251 research outputs found

    Designperspektiv och konstruktion - Hur konstrueras en sluten hÄllbar konstgrÀsplan för fotboll?

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    Locally produced pork – VĂ€stra Götaland

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    The interest for locally produced food has increased the last couple of years, and some consumers have a willingness to pay a premium for niche products like locally produced food. At the same time it seems like the Swedish pig production are in a negative development period. This study tries to see if locally produced pork could be a possible factor which might affect producers in the county of VÀstra Götaland views on different aspects regarding their production. Consumers of pork and their point of view regarding locally produced pork were also studied. Surveys to consumers and producers were constructed. Although previous studies claim the opposite, in the two locations (HögsÀter and Uddevalla) where the consumer survey were performed, there were more men than women that always bought locally produced pork. But there were no difference between gender when it came to factors affecting purchase or in their thoughts about the future for the pig production. However, it seemed to be a difference between locations when it came to the consumers thoughts about the future, as well as for different factors affecting their purchase. There were a larger proportion of producers which claimed that they sold their meat as locally produced than those that did not. However, as the number of producers that answered the survey was low it was hard to analyze the data and the results can only be considered to be valid for the studied sample. But the analysis made showed no significant differences between producers that sold locally or not when it came to factors like if they had a more positive belief in their future or if they believed that they had a good profitability. Because of this it is not possible to state that locally produced pork could be a factor which affects the producers point of view regarding different aspects in their production.Intresset för nÀrproducerade livsmedel har ökat de senaste Ären och vissa konsumenter kan Àven tÀnka sig att betala extra för det mervÀrde som nÀrproducerat innebÀr. Det har samtidigt skett en negativ utveckling för de svenska grisproducenterna. I studien undersöktes det om nÀrproducerat flÀskkött kunde vara en möjlig faktor som pÄverkar synen pÄ olika aspekter kring produktionen bland grisproducenter i VÀstra Götalands lÀn. Konsumenter som köper flÀskkött och deras köpmönster och tankar om nÀrproducerat flÀskkött undersöktes ocksÄ. Undersökningarna genomfördes med hjÀlp av tvÄ enkÀtstudier, en utstÀlld till konsumenter i tvÄ olika butiker pÄ olika orter i VÀstra Götalands lÀn, och en stÀlld till grisproducenter i VÀstra Götalands lÀn. Signifikant fler mÀn Àn kvinnor som svarade pÄ enkÀten uppgav att de alltid köper nÀrproducerat vilket Àr tvÀrtemot vad tidigare studier visat. Ingen skillnad hittades mellan andel mÀn och kvinnor och de faktorer som de uppgav kunde pÄverka deras inköp av nÀrproducerat flÀskkött, och ingen skillnad fanns heller i deras tankar om framtiden för grisproduktionen i VÀstra Götaland. Skillnad hittades dock mellan orterna nÀr det gÀllde konsumenternas tankar om framtiden och gÀllande de faktorer som konsumenterna uppgav kunde pÄverka deras inköp. Bland producenterna var det en större andel av de som svarade pÄ enkÀten som faktiskt sÄlde kött nÀrproducerat Àn de som inte gjorde det. Det lÄga antalet producenter som svarade pÄ enkÀten bidrog dock till att de statistiska analyserna inte kunde ge nÄgra sÀkra svar. Av de analyser som ÀndÄ utfördes hittades inga signifikanta skillnader i jÀmförelserna mellan de som sÄlde sitt kött som nÀrproducerat och de som inte gjorde det nÀr det gÀllde faktorer som om de har en mer positiv syn pÄ framtiden eller om de ansÄg sig ha en bÀttre lönsamhet. Det Àr alltsÄ inte möjligt att sÀga om försÀljning av nÀrproducerat flÀskkött Àr en faktor som pÄverkar grisproducenternas syn pÄ olika aspekter inom deras produktion

    Berikning till gris

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    Berikning definieras som en förbĂ€ttring för djur i fĂ„ngenskap. Genom att modifiera grisars miljö kan deras naturliga beteenden frĂ€mjas. Följande litteraturstudie kartlĂ€gger vilka olika typer av berikning som kan ges till grisar och hur de kan pĂ„verka beteende och produktionsresultat. Karga, stimulifattiga miljöer kan orsaka understimulering hos grisar. Om en gris Ă€r understimulerad eller inte fĂ„r utlopp för ett starkt motiverat beteende kan den utveckla avvikande beteenden. De avvikande beteendena kan vara ett tecken pĂ„ att djurens vĂ€lbefinnande Ă€r pĂ„verkat och kan Ă€ven leda till produktionsstörningar. Berikning ger djuren sysselsĂ€ttning och ger dem möjlighet att utföra motiverade beteenden. Med hjĂ€lp av exempelvis olika strömaterial, leksaker och ökade utrymmen kan miljön berikas för grisar. Förutom att stimulera motiverade beteenden har berikning visat sig minska oönskade beteenden som exempelvis aggressivitet. Halm Ă€r det vanligaste strömaterialet som anvĂ€nds till grisar idag, men grisen vĂ€ljer ibland torv framför halm om den sjĂ€lv fĂ„r vĂ€lja. Strömaterial, extra utrymme och leksaker har alla visat sig kunna ge produktionsfördelar, men det finns Ă€ven studier som visat motsatsen. Alla typer av berikning ger Ă€ndĂ„ grisarna större chans att utföra starkt motiverade beteenden. Berikning minskar oftast djurens sysselsĂ€ttningsbrist och minskar i de flesta fall oönskade beteenden. Med detta som grund anses berikning förbĂ€ttra grisarnas miljö och dĂ€rmed Ă€ven öka deras vĂ€lfĂ€rd.Enrichment could be defined as an improvement for animals in captivity. Pigs’ natural behaviours could benefit by modifying their environment. The aim of this study is to investigate which type of enrichment that could be presented to pigs and what differences they make on their behaviour and productivity. Barren environments cannot provide enough stimulation for the pig. Strongly motivated behaviours which cannot be expressed can cause unwanted behaviours and can lead to reduced productivity as well as reduced welfare. Enrichments stimulate the pigs and allow them to express natural behaviours. Different litters, toys and increased space could stimulate strongly motivated behaviours, improve the productivity and also lessen unwanted behaviours like aggressiveness. I Sweden straw is the most common used litter for pigs today, but in preference tests the pigs sometimes choose other types of litter, for example peat. Although enrichments have shown advantages in several studies there are also studies which haven’t found benefits. Nevertheless, enrichments keep the pigs busy and reduce the time they spend performing unwanted behaviours which is an improvement of their environment as well as their welfare

    Kinas redovisningsutveckling ur ett institutionellt perspektiv

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    Syftet Àr att undersöka den kinesiska redovisningsutvecklingen med utgÄngspunkt i den institutionella teorin. Vi har gjort en litteraturstudie samt intervjuat revisorer i Kina som komplement till forskningen. Forskningen bygger pÄ en deduktiv metod med en deskriptiv ansats. VÄr studie bygger pÄ de centrala arbetena inom institutionell teori av Scott, Puxty et al, DiMaggio & Powell samt Oliver. Vi har Àven anvÀnt Hofstedes studier av kulturdimensioner. Den empiriska prestationen bygger i huvudsak pÄ befintlig forskning inom kinesisk redovisningsutveckling. Som komplement har intervjuer gjorts med revisorer i Kina. Kinas redovisning har varit med om stora förÀndringar sedan 1970-talet. Den enskilt största faktorn till redovisningsutvecklingen Àr den politiska reform frÄn planekonomi till socialistisk marknadsekonomi som landet genomgÄtt. Under utvecklingen har olika institutionella faktorer bÄde skapat förÀndrings och stabilitet inom landets redovisning. Reflektioner frÄn professionen bekrÀftar de institutionella faktorernas pÄverkan

    Nordic romantic functionalism : a study of Ulla Bodorff’s design of a residential yard

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    Under 1930–1950 utvecklas nordisk romantisk funktionalism och en ny syn pĂ„ den bostadsnĂ€ra miljön, med rymlighetsideal och fokus pĂ„ funktion och anvĂ€ndning. Ulla Bodorff var en av de frĂ€msta utövarna av denna stil, men Ă€r idag ett nĂ€st intill bortglömt namn. Denna uppsats lyfter Ulla Bodorff och hennes bostadsgĂ„rdar med dess funktion som vardagsrum, lekplats, mötesplats och utsikt samt hur de kan förvaltas för att bestĂ„. Syftet Ă€r att analysera Ulla Bodorffs stil med inriktning mot hennes bostadsgĂ„rdar. Detta genom att beskriva ideal som ligger till grund, de typiska dragen i bostadsgĂ„rdarna, och hur bostadsgĂ„rdar av detta slag utvecklats. Genom fallstudie av kvarteret Astolf undersöks nordisk funktionalism i tre steg: allmĂ€nt, Ulla Bodorff och studie av Astolf. Noggranna inventeringar och platsbesök samt litteratur- och dokumentstudier har anvĂ€nts för att av det lilla som finns bevarat om Ulla Bodorff fĂ„ fram kontexten och historien om hennes stil. Intervju med boende inom Astolf genomfördes för en mer nutida brukarsyn dĂ€r skötsel spelat stor roll. Intervju med Landskapsarkitekt gav information om vikten av god skötsel och restaurering. Resultatet, en berĂ€ttelse om Ulla Bodorff och bostadsgĂ„rden beskriver ett sĂ€tt att gestalta dĂ€r det skapade kĂ€nns naturligt, som nĂ„got som alltid funnits dĂ€r. Om vikten att bostadsgĂ„rden ska anvĂ€ndas men samtidigt se bra ut vid anlĂ€ggning, under samtid och för framtid. Uppsatsen behandlar en typ av bostadsgĂ„rd som kĂ€nns icke gestaltad men som egentligen har mycket tanke och arbete bakom och framför sig. Den lyfter kĂ€nnedom om Ulla Bodorff som likt hennes gestaltningar, förtjĂ€nar att berĂ€ttas om.During 1930-1950, the Nordic Romantic Functionalism forms with a new view on the residential outdoor environment, the ideal of spaciousness and focus on function and use. Ulla Bodorff was one of the greatest within this style, but today a name that is forgotten. This paper raises Ulla Bodorff and her residential yards, with their function as living room, playground, meeting point and outlook as well as how they can be managed to remain. The aim is to assess Ulla Bodorff’s style with a focus on her residential yards. This by describing ideals, the features of the yards and how yards of this style can evolve. Through case studies of The Astolf block, Nordic Romantic Functionalism is explored in three steps: widely, Ulla Bodorff and a study of Astolf. Thorough inventory, site visits and literature studies has been done to gain information about Ulla Bodorff and the context and history of her style. Interview with residents of Astolf to get a present view from a user’s perspective where maintenance has been of great importance. Interview with a Landscape architect has given information about maintenance and restoration. The result, a tale about Ulla Bodorff and the residential yard, describes a way of design where the proposal feels natural, as if it has always been there. About the importance of using a yard and keeping it nice during establishment, present and future. The paper covers a yard which feels not shaped by human, but actually has a lot of thought and work behind and facing. It raises awareness about Ulla Bodorff, which as well as her designs, deserves to be told about

    Listen to the landscape! : sound as a resource and premise through a design process

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    Denna uppsats visar hur en plats kan gestaltas utifrĂ„n dess auditiva intryck och egenskaper. Platsen som undersöks Ă€r SödermalmsallĂ©n i Stockholm, och mĂ„let Ă€r att ge exempel pĂ„ hur ljud kan tillĂ€mpas som en bidragande faktor för att stĂ€rka en plats rumslighet och identitet. Landskapsarkitektens yrkesroll Ă€r att skapa platser för mĂ€nniskor. De metoder vi anvĂ€nder för att inventera och analysera dessa platser utgĂ„r i första hand frĂ„n dess visuella och fysiska egenskaper. NĂ€r ljud nĂ€mns och behandlas sĂ„ görs det frĂ€mst utifrĂ„n att det Ă€r nĂ„got negativt som bör reduceras bort, sĂ„som buller. Med denna uppsats vill vi istĂ€llet undersöka ljud som en tillgĂ„ng och ett designelement, och hur vĂ„r upplevelse av en plats formas av dess ljudbild. Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att undersöka hur ljud som designelement vid gestaltning av utomhusmiljöer kan förstĂ€rka en plats identitet. Genom att anvĂ€nda metoder dĂ€r ljud har ett framtrĂ€dande fokus, vill vi med detta arbete öka förstĂ„elsen för hur ljud kan implementeras och framhĂ€vas i gestaltningsprocessen. Som grund till arbetet ligger en litteraturundersökning. Litteraturen gav oss kunskap om teorier kring ljud, ljudlandskap och akustisk design, samt metoder som pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt undersöker Ă€mnet. En stor vikt har lagts vid att utforma och utforska metoder för att inventera och analysera ljud, vilket ligger till grund för gestaltningsförslaget. Genom ljudpromenader, lyssningsövningar och kategoriseringar av ljudtyper och ljudlandskap skapade vi oss en fördjupad bild av SödermalmsallĂ©ns ljud, och hur dessa kunde anvĂ€ndas som en tillgĂ„ng och förutsĂ€ttning vid gestaltning. Arbetets teoridel Ă€r till stor del inriktad pĂ„ ljudet i förhĂ„llande till mĂ€nniskan. Hur vi upplever ljud pĂ„verkas till stor del av sammanhanget och övriga sinnesintryck. Vad vi hör kan i lika hög grad vara kopplat till vad vi ser som till det faktiska ljudet. Detta innebĂ€r att Ă€ven visuella element, sĂ„som kvalitativ vegetation, kan bidra till att ge en positiv uppfattning av ljudet pĂ„ en plats. Teorin visar Ă€ven att oönskade ljud sĂ„som buller inte enbart behöver reduceras bort fysiskt med exempelvis bullervĂ€ggar, utan Ă€ven kan döljas. Antingen visuellt, dĂ„ det upplevelsemĂ€ssigt reduceras genom audio-visuell samverkan. Eller auditivt, dĂ„ det döljs genom maskering av ett önskat ljud, sĂ„som porlande vatten. Gestaltningsförslaget för SödermalmsallĂ©n Ă€r en sekventiell upplevelse av ljud och rum, dĂ€r olika karaktĂ€rer, aktiviteter, rumsligheter och ljudrum löser av varandra. De designelement som anvĂ€nds ska pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt generera önskade ljud och absorbera eller maskera oönskade ljud. SĂ„vĂ€l generella som platsspecifika gestaltningslösningar bidrar till att förstĂ€rka upplevelsen och platsidentiteten lĂ€ngs strĂ„ket.This thesis presents how a place can be designed based on its auditory impressions and characteristics. The site that is investigated is SödermalmsallĂ©n in Stockholm, and the goal is to give examples of how sound can be applied as a contributing factor to strengthen the spatiality and identity of a place. The landscape architects’ role is to create places for people. The methods we use to inventory and analyze these places are mainly based on their visual and physical characteristics. When sound is mentioned and processed, it is usually by the fact that it is something negative that should be reduced, such as noise. With this thesis, we instead want to investigate sound as an asset and element for design, and how our experience of a place is shaped by its soundscape. The aim of this thesis is to look into how sound as an element for the design of outdoor spaces can strengthen the place identity. By using methods where the sound has a prominent focus, we want to increase the understanding of how it can be implemented and highlighted throughout the design process. A literary study was used as a basis for this thesis. The literature gave us knowledge about theories on sound, soundscape, and acoustic design, as well as methods that in different ways investigate the subject. A great deal of emphasis has been put on developing and exploring methods for sound inventory and analysis, which forms the basis of the design proposal. Through soundwalks, listening exercises and categorizations of sound types and soundscapes, we created an in-depth picture of SödermalmsallĂ©ns sounds, and how these could be used as an asset and premise for the design. The theoretical part of this thesis is mainly focused on sound in relation to humans. How we experience sound is largely influenced by the context and other sensory impressions. What we hear can be as connected to what we see as to the actual sound. This means that visual elements, such as vegetation, can contribute to giving a positive perception of the sound in a place. The theory also proves that unwanted sounds, such as noise, not only has to be reduced physically, i.e. by using noise walls, but it can also be concealed. Either visually, by experientially reducing it through audio-visual interaction. Or auditory, by masking it with a desired sound, such as rippling water. The design proposal for SödermalmsallĂ©n is a sequential experience of sound and space, where different characters, activities, spatialities and sound spaces succeed each other. The proposed elements of design will in different ways generate wanted sounds and absorb or mask unwanted sounds. General, as well as site-specific design solutions, contribute to strengthening the experience and place identity along the path

    Association of incident fragility fractures in patients hospitalised due to unexplained syncope and orthostatic hypotension

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    Background Fragility fractures are caused by low-energy insults such as falls from standing height or less and pose a growing health challenge as their incidence rises with increasing age. Impaired orthostatic blood pressure response and a number of cardiovascular biomarkers have been previously identified as risk factors for fractures. It is likely that severe episodes of syncope and orthostatic hypotension increase the risk of subsequent fragility fractures, however this relationship has not been thoroughly examined.PurposeTo investigate the relationship of hospital admissions due to unexplained syncope and OH with incident fragility fractures in a middle-aged population.MethodsWe analysed a large population-based prospective cohort of 30,446 middle-aged individuals (age, 57.5 ± 7.6; men, 39.8%). We included patients hospitalised due to unexplained syncope and OH. Cox regression analysis adjusted for age, sex, prevalent fractures, body mass index (BMI) were applied to assess the impact of unexplained syncope/OH hospitalisations on subsequent incident fragility fractures. Prevalent fractures occurring before syncope/OH hospitalisation were excluded (n = 39) as well as cases with no follow-up time after the event of syncope/OH (n= 8).ResultsThe mean follow-up from baseline to first incident fracture or end of follow-up was 17.8 + 6.5 years, and 8201 (27%) suffered incident fracture. The mean age of patients with unexplained syncope (n = 493) and OH patients (n = 406) at baseline was 61.5 ± 7.1 years (50.1%, male) and 62.6 ± 6.6 years (49.8% male), respectively. The mean time between baseline and first admission for syncope and OH was 12.3 ± 4.5 years, and the mean age at first hospitalisation was 74.4 ± 7.6 years. In the multivariable-adjusted Cox regression, the risk of subsequent incident fractures was increased among patients hospitalised due to unexplained syncope (HR: 1.20; 95% CI 1.03–1.40; p < 0.02) and OH (HR: 1.40; 95% CI 1.20–1.64; p < 0.001), respectively (Kaplan-Meier curves; Figure 1).ConclusionsPatients hospitalised due to unexplained syncope and OH demonstrate increased risk of subsequent fragility fractures. We suggest that patients who are hospitalised for unexplained syncope and OH should be clinically assessed for true syncope aetiology, systematically treated against fall risk, and evaluated for additional risk factors for fragility fractures

    Effect of aging on cerebral tissue oxygenation in relation to reflex syncope

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    Background: There is an increased susceptibility to syncope with aging attributed to age-related physiological impairments. Cerebral oxime-try non-invasively measures cerebral tissue oxygenation (SctO2) and has been shown to be valuable in syncope evaluation. SctO2 has beenfound to decrease with aging but it is unknown whether the decrease in SctO2 is related to increased susceptibility to syncope during ortho-static provocation. By measuring SctO2 during head up tilt test (HUT) we can study age-related differences in SctO2 and their impact ondeveloping reflex syncope.Purpose: To investigate the effect of age on the cerebral tissue oxygenation threshold for syncope and presyncope among patients withvasovagal syncope.Methods: Non-invasive haemodynamic monitoring and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) were applied during head-up tilt (HUT) in 139vasovagal syncope patients (mean [SD] 45[17] years, 60% female), and 82 control patients with a normal response to HUT (45[18] years,61% female). Group differences in SctO2 and systolic blood pressure (SBP) during HUT in supine position, after 3 and 10 min of HUT, 30seconds prior to syncope ("presyncopal phase") and during syncope in different age groups (60 years) were comparedusing one-way ANOVA and Tukey"s multiple comparison test. Associations between age and SctO2 were studied using linear regressionmodels adjusted for sex and concurrent SBP.Results: Lower SctO2 in supine position was associated with increasing age among controls (B=-0.085, p = 0.010) but not among VVS pa-tients (B=-0.036, p = 0.114). No age-related differences in SctO2 were found after 3 and 10 minutes of HUT and during syncope. MeanSctO2 (%) during the presyncopal phase decreased over the advancing age groups (60: 62.2 ± 5.8; p = 0.009 for inter-group comparison). In contrast, mean SBP during the presyncopal phase did not differ by age groups (60: 77.6 ± 20.8 mmHg, p = 0.133). Age was associated with lower SctO2 during the presyncopal phase after adjusting for sexand SBP (B = 0.096, p = 0.001).Conclusion: Older VVS patients have lower cerebral tissue oxygenation in the presyncopal phase compared with younger patients inde-pendently of systolic blood pressure. These results suggest either that with imminent reflex syncope cerebral tissue oxygenation diminishesmore with advancing age or that cerebral deoxygenation is better tolerated by older reflex syncope patients

    Digitaliserad Storytelling

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    Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Digitaliserad Storytelling – En fallstudie om att bygga IKEAs varumĂ€rke genom berĂ€ttelser Seminariedatum: 2013-06-05 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete kandidatnivĂ„ i marknadsföring, 15 högskolepoĂ€ng Författare: Evelina Dahlman, Madeleine Hjalmarsson och Lovisa Mellbin Handledare: Fil. Dr. Clara Gustafsson Fem nyckelord: Storytelling, digitala medier, varumĂ€rke, emotionalitet, IKEA Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen, för att bidra till teorier om varumĂ€rke och storytelling, Ă€r att undersöka vad det Ă€r som gör IKEAs varumĂ€rke starkt och huruvida storytelling Ă€r en bidragande faktor till detta, samt finna svar pĂ„ hur IKEA bör förhĂ„lla sig till digitala medier för att kommunicera sina berĂ€ttelser. Metod: Uppsatsen Ă€r en kvalitativ studie vilken har genomförts utifrĂ„n ett hermeneutiskt förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt. Ansatsen Ă€r en kombination av deduktion och induktion. PrimĂ€rdata till studien baseras pĂ„ semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer och fokusgrupper. Studiens sekundĂ€rdata Ă€r mestadels vetenskapliga artiklar. Teoretiska perspektiv: Den teoretiska referensram som anvĂ€nds i studien berör frĂ€mst varumĂ€rke, storytelling, emotionell marknadsföring och digitala medier. Empiri: Studieobjektet Ă€r IKEA och har studerats utifrĂ„n olika delar av organisationen genom nio djupintervjuer med anstĂ€llda pĂ„ IKEA och fokusgrupper med tretton konsumenter till IKEA. Resultat: Studiens resultat visar att storytelling som marknadsföringsverktyg Ă€r en bidragande faktor till IKEAs varumĂ€rkesstyrka. Det visar sig att emotionella faktorer Ă€r viktigt i IKEAs kommunikation för relationsskapandet till dess intressenter. Det empiriska resultatet bidrar till en sammanfattande modell baserad pĂ„ en tidigare teoretisk varumĂ€rkesmodell. Denna indikerar pĂ„ vikten av yttre faktorer sĂ„som digitala medier som IKEA bör anpassa sin kommunikation till för att bevara sitt starka varumĂ€rke.Abstract Title: Digitalized Storytelling – a case study of how IKEA builds its brand through stories Seminar date: 2013-06-05 Course: FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credit Points Authors: Evelina Dahlman, Madeleine Hjalmarsson och Lovisa Mellbin Advisor: Phil.dr. Clara Gustafsson Key words: storytelling, digital media, brand, emotionality, IKEA Purpose: The purpose of this essay, to contribute to theories of brands and storytelling, is to examine what it is about IKEA that makes it to a strong brand and to what extent the marketing concept storytelling contributes to this strength, as well as finding out how IKEA should behave regarding the digital media when communicating its stories. Methodology: This qualitative study has been conducted by using a hermeneutic approach. The study is a combination of a deductive, as well as an inductive, process. The primary data to this study is based from semi-structured interviews and focus groups. The secondary data is primary scientific publications. Theoretical perspectives: The theoretical framework in this study is primary branding, storytelling, emotive marketing and digital media. Empirical foundation: The study object is IKEA which has been examined through nine interviews with employees from different divisions of the organization and through focus groups existing of thirteen customers to the corporation. Conclusions: The conclusion of the study is that storytelling is an important marketing tool for IKEA and its brand building. What can be said by the result is that emotive elements are of great value for IKEA when communicating with stakeholders. The empirical foundation is contributing to a synthesis model, which is based on an earlier theoretical branding model. This synthesis model indicates the importance for IKEA of being attentive to external factors, such as digital media, in its marketing and communication to make sure to preserve its strong brand
