre-structured and validated KAP questionnaire comprising of 25 questions (knowledge-15, attitude-5 and practices-5) was shared online through google forms with post graduate students. The responses to the questions were later marked correct or incorrect. The data was collected and compiled using Microsoft excel and expressed in percentage (%). Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 25.0.Results: 102 students responded to the questionnaire completely. Out of which males (55.9%) pre-dominated and majority of the PG students belonged to I year accounting for 40.2%. About 61.76% PG students were aware about a clinical research unit in the college. Majority of the students acknowledged the necessity of conducting clinical research and exhibited good knowledge about key concepts of clinical trials.  Even responses to questions pertaining to attitude towards clinical research were also majorly positive. On the contrary, more than 90% students had neither attended any workshop on ICH-GCP guidelines nor registered their academic study under clinical trial registry of India. However, 73.5% of them expressed their willingness to participate in a clinical trial in future.Conclusions: Although, assessment of knowledge and attitudes about clinical research among post graduate students showed positive results but discrepancies were observed in its practise. As such, this necessitates incorporation of clinical research activities into existing medical education system

    Comparative effectiveness of S-adenosylmethionine and etoricoxib in newly diagnosed patients of knee osteoarthritis

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    Background: Knee osteoarthritis is an important cause for morbidity in elderly people. Therapy is largely symptomatic with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which pose risk in the elderly. Methionine is natural body constituent with novel property of blunting S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) inflammatory process and cartilage degradation. The aim of this study was to compare effectiveness of SAMe, with standard etoricoxib therapy in newly diagnosed knee osteoarthritis cases.Methods: 127 newly diagnosed knee osteoarthritis patients were randomized into two groups. 55 participants received treatment  of etoricoxib 600 mg extended release once daily for 90 days (group 1) and 72 received  etoricoxib 600 mg extended release once daily and SAMe 400 mg twice daily  for initial 15 days followed by SAMe once daily 400 mg as maintenance dose for next 75 days  (group 2). The outcomes were measured by knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score (KOOS). Pre and post treatment KOOS scores of all cases were separately pooled to define the median for whole as well as components of KOOS parameters. Relative frequencies of cases with values around respective medians were compared by MOODS median test. Patient characteristics, disease characteristics were also examined for bearing on outcomes besides the treatment.Results: SAMe treatment was associated with significantly greater improvement in symptoms, activities of daily life, spontaneous recreational activities and the quality of life compared to etoricoxib therapy. The therapy was well-tolerated.Conclusions: The study confirms SAMe as superior therapeutic option in osteoarthritis. SAMe indeed has been reported to have specific anti-arthritic effects and promotive to general well-being