808 research outputs found

    Energetic Extremes in Aquatic Locomotion by Coral Reef Fishes

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    Underwater locomotion is challenging due to the high friction and resistance imposed on a body moving through water and energy lost in the wake during undulatory propulsion. While aquatic organisms have evolved streamlined shapes to overcome such resistance, underwater locomotion has long been considered a costly exercise. Recent evidence for a range of swimming vertebrates, however, has suggested that flapping paired appendages around a rigid body may be an extremely efficient means of aquatic locomotion. Using intermittent flow-through respirometry, we found exceptional energetic performance in the Bluelined wrasse Stethojulis bandanensis, which maintains tuna-like optimum cruising speeds (up to 1 metre s(-1)) while using 40% less energy than expected for their body size. Displaying an exceptional aerobic scope (22-fold above resting), streamlined rigid-body posture, and wing-like fins that generate lift-based thrust, S. bandanensis literally flies underwater to efficiently maintain high optimum swimming speeds. Extreme energetic performance may be key to the colonization of highly variable environments, such as the wave-swept habitats where S. bandanensis and other wing-finned species tend to occur. Challenging preconceived notions of how best to power aquatic locomotion, biomimicry of such lift-based fin movements could yield dramatic reductions in the power needed to propel underwater vehicles at high speed.Funding was provided by the Australian Research Council (to CJF) and the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (to JFS). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Two problems in stochastic structural dynamics

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    Hydrological Modelling of Small Scale Processes in a Wetland Habitat

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    Lean Maturity, Lean Sustainability

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    Udenrigskorrespondenter i Kina – En vestlig ideologisk forpost?

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    Denne artikel bygger på iagttagelser gjort i forbindelse med et kandidatspeciale i Medievidenskab og tager udgangspunkt i udtalelser fra 14 korrespondenter, alle udstationeret i Kina. Som artiklen vil afsløre eksisterer der for korrespondenterne en lang række rollekonflikter, som bunder i ideologiske modsætninger og diskrepante normer, som er indlejret i forskellige forventninger til journalistens professionelle rolle. Artiklen konkluderer bl.a., at konflikterne i visse tilfælde kan påvirke korrespondenternes syn på Kina i en negativ retning, og argumenterer for at korrespondenterne agerer indenfor en fælles diskursiv referenceramme, hvor de frivilligt og/eller ufrivilligt indgår i en ideologisk kamp mod det kinesiske regime, som gesandter for vestlige idealer og værdier. This article is based on observations made ​​in connection with a master’s thesis in Media Studies and is based on statements from 14 correspondents, all stationed in China. The article reveals that the correspondents experience a number of role conflicts that are rooted in the ideological contradictions and discrepant norms that are embedded in different expectations to the journalist's professional role. The article concludes that the conflicts in some cases can affect the correspondents' views on China in a negative direction, and states that the correspondents act according to a common discursive framework, where the correspondents voluntarily and/or involuntarily participate in an ideological fight against the Chinese regime, as envoys of Western ideals and values​​.Emneord: vestlige udenrigskorrespondenter, kritisk journalistik i Kina, censur, chikane, rollekonflikter, diskursanalyse
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