17 research outputs found

    Keratinocytes Determine Th1 Immunity during Early Experimental Leishmaniasis

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    Experimental leishmaniasis is an excellent model system for analyzing Th1/Th2 differentiation. Resistance to Leishmania (L.) major depends on the development of a L. major specific Th1 response, while Th2 differentiation results in susceptibility. There is growing evidence that the microenvironment of the early affected tissue delivers the initial triggers for Th-cell differentiation. To analyze this we studied differential gene expression in infected skin of resistant and susceptible mice 16h after parasite inoculation. Employing microarray technology, bioinformatics, laser-microdissection and in-situ-hybridization we found that the epidermis was the major source of immunomodulatory mediators. This epidermal gene induction was significantly stronger in resistant mice especially for several genes known to promote Th1 differentiation (IL-12, IL-1β, osteopontin, IL-4) and for IL-6. Expression of these cytokines was temporally restricted to the crucial time of Th1/2 differentiation. Moreover, we revealed a stronger epidermal up-regulation of IL-6 in the epidermis of resistant mice. Accordingly, early local neutralization of IL-4 in resistant mice resulted in a Th2 switch and mice with a selective IL-6 deficiency in non-hematopoietic cells showed a Th2 switch and dramatic deterioration of disease. Thus, our data indicate for the first time that epidermal cytokine expression is a decisive factor in the generation of protective Th1 immunity and contributes to the outcome of infection with this important human pathogen

    Nx4 attenuated stress-induced activity of the anterior cingulate cortex—A post-hoc analysis of a randomized placebo-controlled crossover trial

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    OBJECTIVE: Stress-related symptoms are associated with significant health and economic burden. Several studies suggest Nx4 for the pharmacological management of the stress response and investigated the underlying neural processes. Here we hypothesized that Nx4 can directly affect the stress response in a predefined stress network, including the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), which is linked to various stress-related symptoms in patients. METHODS: In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover trial, 39 healthy males took a single dose of placebo or Nx4. Psychosocial stress was induced by the ScanSTRESS paradigm inside an MRI scanner, and stress network activation was analyzed in brain regions defined a priori. RESULTS: Using the placebo data only, we could validate the activation of a distinct neural stress pattern by the ScanSTRESS paradigm. For Nx4, we provide evidence of an attenuating effect on this stress response. A statistically significant reduction in differential stress-induced activation in the right supracallosal ACC was observed for the rotation stress task of the ScanSTRESS paradigm. The results add to previously published results of Nx4 effects on emotion regulation. CONCLUSIONS: Our results strengthen the hypothesis that Nx4 modulates the stress response by reducing the activation in parts of the neural stress network, particularly in the ACC

    fMRI Revealed Reduced Amygdala Activation after Nx4 in Mildly to Moderately Stressed Healthy Volunteers in a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Cross-Over Trial

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    Social stress contributes to major societal health burdens, such as anxiety disorders and nervousness. Nx4 has been found to modulate stress responses. We investigated whether dampening of such responses is associated with neuronal correlates in brain regions involved in stress and anxiety. In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over trial, 39 healthy males took a single dose (three tablets) of either placebo or Nx4, 40 to 60 minutes before an fMRI scan session. We here report on drug effects on amygdala responses during a face-matching task, which was performed during a complex test battery further including resting-state brain connectivity and a social stress experiment. The first of the Primary Outcomes, defined in a hierarchical order, concerned reduced amygdala effects after intake of verum compared to placebo. We found a statistically significant reduction in differential activations in the left amygdala for the contrast negative faces versus forms during verum versus placebo condition. Our results indicate that effects of Nx4 can be monitored in the brain. Previously noted effects on stress responses may thus be modulated by affective brain regions including the amygdala

    Video abstract for publication: Neurexan helps to reduce distractibility

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    This is a video abstract of a published peer-reviewed article. It represents the opinions of the authors. For a full list of declarations, including funding and author disclosure statements, please read the full open-access article online.</p

    Plain language summary for publication: Neurexan's calming effect correlates to individual trait anxiety levels

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    This is a plain language summary of a published peer-reviewed article English, German, Spanish and Russian. It refers to a clinical trial demonstrating calming effects of Neurexan in the subgroup of study participants with increased anxiety level. This summary was not peer-reviewed but it represents the opinions of the authors. For a full list of declarations, including funding and author disclosure statements, please read the full open-access article online.</p

    Plain language summary of publication: Neurexan may promote relaxation and improved emotion regulation in the resting brain

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    This is a plain language summary of a published peer-reviewed article in English, German, Spanish and Russian. It refers to a clinical trial demonstrating calming effects of Neurexan that may help individuals coping with upcoming stressful tasks. This summary was not peer-reviewed but it represents the opinions of the authors. For a full list of declarations, including funding and author disclosure statements, please read the full open-access article online.</p