27 research outputs found

    Photon-Photon Interactions via Rydberg Blockade

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    We develop the theory of light propagation under the conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency in systems involving strongly interacting Rydberg states. Taking into account the quantum nature and the spatial propagation of light, we analyze interactions involving few-photon pulses. We show that this system can be used for the generation of nonclassical states of light including trains of single photons with an avoided volume between them, for implementing photon-photon gates, as well as for studying many-body phenomena with strongly correlated photons

    Learning the Solution Operator of Boundary Value Problems using Graph Neural Networks

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    As an alternative to classical numerical solvers for partial differential equations (PDEs) subject to boundary value constraints, there has been a surge of interest in investigating neural networks that can solve such problems efficiently. In this work, we design a general solution operator for two different time-independent PDEs using graph neural networks (GNNs) and spectral graph convolutions. We train the networks on simulated data from a finite elements solver on a variety of shapes and inhomogeneities. In contrast to previous works, we focus on the ability of the trained operator to generalize to previously unseen scenarios. Specifically, we test generalization to meshes with different shapes and superposition of solutions for a different number of inhomogeneities. We find that training on a diverse dataset with lots of variation in the finite element meshes is a key ingredient for achieving good generalization results in all cases. With this, we believe that GNNs can be used to learn solution operators that generalize over a range of properties and produce solutions much faster than a generic solver. Our dataset, which we make publicly available, can be used and extended to verify the robustness of these models under varying conditions

    Photonic Phase Gate via an Exchange of Fermionic Spin Waves in a Spin Chain

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    We propose a new protocol for implementing the two-qubit photonic phase gate. In our approach, the pi phase is acquired by mapping two single photons into atomic excitations with fermionic character and exchanging their positions. The fermionic excitations are realized as spin waves in a spin chain, while photon storage techniques provide the interface between the photons and the spin waves. Possible imperfections and experimental systems suitable for implementing the gate are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. V2: extended the discussion of the main idea, removed supplementary information and inessential extensions, added references. V3: slightly modified references and text - final version as published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Dissipative Preparation of Spin Squeezed Atomic Ensembles in a Steady State

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    We present and analyze a new approach for the generation of atomic spin squeezed states. Our method involves the collective coupling of an atomic ensemble to a decaying mode of an open optical cavity. We demonstrate the existence of a collective atomic dark-state, decoupled from the radiation field. By explicitly constructing this state we find that it can feature spin squeezing bounded only by the Heisenberg limit. We show that such dark states can be deterministically prepared via dissipative means, thus turning dissipation into a resource for entanglement. The scaling of the phase sensitivity taking realistic imperfections into account is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Self-Distilled Representation Learning for Time Series

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    Self-supervised learning for time-series data holds potential similar to that recently unleashed in Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision. While most existing works in this area focus on contrastive learning, we propose a conceptually simple yet powerful non-contrastive approach, based on the data2vec self-distillation framework. The core of our method is a student-teacher scheme that predicts the latent representation of an input time series from masked views of the same time series. This strategy avoids strong modality-specific assumptions and biases typically introduced by the design of contrastive sample pairs. We demonstrate the competitiveness of our approach for classification and forecasting as downstream tasks, comparing with state-of-the-art self-supervised learning methods on the UCR and UEA archives as well as the ETT and Electricity datasets.Comment: Presented at the NeurIPS 2023 Workshop: Self-Supervised Learning - Theory and Practic

    Bose-Einstein condensation of stationary-light polaritons

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    We propose and analyze a mechanism for Bose-Einstein condensation of stationary dark-state polaritons. Dark-state polaritons (DSPs) are formed in the interaction of light with laser-driven 3-level Lambda-type atoms and are the basis of phenomena such as electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), ultra-slow and stored light. They have long intrinsic lifetimes and in a stationary set-up with two counterpropagating control fields of equal intensity have a 3D quadratic dispersion profile with variable effective mass. Since DSPs are bosons they can undergo a Bose-Einstein condensation at a critical temperature which can be many orders of magnitude larger than that of atoms. We show that thermalization of polaritons can occur via elastic collisions mediated by a resonantly enhanced optical Kerr nonlinearity on a time scale short compared to the decay time. Finally condensation can be observed by turning stationary into propagating polaritons and monitoring the emitted light.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Towards Learning Self-Organized Criticality of Rydberg Atoms using Graph Neural Networks

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    Self-Organized Criticality (SOC) is a ubiquitous dynamical phenomenon believed to be responsible for the emergence of universal scale-invariant behavior in many, seemingly unrelated systems, such as forest fires, virus spreading or atomic excitation dynamics. SOC describes the buildup of large-scale and long-range spatio-temporal correlations as a result of only local interactions and dissipation. The simulation of SOC dynamics is typically based on Monte-Carlo (MC) methods, which are however numerically expensive and do not scale beyond certain system sizes. We investigate the use of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) as an effective surrogate model to learn the dynamics operator for a paradigmatic SOC system, inspired by an experimentally accessible physics example: driven Rydberg atoms. To this end, we generalize existing GNN simulation approaches to predict dynamics for the internal state of the node. We show that we can accurately reproduce the MC dynamics as well as generalize along the two important axes of particle number and particle density. This paves the way to model much larger systems beyond the limits of traditional MC methods. While the exact system is inspired by the dynamics of Rydberg atoms, the approach is quite general and can readily be applied to other systems