165 research outputs found

    Lifestyle characteristics at baseline and at 2 years follow-up.

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    <p>PA = physical activity,</p>a<p>P values are for test of equality between educational groups,</p>b<p>P values are test for paired difference.</p

    Risk scores and change of the values between visits.

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    <p>Data are means (SD),</p>a<p>P values are for test of equality between educational groups,</p>b<p>P values are for test of paired difference.</p

    Postprandial triglycerides responses.

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    <p>Mean (± SEM) responses of plasma triglycerides for subjects with slow growth during infancy (open circles, n = 12) and for the control group (filled circles, n = 12) to A) a REC-meal and B) a FF-meal.</p

    Postprandial glucose responses.

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    <p>Mean (± SEM) responses of plasma glucose for subjects with slow growth during infancy (open circles, n = 12) and for the control group (filled circles, n = 12) to A) a REC-meal and B) a FF-meal.</p

    Glucose, insulin, triglycerides and free fatty acids response curve after test meals.<sup>1</sup>

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    <p>SGI-group, slow growth during infancy; CON-group, normal growth during infancy; REC-meal, a meal followed the macronutrient composition of the dietary guidelines; FF-meal, a fast-food meal; IAUC, incremental area under curve; IAOC, incremental area over curve.</p>1<p>Results are mean ± SD; n = 12; Glucose and insulin IAUCs were log-transformed prior statistical tests.</p>2<p>Differences between groups was tested by an independent sample t-test.</p>3<p>n = 11.</p

    The foodstuffs and the energy nutrient content of the test meals.

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    <p>REC-meal, a meal followed the macronutrient composition of the dietary guidelines; FF-meal, a fast-food meal.</p>1<p>Whole-grain rye bread, REAL-ruisleipä; Fazer Ltd, Helsinki, Finland.</p>2<p>BigMac hamburger; McDonalds Ltd, Helsinki, Finland.</p>3<p>Keiju margarine 70%; Raisio Ltd, Raisio, Finland.</p>4<p>McDonalds Ltd, Helsinki, Finland.</p>5<p>Aamu cheese 5%; Arla Ltd, Söderkulla, Finland.</p>6<p>Orange juice, Vip Appelsiini täysmehu; Vip-Juicemaker Ltd, Kuopio, Finland.</p>7<p>Barley porridge prepared with low-fat (1.5% fat) milk.</p>8<p>Raspberry jam, Menu Vadelmahillo; Roberts Ltd, Turku, Finland.</p>9<p>Dumle cocoa powder; Fazer Ltd, Helsinki, Finland.</p

    Postprandial insulin responses.

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    <p>Mean (± SEM) responses of plasma insulin for subjects with slow growth during infancy (open circles, n = 12) and for the control group (filled circles, n = 12 except in the FF-meal n = 11) to A) a REC-meal and B) a FF-meal.</p

    Clinical characteristics at study assessment in young adulthood.

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    a<p>Height SDS by Finnish growth charts.</p>b<p>Target height SDS reflects the expected adult height of the individual based on genetic growth potential. It was calculated from the equation: 0.0611×father's height (cm)+0.0703×mother's height (cm) − 22.1 <a href="http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.1000135#pmed.1000135-Sorva1" target="_blank">[19]</a>.</p>c<p>Numbers represent geometric means (and geometric SDs) for the intakes, weight, and BMI; and means (and SD) or <i>n</i> (%) for the other variables. Geometric SD corresponds to relative increase in the variable corresponding to 1 SD-unit absolute increase in the logarithm of the variable. Number of participants not providing valid data were 13 on both parents' heights, eight on exercise habits, and 86 on food-diary data. <i>p-V</i>alues are for the difference between the VLBW and term-born groups (Student's <i>t</i>-test or Pearson's chi-squared test).</p

    Bone health at study assessment in young adulthood.

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    <p>Numbers represent means (and SD). <i>p-V</i>alues are for the difference between the VLBW and term-born groups (Student's <i>t</i>-test or Pearson's chi-squared test). aBMD denotes areal bone mineral density. SGA, birth weight SD score ≤−2.0.</p>a<p>Whole body less head BMC and bone area contain the whole body with head excluded.</p
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