18 research outputs found

    18 Seconds to Key Exchange: Limitations of Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman on Embedded Devices

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    The quantum secure supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) key exchange is a promising candidate in NIST\u27s on-going post-quantum standardization process. The evaluation of various implementation characteristics is part of this standardization process, and includes the assessment of the applicability on constrained devices. When compared to other post-quantum algorithms, SIDH appears to be well-suited for the implementation on those constrained devices due to its small key sizes. On the other hand, SIDH is computationally complex, which presumably results in long computation times. Since there are no published results to test this assumption, we present speed-optimized implementations for two small microcontrollers and set a first benchmark that can be of relevance for the standardization process. We use state-of-the art field arithmetic algorithms and optimize them in assembly. However, an ephemeral key exchange still requires more than 18 seconds on a 32-bit Cortex-M4 and more than 11 minutes on a 16-bit MSP430. Those results show that even with an improvement by a factor of 4, SIDH is in-fact impractical for small embedded devices, regardless of further possible improvements in the implementation. On a positive note, we also analyzed the implementation security of SIDH and found that appropriate DPA countermeasures can be implemented with little overhead

    High-Resolution EM Attacks Against Leakage-Resilient PRFs Explained - And An Improved Construction

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    Achieving side-channel resistance through Leakage Resilience (LR) is highly relevant for embedded devices where requirements of other countermeasures such as e.g. high quality random numbers are hard to guarantee. The main challenge of LR lays in the initialization of a secret pseudorandom state from a long-term key and public input. Leakage-Resilient Pseudo-Random Functions (LR-PRFs) aim at solving this by bounding side-channel leakage to non-exploitable levels through frequent re-keying. Medwed et al. recently presented an improved construction at ASIACRYPT 2016 which uses \u27unknown-inputs\u27 in addition to limited data complexity and correlated algorithmic noise from parallel S-boxes. However, a subsequent investigation uncovered a vulnerability to high-precision EM analysis on FPGA. In this paper, we follow up on the reasons why such attacks succeed on FPGAs. We find that in addition to the high spatial resolution, it is mainly the high temporal resolution which leads to the reduction of algorithmic noise from parallel S-boxes. While spatial resolution is less threatening for smaller technologies than the used FPGA, temporal resolution will likely remain an issue since balancing the timing behavior of signals in the nanosecond range seems infeasible today. Nonetheless, we present an improvement of the ASIACRYPT 2016 construction to effectively protect against EM attacks with such high spatial and high temporal resolution. We carefully introduce additional key entropy into the LR-PRF construction to achieve a high remaining security level even when implemented on FPGAs. With this improvement, we finally achieve side-channel secure LR-PRFs in a practical and simple way under verifiable empirical assumptions

    Clustering Algorithms for Non-Profiled Single-Execution Attacks on Exponentiations

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    Most implementations of public key cryptography employ exponentiation algorithms. Side-channel attacks on secret exponents are typically bound to the leakage of single executions due to cryptographic protocols or side-channel countermeasures such as blinding. We propose for the first time, to use a well-established class of algorithms, i.e. unsupervised cluster classification algorithms such as the k-means algorithm to attack cryptographic exponentiations and recover secret exponents without any prior profiling, manual tuning or leakage models. Not requiring profiling is of significant advantage to attackers, as are well-established algorithms. The proposed non-profiled single-execution attack is able to exploit any available single-execution leakage and provides a straight-forward option to combine simultaneous measurements to increase the available leakage. We present empirical results from attacking an FPGA-based elliptic curve scalar multiplication using the k-means clustering algorithm and successfully exploit location-based leakage from high-resolution electromagnetic field measurements to achieve a low remaining brute-force complexity of the secret exponent. A simulated multi-channel measurement even enables an error-free recovery of the exponent

    Towards Fresh Re-Keying with Leakage-Resilient PRFs: Cipher Design Principles and Analysis

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    Leakage-resilient cryptography aims at developing new algorithms for which physical security against side-channel attacks can be formally analyzed. Following the work of Dziembowski and Pietrzak at FOCS 2008, several symmetric cryptographic primitives have been investigated in this setting. Most of them can be instantiated with a block cipher as underlying component. Such an approach naturally raises the question whether certain block ciphers are better suited for this purpose. In order to answer this question, we consider a leakage-resilient re-keying function, and evaluate its security at different abstraction levels. That is, we study possible attacks exploiting specific features of the algorithmic description, hardware architecture and physical implementation of this construction. These evaluations lead to two main outcomes. First, we complement previous works on leakage-resilient cryptography and further specify the conditions under which they actually provide physical security. Second, we take advantage of our analysis to extract new design principles for block ciphers to be used in leakage-resilient primitives. While our investigations focus on side-channel attacks in the first place, we hope these new design principles will trigger the interest of symmetric cryptographers to design new block ciphers combining good properties for secure implementations and security against black box (mathematical) cryptanalysis

    Geldspielgeräte in Zukunft mit geprüfter Sicherheit

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    FPGA Implementation of an Improved Attack Against the DECT Standard Cipher

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    Abstract. The DECT Standard Cipher (DSC) is a proprietary stream cipher used for enciphering payload of DECT transmissions such as cordless telephone calls. The algorithm was kept secret, but a team of cryptologists reverse-engineered it and published a way to reduce the key space when enough known keystreams are available [4]. The attack consists of two phases: At first, the keystreams are analyzed to build up an underdetermined linear equation system. In the second phase, a bruteforce attack is performed where the equation system limits the number of potentially valid keys. In this paper, we present an improved variant of the first phase of the attack as well as an optimized FPGA implementation of the second phase, which can be used with our improved variant or with the original attack. Our improvement to the first phase of the attack is able to more than double the success probability of the attack, depending of the number of available keystreams. Our FPGA implementation of the second phase of the attack is currently the most cost-efficient way to execute the second phase of the attack

    Security and Trust in Open Source Security Tokens

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    Using passwords for authentication has been proven vulnerable in countless security incidents. Hardware security tokens effectively prevent most password-related security issues and improve security indisputably. However, we would like to highlight that there are new threats from attackers with physical access which need to be discussed. Supply chain adversaries may manipulate devices on a large scale and install backdoors before they even reach end users. In evil maid scenarios, specific devices may even be attacked while already in use. Hence, we thoroughly investigate the security and trustworthiness of seven commercially available open source security tokens, including devices from the two market leaders: SoloKeys and Nitrokey. Unfortunately, we identify and practically verify significant vulnerabilities in all seven examined tokens. Some of them are based on severe, previously undiscovered, vulnerabilities of two major microcontrollers which are used at a large scale in various products. Our findings clearly emphasize the significant threat from supply chain and evil maid scenarios since the attacks are practical and only require moderate attacker efforts. Fortunately, we are able to describe software-based countermeasures as effective improvements to retrofit the examined devices. To improve the security and trustworthiness of future security tokens, we also derive important general design recommendations

    Fast FPGA Implementations of Diffie-Hellman on the Kummer Surface of a Genus-2 Curve

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    We present the first hardware implementations of Diffie-Hellman key exchange based on the Kummer surface of Gaudry and Schost’s genus-2 curve targeting a 128-bit security level. We describe a single-core architecture for lowlatency applications and a multi-core architecture for high-throughput applications. Synthesized on a Xilinx Zynq-7020 FPGA, our architectures perform a key exchange with lower latency and higher throughput than any other reported implementation using prime-field elliptic curves at the same security level. Our single-core architecture performs a scalar multiplication with a latency of 82 microseconds while our multicore architecture achieves a throughput of 91,226 scalar multiplications per second. When compared to similar implementations of Microsoft’s Fourℚ on the same FPGA, this translates to an improvement of 48% in latency and 40% in throughput for the single-core and multi-core architecture, respectively. Both our designs exhibit constant-time execution to thwart timing attacks, use the Montgomery ladder for improved resistance against SPA, and support a countermeasure against fault attacks