441 research outputs found

    The effects of unemployment insurance on labor supply and search outcomes : regression discontinuity estimates from Germany

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    "This paper evaluates the impact of large changes in the duration of unemployment insurance (UI) in different economic environments on labor supply, job matches, and search behavior. We show that differences in eligibility thresholds by exact age give rise to a valid regression discontinuity design, which we implement using administrative data on the universe of new unemployment spells and career histories over twenty years from Germany. We find that increases in UI have small to modest effects on non-employment rates, a result robust over the business cycle and across demographic groups. Thus, large expansions in UI during recessions do not lead to lasting increases in unemployment duration, nor can they explain differences in unemployment durations across countries. We do not find any effect of increased UI duration on average job quality, but show that the mean potentially confounds differential effects on job search across the distribution of UI duration. However, it appears that for a majority of UI beneficiaries increases in UI duration may lead to small declines in wages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Arbeitslosenversicherung, Arbeitskräfteangebot, Arbeitsuche, Lohnhöhe, Arbeitslosigkeitsdauer, Konjunkturzyklus, geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren, matching, amtliche Statistik

    The Effects of Extended Unemployment Insurance over the Business Cycle: Evidence from Regression Discontinuity Estimates Over Twenty Years

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    One goal of extending the duration of unemployment insurance (UI) in recessions is to increase UI coverage in the face of longer unemployment spells. Although it is a common concern that such extensions may themselves raise nonemployment durations, it is not known how recessions would affect the magnitude of this moral hazard. To obtain causal estimates of the differential effects of UI in booms and recessions, this paper exploits the fact that, in Germany, potential UI benefit duration is a function of exact age which is itself invariant over the business cycle. We implement a regression discontinuity design separately for twenty years and correlate our estimates with measures of the business cycle. We find that the nonemployment effects of a month of additional UI benefits are, at best, somewhat declining in recessions. Yet, the UI exhaustion rate, and therefore the additional coverage provided by UI extensions, rises substantially during a downturn. The ratio of these two effects represents the nonemployment response of workers weighted by the probability of being affected by UI extensions. Hence, our results imply that the effective moral hazard effect of UI extensions is significantly lower in recessions than in booms. Using a model of job search with liquidity constraints, we also find that, in the absence of market-wide effects, the net social benefits from UI extensions can be expressed either directly in terms of the exhaustion rate and the nonemployment effect of UI durations, or as a declining function of our measure of effective moral hazard.

    The Long-Term Effects of Unemployment Insurance Extensions on Employment

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    The majority of papers analyzing the employment effects of unemployment insurance (UI) benefit durations focuses on the duration of the first unemployment spell. In this paper, we make two contributions. First, we use a regression discontinuity design to analyze the long-term effects of extensions in UI durations. These estimates differ from standard estimates that they incorporate differences in UI benefit receipt and employment due to recurrent unemployment spells. Second, we derive a welfare formula of UI extensions that incorporates recurrent nonemployment spells. We find that accounting for nonemployment beyond the initial spell leads to a significant reduction in estimates of the nonemployment effect of UI extensions by about 25 percent. We show this effect is only partly explained by a mechanical effect due to finite follow-up durations, and mainly arises from a lower probability of days in nonemployment in months after end of the initial nonemployment spell.

    Schr\"odinger operators with complex potential but real spectrum

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    Several aspects of complex-valued potentials generating a real and positive spectrum are discussed. In particular, we construct complex-valued potentials whose corresponding Schr\"odinger eigenvalue problem can be solved analytically.Comment: 10, pages, LaTeX 2.09, 6 Postscript figures, uses amsfont, figures available at http://faupt100.physik.uni-erlangen.de/junker/papers95-99.ht

    Berufliche Mobilität zur Anpassung struktureller Diskrepanzen am Arbeitsmarkt

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    Auf der Basis eines theoretischen Modells zur Bestimmung der wichtigsten Determinanten wurde die berufliche Mobilität am westdeutschen Arbeitsmarkt empirisch untersucht. Die Analyse wurde mit Daten der IAB-Beschäftigtenstichprobe, die aus der Historikdatei der Bundesanstalt für Arbeit gezogen wurde, mit Hilfe eines eigenen Konzepts der beruflichen Mobilität für das Jahr 1989, in dem rund 13% der beschäftigten Arbeitnehmer den Beruf (auf 2-Stellen-Ebene der Berufsklassifikation) gewechselt haben, durchgeführt. Verschiedene Determinanten der beruflichen Mobilität wurden im Rahmen eines multivariaten Proportional Hazard Cox Modells ermittelt. Demnach wechseln ältere Arbeitnehmer mit gehobener Stellung im Beruf, die in einer großen Firma angestellt sind, weniger häufig den Beruf. Arbeitnehmer mit längerer Erwerbsunterbrechung sowie höherem Arbeitslosigkeitsrisiko sind dagegen beruflich mobiler. Die höhere Wechselwahrscheinlichkeit von Arbeitnehmern mit Universitätsabschluß oder zumindest Abitur ist zu einem großen Teil auf die Aufstiegsmobilität dieser Personengruppe zurückzuführen. Die geringe Wechselneigung von Frauen, die bei außerbetrieblichen Berufswechseln besteht, steht vermutlich in Zusammenhang mit Unterschieden zwischen typischen Männer- und Frauenberufen. Eine Unterteilung in außer- und innerbetriebliche Wechsler ergab darüber hinaus Unterschiede beim Einfluß des bisherigen Lohns und der Firmengröße. Arbeitnehmer mit höherem Lohn wechseln häufiger innerbetrieblich, dagegen weniger häufig den Betrieb selbst. Innerhalb einer größeren Firma scheint ein innerbetrieblicher Berufswechsel einfacher zu sein, Betriebswechsel finden dagegen weniger häufig statt. Die relative Häufigkeit vergangener Wechsel besitzt einen äußerst hohen Erklärungsgehalt für die gegenwärtige Wechselwahrscheinlichkeit. Die Berücksichtigung dieser Vielwechslereigenschaft führt sogar dazu, daß der negative Einfluß der Berufszugehörigkeitsdauer auf die Wechselwahrscheinlichkeit bis zur Insignifikanz abgeschwächt wird. Der Lohnunterschied zwischen neuem und bisherigem Beruf, der insbesondere für freiwillige Berufswechsler von hoher Bedeutung ist, ist für Männer und junge Arbeitnehmer am größten. Bei längerer Berufszugehörigkeitsdauer sowie längerer Erwerbsunterbrechung fiel er dagegen geringer aus, auch Vielwechsler konnten eine geringere Lohndifferenz realisieren. Der höchste Lohnanstieg konnte durch den Erwerb einer Zusatzqualifikation in Form eines Hochschulabschlusses oder des Meistertitels sowie durch den Wechsel zu einer größeren Firma realisiert werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)berufliche Mobilität - Determinanten, Berufswechsel, innerbetriebliche Mobilität, zwischenbetriebliche Mobilität, Lohnunterschied, beruflicher Aufstieg, Geschlechterverteilung, Stellung im Beruf, IAB-Beschäftigtenstichprobe, Westdeutschland, Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    M31 PAndromeda Cepheid sample observed in four HST bands

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    Using the M31 PAndromeda Cepheid sample and the HST PHAT data we obtain the largest Cepheid sample in M31 with HST data in four bands. For our analysis we consider three samples: A very homogeneous sample of Cepheids based on the PAndromeda data, the mean magnitude corrected PAndromeda sample and a sample complementing the PAndromeda sample with Cepheids from literature. The latter results in the largest catalog with 522 fundamental mode (FM) Cepheids and 102 first overtone (FO) Cepheids with F160W and F110W data and 559 FM Cepheids and 111 FO Cepheids with F814W and F475W data. The obtained dispersion of the Period-Luminosity relations (PLRs) is very small (e.g. 0.138 mag in the F160W sample I PLR). We find no broken slope in the PLRs when analyzing our entire sample, but we do identify a subsample of Cepheids that causes the broken slope. However, this effect only shows when the number of this Cepheid type makes up a significant fraction of the total sample. We also analyze the sample selection effect on the Hubble constant.Comment: 32 pages, 19 figures, 9 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ, electronic data will be available on CD

    The Homeostasis Protocol: Avoiding Transaction Coordination Through Program Analysis

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    Datastores today rely on distribution and replication to achieve improved performance and fault-tolerance. But correctness of many applications depends on strong consistency properties - something that can impose substantial overheads, since it requires coordinating the behavior of multiple nodes. This paper describes a new approach to achieving strong consistency in distributed systems while minimizing communication between nodes. The key insight is to allow the state of the system to be inconsistent during execution, as long as this inconsistency is bounded and does not affect transaction correctness. In contrast to previous work, our approach uses program analysis to extract semantic information about permissible levels of inconsistency and is fully automated. We then employ a novel homeostasis protocol to allow sites to operate independently, without communicating, as long as any inconsistency is governed by appropriate treaties between the nodes. We discuss mechanisms for optimizing treaties based on workload characteristics to minimize communication, as well as a prototype implementation and experiments that demonstrate the benefits of our approach on common transactional benchmarks

    E-Mail Tracking: Status Quo and Novel Countermeasures

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    E-mail advertisement, as one instrument in the marketing mix, allows companies to collect fine-grained behavioural data about individual users’ e-mail reading habits realised through sophisticated tracking mechanisms. Such tracking can be harmful for user privacy and security. This problem is especially severe since e-mail tracking techniques gather data without user consent. Striving to increase privacy and security in e-mail communication, the paper makes three contributions. First, a large database of newsletter e-mails is developed. This data facilitates investigating the prevalence of e-mail tracking among 300 global enterprises from Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. Second, countermeasures are developed for automatically identifying and blocking e-mail tracking mechanisms without impeding the user experience. The approach consists of identifying important tracking descriptors and creating a neural network-based detection model. Last, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is established by means of empirical experimentation. The results suggest a classification accuracy of 99.99%

    De oefenstabiele onderbeensosteosynthese : een vergelijkend onderzoek naar de waarde van de fixatie van de fractura cruris met behulp van de AO compressieplaat

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    Fractuurgenezing is een biologisch herstelproces met een aantal mechanische aspecten. Van deze zijn er twee van groot praktisch belang, omdat zij rechtstreeks door een medische behandeling te bernvloeden zijn. Dit zijn de repositie en de immobilisering van het gebroken bot; iedere fractuurbehandeling streeft immobilisering van de betrokken botfragmenten na nadat een zo goed mogelijke stand is bereikt door repositie. Het is gebruikelijk de behandelingsmethoden van fracturen in te delen in conservatieve en operatieve. Bij de conservatieve behandeling wordt de repositie door manipulatie tot stand gebracht en de immobilisering van het gebroken bot bewerkstelligd met uitwendige middelen, doorgaans met behulp van een gipsverband. Bij de operatieve fractuurbehandeling daarentegen wordt de repositie door een chirurgische ingreep nagestreefd en in de meeste gevallen met behulp van een implantaat gehandhaafd. Beide behandelingswijzen hebben hun voor- en nadelen. In zekere zin worden van beide methoden zowel de voor- als de nadelen aangetroffen bij een veel toegepaste behandelingswijze van fracturen, te weten osteosynthese aangevuld met gipsbehandeling. Deze gecombineerde handelwijze heeft voor de fractura cruris een zekere populariteit verkregen en het is ongetwijfeld mogelijk op deze wijze goede behandelingsresultaten te bereiken
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